CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

Not at all.

I captured you, in the act of lying, while criticizing a lie.

Pretty neat.

Shallow, you lied through your fucking teeth.

You're a demagogue - sociopath, so that is your nature. But the crook Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Remember, the filthy scumbag threatened Betty Currie that if she squealed, he would fire her and make sure she lost her pension. He was WAY worse than Nixon, but since you hold party above all, you lie constantly.
What part of slick willys impeachment don't you understand??
He was caught lying under oath, for all the world to see.
He has a little blue dress to remind him...

Understanding is irrelevant to Shallow.

The party is the only thing Shallow cares about. Don't ever expect him to be truthful, he won't be - not ever. Whatever he posts is in service of the party, he doesn't give a flying fuck about being honest or accurate, ONLY the party matters to him.
self correcting ..

1. an exclamation of disdain, contempt, or disgust
2. a childish word for faeces
3. a childish word for defecate

key word ... childish.

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