CNBC: Joe Biden Addresses the Nation on Infrastructure Plans for the Democratic Party

I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.
Are you that naive?
About the plan going through or the pipes being replaced? What makes you think either of these can't happen?
Because past money has already been siphoned off to other pork.
I think it's a very sensible idea. What previous administrations and Congresses have done doesn't mean this one will fail. That makes no sense. Nothing new would ever happen under your theory.
The only thing that counts is what CHICAGO does with the money and the Chicago DemonCraps always spend it to get the slum vote.
Really? There's nothing specifying what the funds need to be used for? Then maybe the feds need to contract it out themselves.

You've never been involved in federal contracting, have you. Federal strings increase the costs of a project by factors of 2x-4x.


He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

What's another 2 trillion ?

He's already gotten that through once.

We liberals like to spend money. You already know that.

Let's be clear.

You left-wingers (not liberals) like to spend other people's money.

And yes....I know that.

Correct. This can never happen again in America:

View attachment 474820

Isn't this Florida's bridge ?

Why do they need the feds to rebuild it ?

Let Florida spend their money where they want.
Yes that is the Florida bridge that collapsed in 2018 and killed 8 people.

I don't care who rebuilds it as long as it is rebuilt.

He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

What's another 2 trillion ?

He's already gotten that through once.

We liberals like to spend money. You already know that.

As long as it isn't your money, of course.

I've paid taxes since 2012, bro. It is my money...and yours. And hopefully a lot of Jeff Bezos.

Eat the rich.

You're sucking off the rich, my friend. You're here defending the billionaires and their corporations every day.

When have I defended the rich here? I always say the same simple thing: eat the rich.

That's poor man's jealousy. Soak them for what you don't have.

How very lowbrow of you.

He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

What's another 2 trillion ?

He's already gotten that through once.

We liberals like to spend money. You already know that.

As long as it isn't your money, of course.

I've paid taxes since 2012, bro. It is my money...and yours. And hopefully a lot of Jeff Bezos.

Eat the rich.

You're sucking off the rich, my friend. You're here defending the billionaires and their corporations every day.

When have I defended the rich here? I always say the same simple thing: eat the rich.

That's poor man's jealousy. Soak them for what you don't have.

How very lowbrow of you.

I'm not jealous of Jeff Bezos. He's bald, has a fucked up eye, and is old.
I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.
Are you that naive?
About the plan going through or the pipes being replaced? What makes you think either of these can't happen?
Because past money has already been siphoned off to other pork.
I think it's a very sensible idea. What previous administrations and Congresses have done doesn't mean this one will fail. That makes no sense. Nothing new would ever happen under your theory.
What previous administrations and Congresses have done doesn't mean this one will fail.

Another blood letting!....Toss another dozen vestal virgins into the volcano!

Good God, are you people the most economically illiterate rubes in the history of man, or what?
That didn't enlighten me at all. Why is it a blood letting? What makes you think it won't happen?
A blood letting is medieval superstition.....As is throwing virgins in the volcano.

Not only economically illiterate, but culturally illiterate.
OL is really on a dumb rant tonight.
Well you've not said anything yet to explain your naysaying. I genuinely don't understand where this is coming from. Do I have to call Toro up here to explain wtf you guys are talking about?
"Toro" is an impostor....The nose picking moron using his account knows as much about economics as you know about superstitions across various cultures, as in nothing.....I would in fact welcome a conversation on econ with the real Toro.

But if you want it 'splained in the simplest terms possible, watch this...

I watched your video. You make it sound as if this is discretionary spending, as if the residents of Chicago don't deserve safe water. It's not just a choice about a new refrigerator or more taxes.

Why isn't the homeowner responsible for their own service lines?


He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

What's another 2 trillion ?

He's already gotten that through once.

We liberals like to spend money. You already know that.

As long as it isn't your money, of course.

I've paid taxes since 2012, bro. It is my money...and yours. And hopefully a lot of Jeff Bezos.

Eat the rich.

You're sucking off the rich, my friend. You're here defending the billionaires and their corporations every day.

When have I defended the rich here? I always say the same simple thing: eat the rich.

That's poor man's jealousy. Soak them for what you don't have.

How very lowbrow of you.

I'm not jealous of Jeff Bezos. He's bald, has a fucked up eye, and is old.

Oh yes you are.

You want Jeff to pay for your stuff.
I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.
Exactly. Justl ook at what it has done to Indeependent.
I didn't know he grew up in Chicago. It explains a lot! I did eventually get out of him what all the grumping and swearing was about, though. Maybe replacing lead pipes is a project most municipalities can manage, but major construction is usually funded by the feds, at least half of it.

He wants to spent $2 $4 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Apparently they love being lied to as well. And being another $2 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. We probably won't even get another $2k of Biden Bucks out of the deal. That money goes pretty fast, thanks to the inflation Joe Biden is causing.

Will you care about the debt when we're all speaking Chinese and bowing to Xi? You know Xi is President for life, right? That means he'll be there in 20 years when China rules us.

We have to rebuild our country and beat China.

I don't know anything about economic matters, but I like the sound of expanding rail service and investing more in R & D., getting rid of lead pipes for municipal water.

That's not the job of the feds, it's the jobs of State and local governments.


Okay. I see Newark, NJ borrowed the money to start theirs. Chicago is in such financial straits, though, that they'd be lucky to get a loan. The state of Illinois has the worst credit score in the country, too, so no big help there. So maybe Uncle Sam is the only way these people in Chicago can get safe water. I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.

Wow...and cars cause the same thing.
I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.
Exactly. Justl ook at what it has done to Indeependent.
I didn't know he grew up in Chicago. It explains a lot! I did eventually get out of him what all the grumping and swearing was about, though. Maybe replacing lead pipes is a project most municipalities can manage, but major construction is usually funded by the feds, at least half of it.

Obama is from Chicago too.
I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.
Exactly. Justl ook at what it has done to Indeependent.
I didn't know he grew up in Chicago. It explains a lot! I did eventually get out of him what all the grumping and swearing was about, though. Maybe replacing lead pipes is a project most municipalities can manage, but major construction is usually funded by the feds, at least half of it.

Obama is from Chicago too.
He was born in Hawaii, grew up in Thailand, then Kansas.

He wants to spent $2 $4 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Apparently they love being lied to as well. And being another $2 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. We probably won't even get another $2k of Biden Bucks out of the deal. That money goes pretty fast, thanks to the inflation Joe Biden is causing.

Will you care about the debt when we're all speaking Chinese and bowing to Xi? You know Xi is President for life, right? That means he'll be there in 20 years when China rules us.

We have to rebuild our country and beat China.

I don't know anything about economic matters, but I like the sound of expanding rail service and investing more in R & D., getting rid of lead pipes for municipal water.

That's not the job of the feds, it's the jobs of State and local governments.


Okay. I see Newark, NJ borrowed the money to start theirs. Chicago is in such financial straits, though, that they'd be lucky to get a loan. The state of Illinois has the worst credit score in the country, too, so no big help there. So maybe Uncle Sam is the only way these people in Chicago can get safe water. I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.

So how long do you propose rewarding politicians that don't do their jobs. The people of Chicago have been doing it for decades, they made their beds, let them lay in them.

I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.
Exactly. Justl ook at what it has done to Indeependent.
I didn't know he grew up in Chicago. It explains a lot! I did eventually get out of him what all the grumping and swearing was about, though. Maybe replacing lead pipes is a project most municipalities can manage, but major construction is usually funded by the feds, at least half of it.

Obama is from Chicago too.
He was born in Hawaii, grew up in Thailand, then Kansas.

He was born in Hawaii, moved to Seattle, back to Hawaii, then Indonesia.

He later lived in Chicago for several years.

That explains a few things.

His mother was from Kansas (we suffered through several of his visits), but I don't believe he ever lived there.

He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

What's another 2 trillion ?

He's already gotten that through once.

We liberals like to spend money. You already know that.

As long as it isn't your money, of course.

I've paid taxes since 2012, bro. It is my money...and yours. And hopefully a lot of Jeff Bezos.

Eat the rich.

You're sucking off the rich, my friend. You're here defending the billionaires and their corporations every day.

When have I defended the rich here? I always say the same simple thing: eat the rich.

You just started a thread creaming over YouTube "demonetizing" and silencing another person they don't agree with, in order to please their billionaire corporate masters. You suck off the corporations and their billionaire owners every day; YouTube, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Big Pharma, Big Media, no billionaire is too lowly for you to blow.

Whenever you're in the vicinity of a big corporation that makes the right SJW noises, you reflexively get on your knees and open your mouth.

What's that got to do with President Biden's plan? This could be a good discussion if you rightwingers would do something besides throw poop.

Well, they watched you for four years.

You trained them well.
I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.
Are you that naive?
About the plan going through or the pipes being replaced? What makes you think either of these can't happen?
Because past money has already been siphoned off to other pork.
I think it's a very sensible idea. What previous administrations and Congresses have done doesn't mean this one will fail. That makes no sense. Nothing new would ever happen under your theory.
What previous administrations and Congresses have done doesn't mean this one will fail.

Another blood letting!....Toss another dozen vestal virgins into the volcano!

Good God, are you people the most economically illiterate rubes in the history of man, or what?
That didn't enlighten me at all. Why is it a blood letting? What makes you think it won't happen?
A blood letting is medieval superstition.....As is throwing virgins in the volcano.

Not only economically illiterate, but culturally illiterate.
OL is really on a dumb rant tonight.
Well you've not said anything yet to explain your naysaying. I genuinely don't understand where this is coming from. Do I have to call Toro up here to explain wtf you guys are talking about?
"Toro" is an impostor....The nose picking moron using his account knows as much about economics as you know about superstitions across various cultures, as in nothing.....I would in fact welcome a conversation on econ with the real Toro.

But if you want it 'splained in the simplest terms possible, watch this...

I watched your video. You make it sound as if this is discretionary spending, as if the residents of Chicago don't deserve safe water. It's not just a choice about a new refrigerator or more taxes.

IT'S BLOODY CHICAGO!!!....Their political machine is the most corrupt in the nation.....They couldn't care less about the peasants in their immense ghetto of a city....If the murder rate there doesn't convince you of that, what would?

Well, since Chicago began committing to swapping out the lead pipes last summer, maybe the money from the feds will actually go where it belongs. Since they've already started a program.

Starting the program isn't the issue.....The point is that the shameless corruption in that dump is easily going to double, of not triple, the original fraudulent projections made on the costs...And people in Ohio, New Mexico, and everywhere else, who have nothing to do with the problem, are going to get soaked for the bill.

No huge infrastructure programs are funded entirely by the states, are they? People have to send too much of their money to the federal government to be able to afford it. Maybe it's a fucked up arrangement, but that is how it is.
When YOUR state gets a pile of cash for some of these infrastucture improvements, my taxes will be helping to pay for your new highway or airport. I don't mind that. Philosophcally, it might seem more complicated than necessary, but we're dealing with reality here, not playing "If I Were King."

Ever hear of state fuel taxes, registration fees, tolls, and other ways that states raise revenue?

And if this were truly a bill to take care of roads, bridges, and other "infrastructure" issues, why can't they be dealt with in a singular transportation bill, like they always previously have been?....Why is it that this bill has less spending -as a percentage of the overall- for real "infrastructure" projects than the "rescue" bill had for actual help to people?

He wants to spent $2 $4 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Apparently they love being lied to as well. And being another $2 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. We probably won't even get another $2k of Biden Bucks out of the deal. That money goes pretty fast, thanks to the inflation Joe Biden is causing.

Will you care about the debt when we're all speaking Chinese and bowing to Xi? You know Xi is President for life, right? That means he'll be there in 20 years when China rules us.

We have to rebuild our country and beat China.

I don't know anything about economic matters, but I like the sound of expanding rail service and investing more in R & D., getting rid of lead pipes for municipal water.

That's not the job of the feds, it's the jobs of State and local governments.


Okay. I see Newark, NJ borrowed the money to start theirs. Chicago is in such financial straits, though, that they'd be lucky to get a loan. The state of Illinois has the worst credit score in the country, too, so no big help there. So maybe Uncle Sam is the only way these people in Chicago can get safe water. I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.

Oh, so reward them for being corrupt....Perfect!
I see why that would bother some people, but I'm thinking more of the kids; lead causes irreversible brain damage.
Exactly. Justl ook at what it has done to Indeependent.
I didn't know he grew up in Chicago. It explains a lot! I did eventually get out of him what all the grumping and swearing was about, though. Maybe replacing lead pipes is a project most municipalities can manage, but major construction is usually funded by the feds, at least half of it.

Obama is from Chicago too.
He was born in Hawaii, grew up in Thailand, then Kansas.

He was born in Hawaii, moved to Seattle, back to Hawaii, then Indonesia.

He later lived in Chicago for several years.

That explains a few things.

His mother was from Kansas (we suffered through several of his visits), but I don't believe he ever lived there.
Close enough. He didn't grow up drinking Chicago water.

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