CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

Your the one thinks slick Willy is worth two sh!ts...

Actually, it's you that is in the minority.

The Majority of real Americans think he was a great President.

Suck the embrace.
Child molester in chief, that's how good he was.

Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.
Pretty sure That is French their moto being I surrender.

Were they the same French that help the United States win it's independence?

You might not like them because of that being "Native American" or do you?

Because either you are a Quisling or not..

Psssst. The French assisted in the war against Britain because they were a common enemy and the French had territories in North America they had to defend. And the French were still seething over their loss of Detroit. Well among other things.
Actually, it's you that is in the minority.

The Majority of real Americans think he was a great President.

Suck the embrace.
Child molester in chief, that's how good he was.

Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.
Pretty sure That is French their moto being I surrender.

Were they the same French that help the United States win it's independence?

You might not like them because of that being "Native American" or do you?

Because either you are a Quisling or not..
You're quite the deep thinker... Huh??
You really think the French were helping out, out of Goodwill?? Any dumba$$ would know they wanted the territory for themselves.

Anyone knows then and now European behavior is only for themselves, so obvious child could see it.

By the way, the term Native American is an completely neutered term made up by the politically correct, I'll stick with the term Indian...

Quisling works better.
Actually, it's you that is in the minority.

The Majority of real Americans think he was a great President.

Suck the embrace.
Child molester in chief, that's how good he was.

Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.
Pretty sure That is French their moto being I surrender.

Were they the same French that help the United States win it's independence?

You might not like them because of that being "Native American" or do you?

Because either you are a Quisling or not..

Psssst. The French assisted in the war against Britain because they were a common enemy and the French had territories in North America they had to defend. And the French were still seething over their loss of Detroit. Well among other things.

Ingratitude thy name is Conservatism.

All take.

No give. None.
Pretty sure That is French their moto being I surrender.

Were they the same French that help the United States win it's independence?

You might not like them because of that being "Native American" or do you?

Because either you are a Quisling or not..
You're quite the deep thinker... Huh??
You really think the French were helping out, out of Goodwill?? Any dumba$$ would know they wanted the territory for themselves.

Anyone knows then and now European behavior is only for themselves, so obvious child could see it.

By the way, the term Native American is an completely neutered term made up by the politically correct, I'll stick with the term Indian...
Damn is that ever an ignorant reply
Did it hurt your feelings??

winger and his sock jake snarkey are not real people, they are left wing parrots whose only reason for existing is to post the latest dem/lib lies and talking points. Don't take them seriously, they are not worth it.

Says the tool that regurgitates the latest Sean Hannity or Mark Levin talking point...
Child molester in chief, that's how good he was.

Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.
Pretty sure That is French their moto being I surrender.

Were they the same French that help the United States win it's independence?

You might not like them because of that being "Native American" or do you?

Because either you are a Quisling or not..

Psssst. The French assisted in the war against Britain because they were a common enemy and the French had territories in North America they had to defend. And the French were still seething over their loss of Detroit. Well among other things.

Ingratitude thy name is Conservatism.

All take.

No give. None.

Hey hey hey! I didn't say that we should not be grateful for eternity for the French tag teaming with the colonists to win independence.

Just pointing out one of the key reasons they fought with us.
He didn't lie under oath.

Embrace the suck.

Are you stupid?

If you HAVE to be a fucking liar to honor your party of sociopaths, pick something that doesn't reveal you as THIS stupid..

{3. "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with her."}

Under oath - dumbfuck.

Embrace the lie..
Anyone that loves seeing investment in this country would be biased against your retarded loserterian ideas.

I don't blame them. I voted for the past 3 republican candidates/presidents...But, i aint going to this time because of this bs.
Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.

Are you fucking stupid, or just whacked out on meth?

Bill Clinton lied under oath and engaged in witness tampering/intimidation. You fuckwads are brazen, willing to tell the most outrageous lies.

He did neither.
He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.

Are you fucking stupid, or just whacked out on meth?

Bill Clinton lied under oath and engaged in witness tampering/intimidation. You fuckwads are brazen, willing to tell the most outrageous lies.

He did neither.
He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Na, he was impeached for lying under oath.
Didn't molest any children, either, Tonto.

Suck the embrace.

Are you fucking stupid, or just whacked out on meth?

Bill Clinton lied under oath and engaged in witness tampering/intimidation. You fuckwads are brazen, willing to tell the most outrageous lies.

He did neither.
He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Na, he was impeached for lying under oath.

Oh, so you lied..did ya?

Tonto talk with fork tongue.

Are you fucking stupid, or just whacked out on meth?

Bill Clinton lied under oath and engaged in witness tampering/intimidation. You fuckwads are brazen, willing to tell the most outrageous lies.

He did neither.
He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Na, he was impeached for lying under oath.

Oh, so you lied..did ya?

Tonto talk with fork tongue.

He did neither.
He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Na, he was impeached for lying under oath.

Oh, so you lied..did ya?

Tonto talk with fork tongue.


Not at all.

I captured you, in the act of lying, while criticizing a lie.

Pretty neat.

I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Not at all! He could not have rehearsed the list of stupid fucking questions asked by the bimbo moderators. He was spot on with his criticism of liberal childishness. Sensible people don't want to hear that shit.

You, being an incorrigible defender of liberalism, simply do not and will never understand that. You are but one of the liberal's useful idiots!
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He was impeached for his molestation...


He was impeached for getting a blowjob.

Which had nothing to do with law or much else.

It was one of the most ridiculous and wasteful demonstrations of partisanship, ever.
Na, he was impeached for lying under oath.

Oh, so you lied..did ya?

Tonto talk with fork tongue.


Not at all.

I captured you, in the act of lying, while criticizing a lie.

Pretty neat.

What part of slick willys impeachment don't you understand??
He was caught lying under oath, for all the world to see.
He has a little blue dress to remind him...
Imagine believing that media bias against conservatives is a huge problem in America but that black people just imagine there’s still racism. Is that some crazy Right wing Booger drool shit or what...
The real racism comes from liberals and their 'keep the fools on welfare' program that perpetuates poverty and dependence on Mother Government. Obama has widened the gap between blacks and whites, blacks and Hispanics, blacks and police...even between blacks and blacks. Obama uses race as a political tool. He loves the turmoil.

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