CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

All of those motherfuckers who supported laws making marriage between a man and a woman for starters.

lol, you justify your own bigotry by using someone else's supposed bigotry?
My bigotry...What the fuck does that even mean?

You seem bigoted against Christianity. Almighty God established Marriage to be between one man and one broad, and you are unwilling to accept that . That's bigotry by definition.

I don't have a problem at all with a couple of homosexuals saying they are engaged in Gay Marriage. But if people don't want to participate in the charade they shouldn't have to.

One of the great theologians of our time was the late Dr. Jerry Falwell. I heard a message from him a number of years ago, Dr. Falwell put forth the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, it wasn't Adam and Steve. I looked in my bible, and he was actually incontrovertibly right.

A man and a broad ? That tells me all I need to know about your mentality.

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And, he quoted Jerry Falwell, one of the most disgusting men to have ever lived. Another televangelists who got rich from bilking thousands of sheep followers. And he founded the Moral Majority which was neither moral or a majority.
Yup Well said. The dude has problems.
There’s no historical data yet

Yea...well get back to me when you have a factual study

There really isn't a lot of data on homosexuals and children, but Gay Marriage existed for many decades in the American Penal System, where gay brides were bought and sold for dowries of cartons of cigarettes and did the laundry for their men in the joint.

A lot of these gay brides really weren't as satisfied with the arrangements as Gay Marriage advocates would have us believe. Considering how piss poor the institution worked out the corrections system, I'm surprised that it was legalized in society. I wonder if amicus briefs were submitted.
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.
Actually some newly adult kids raised in gay homes tried to submit amicus briefs to Obergefell saying their experience was detrimental. They felt the lack of the missing gender parent, knowing they’d never have them. One said he was used by his lesbian moms (no dad) to forward the gay agenda at events & such.

The Court wouldn’t allow the briefs to be submitted. I suppose it’s because then they’d have to discuss the particulars. And when the majority in the Court seems to have already made up its mind beforehand (why else ban first hand accounts of being raised in a gay home?), conflicting evidence from first hand interested parties would upset the apple cart.
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.

Yeah there is. They are always missing the opposite gender as a vital role model bonding with kids under their daily presence. Not sometimes. Always missing. Kids come in both genders and thousands of peer reviewed studies show that the deprivation of a child’s gender role model as a bonded regular influence is detrimental to the child.

When gays hold a marriage contract, this psychological deprivation becomes permanent and binding in law. Since kids share the benefits of the marriage contract (Obergefell 2015), this contract is illegal. No contract adults share with kids can deprive kids physically or psychologically.

When are you going to fill that vital missing gender role in your household? Or does this ‘psychological deprivation’ you speak of only occur when a marriage contract enters the mix? And again, your solution in no way addresses your problem b/c ending gay marriage doesn’t stop them from raising their children. What’s your real end game here, Sil?
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

You're a disgusting, sick ass, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if you're deep in the closet yourself.
Pete Buttigieg



For Pete's sake... I am having breakfast. ))
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.
Actually some newly adult kids raised in gay homes tried to submit amicus briefs to Obergefell saying their experience was detrimental. They felt the lack of the missing gender parent, knowing they’d never have them. One said he was used by his lesbian moms (no dad) to forward the gay agenda at events & such.

The Court wouldn’t allow the briefs to be submitted. I suppose it’s because then they’d have to discuss the particulars. And when the majority in the Court seems to have already made up its mind beforehand (why else ban first hand accounts of being raised in a gay home?), conflicting evidence from first hand interested parties would upset the apple cart.

You’re so full of shit. You had a signature for ages with list of amicus briefs in opposition by from all walks of this issue. Those briefs apparently went compelling enough to sway a majority of the justices.
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor.

Like Senator Graham? I really like Graham and would vote for him for prez in a moment, but the rumor of homosexuality does hang around him --- nothing ever proven or even given form, though. I love his way of dealing with the question of whether he ever thought of getting married (to a woman) --- he gets this long-distance look in his eyes and says sadly, "I almost did, once....."

Masterful. :)
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.
Actually some newly adult kids raised in gay homes tried to submit amicus briefs to Obergefell saying their experience was detrimental. They felt the lack of the missing gender parent, knowing they’d never have them. One said he was used by his lesbian moms (no dad) to forward the gay agenda at events & such.

The Court wouldn’t allow the briefs to be submitted. I suppose it’s because then they’d have to discuss the particulars. And when the majority in the Court seems to have already made up its mind beforehand (why else ban first hand accounts of being raised in a gay home?), conflicting evidence from first hand interested parties would upset the apple cart.

You’re so full of shit. You had a signature for ages with list of amicus briefs in opposition by from all walks of this issue. Those briefs apparently went compelling enough to sway a majority of the justices.
Neither were the facts of the case & Windsor as a precedent. I guess those pesky details don’t matter when your majority buddies already had their minds made up before the Hearing.

I don’t pretend for a minute that when Ginsburg told the press before the Hearing that irrespective of what the states wanted, they were getting gay marriage, that she was speaking solely for herself.

And mdk, quit doxxing me on the internet. You may have heard there are lawsuits pending about that issue. USMB providing a format for your continual references to my personal life when you’re unable to talk to points raised in debate is pushing the line-crossing.
Last edited:
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.

Yes, there is historical data. There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.
Watch this if your warped mind thinks that way. This is Zach Wahls who was raised by a lesbian couple. Hear what he has to say about it.

There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
You keep saying that and if you mean having a sex change surgically, then say so. Many have done so only after much counseling and having many procedures prior to it. The sexual reconstruction surgery is always the last one to be done.
And please tell me if you saw this woman out in public, would you think of her as a man?

There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
You keep saying that and if you mean having a sex change surgically, then say so. Many have done so only after much counseling and having many procedures prior to it. The sexual reconstruction surgery is always the last one to be done.
And please tell me if you saw this woman out in public, would you think of her as a man?

If he was born male he is male. That never changes. Check his uterus & ovaries & swab his cheek for details.

Plastic surgery can make you resemble a leopard superficially. Yet you’ll never be a leopard.
There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
You keep saying that and if you mean having a sex change surgically, then say so. Many have done so only after much counseling and having many procedures prior to it. The sexual reconstruction surgery is always the last one to be done.
And please tell me if you saw this woman out in public, would you think of her as a man?

If he was born male he is male. That never changes. Check his uterus & ovaries & swab his cheek for details.

Plastic surgery can make you resemble a leopard superficially. Yet you’ll never be a leopard.

One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.

The prime minister of Ireland is gay. What is your problem with gays? This is a secular state--we don't have to live by what you so-called Christians think about homosexuality. Get over it. Become a real human being. Jesus Christ never said a word against homosexuality BTW.

Leo Varadkar - Wikipedia

What we need is the best man or woman for the job, not someone who passes your prejudiced, bigoted ideas.
There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
You keep saying that and if you mean having a sex change surgically, then say so. Many have done so only after much counseling and having many procedures prior to it. The sexual reconstruction surgery is always the last one to be done.
And please tell me if you saw this woman out in public, would you think of her as a man?

If he was born male he is male. That never changes. Check his uterus & ovaries & swab his cheek for details.

Plastic surgery can make you resemble a leopard superficially. Yet you’ll never be a leopard.

One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.

You Loons don’t honestly think that shit still works do can’t oppress rational, logical thoughts and speech by crying “bigot” and “racist” anymore...that pathetic shit is played know that right?

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