CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
I wouldn't worry about him

as a repub, I would be worried about your own

worry about the the "Log Cabin Republicans"

who are saying outloud" were gay and were Repubs"

don't turn your backs on them
There’s no historical data yet

Yea...well get back to me when you have a factual study

There really isn't a lot of data on homosexuals and children, but Gay Marriage existed for many decades in the American Penal System, where gay brides were bought and sold for dowries of cartons of cigarettes and did the laundry for their men in the joint.

A lot of these gay brides really weren't as satisfied with the arrangements as Gay Marriage advocates would have us believe. Considering how piss poor the institution worked out the corrections system, I'm surprised that it was legalized in society. I wonder if amicus briefs were submitted.
Tell us more about your time in the joint.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?

A smug lecture on morality from a shameless and vile racist. Positively hysterical.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up. Tardos always have that one warm and fuzzy story don’t you.
You’re like us golfers....we can hit 350 bad shots but somehow we only seem to remember those two good ones every round. Fucking weird.
Well kittymom, disabled kids getting adopted need twice the screening since they are often not able to understand how or when to communicate that abuse is happening in the home.

Just sayin’
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
Thanks, you're right. I only joined here last year and have learned who is devoid of empathy, sympathy, and common sense.
What I don't understand is what does someone's sexual preference, or gender preference have to do with their life. Does any of those people interfere with their daily life? Does a gay married couple change their lives? I think the answer is a big NO! They only want to dominate those who they consider as perverts. But, in reality, anyone who would condemn anyone because of their lifestyle, even if it doesn't affect their life, is a demented bigoted asshole.
I have many other friends who are gay, and like I said before, they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Unlike this terrible piece of human shit!
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
Thanks, you're right. I only joined here last year and have learned who is devoid of empathy, sympathy, and common sense.
What I don't understand is what does someone's sexual preference, or gender preference have to do with their life. Does any of those people interfere with their daily life? Does a gay married couple change their lives? I think the answer is a big NO! They only want to dominate those who they consider as perverts. But, in reality, anyone who would condemn anyone because of their lifestyle, even if it doesn't affect their life, is a demented bigoted asshole.
I have many other friends who are gay, and like I said before, they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Unlike this terrible piece of human shit!
I'm with you!! Hope that you'll stick around. I need more allies here. We're up against a lot both here and in the real world but we will prevail. Sometimes I think about why I do this and the best answer that I have is that they make me think about the bullshit that they post-which they may or may not believe themselves- and motivates me to research the issue and come up with a factual rebuttal. One or twice I actually seemed to change a mind but most of them are so invested in their bigotry and ignorance that they're actually fearful of even reading anything that will challenge their narrow and calcified minds,
You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
Thanks, you're right. I only joined here last year and have learned who is devoid of empathy, sympathy, and common sense.
What I don't understand is what does someone's sexual preference, or gender preference have to do with their life. Does any of those people interfere with their daily life? Does a gay married couple change their lives? I think the answer is a big NO! They only want to dominate those who they consider as perverts. But, in reality, anyone who would condemn anyone because of their lifestyle, even if it doesn't affect their life, is a demented bigoted asshole.
I have many other friends who are gay, and like I said before, they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Unlike this terrible piece of human shit!
I'm with you!! Hope that you'll stick around. I need more allies here. We're up against a lot both here and in the real world but we will prevail. Sometimes I think about why I do this and the best answer that I have is that they make me think about the bullshit that they post-which they may or may not believe themselves- and motivates me to research the issue and come up with a factual rebuttal. One or twice I actually seemed to change a mind but most of them are so invested in their bigotry and ignorance that they're actually fearful of even reading anything that will challenge their narrow and calcified minds,

Thanks! I'll be here for a long time. I love a challenge and these people are definitely that. I like all of your comments and you are so far above them intellectually than most of the radical, brain washed RW's here. You run rings around them. I'm educated, but know a genius IQ when I see it, and you have that. I have a friend who is a lot like you....and, he's gay. He makes others look like idiots because he posts logic, facts, and links when he responds to them. That is here in NC in our Winston Salem Journal. You remind me a lot of him because you're so precise with your facts and responses. I would love to know you outside of this message board and introduce to my friend.
Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
Thanks, you're right. I only joined here last year and have learned who is devoid of empathy, sympathy, and common sense.
What I don't understand is what does someone's sexual preference, or gender preference have to do with their life. Does any of those people interfere with their daily life? Does a gay married couple change their lives? I think the answer is a big NO! They only want to dominate those who they consider as perverts. But, in reality, anyone who would condemn anyone because of their lifestyle, even if it doesn't affect their life, is a demented bigoted asshole.
I have many other friends who are gay, and like I said before, they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Unlike this terrible piece of human shit!
I'm with you!! Hope that you'll stick around. I need more allies here. We're up against a lot both here and in the real world but we will prevail. Sometimes I think about why I do this and the best answer that I have is that they make me think about the bullshit that they post-which they may or may not believe themselves- and motivates me to research the issue and come up with a factual rebuttal. One or twice I actually seemed to change a mind but most of them are so invested in their bigotry and ignorance that they're actually fearful of even reading anything that will challenge their narrow and calcified minds,

Thanks! I'll be here for a long time. I love a challenge and these people are definitely that. I like all of your comments and you are so far above them intellectually than most of the radical, brain washed RW's here. You run rings around them. I'm educated, but know a genius IQ when I see it, and you have that. I have a friend who is a lot like you....and, he's gay. He makes others look like idiots because he posts logic, facts, and links when he responds to them. That is here in NC in our Winston Salem Journal. You remind me a lot of him because you're so precise with your facts and responses. I would love to know you outside of this message board and introduce to my friend.
That's very nice. Thank you . I'm in NJ. PM me if you like.
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.
That's a great story! Thank you !! But I have to tell, you will get anywhere with tat one. I've been dealing with her for years and it is truly a hopeless case. It's hard o believe that there are still people like that. Very sad.
Thanks, you're right. I only joined here last year and have learned who is devoid of empathy, sympathy, and common sense.
What I don't understand is what does someone's sexual preference, or gender preference have to do with their life. Does any of those people interfere with their daily life? Does a gay married couple change their lives? I think the answer is a big NO! They only want to dominate those who they consider as perverts. But, in reality, anyone who would condemn anyone because of their lifestyle, even if it doesn't affect their life, is a demented bigoted asshole.
I have many other friends who are gay, and like I said before, they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Unlike this terrible piece of human shit!
I'm with you!! Hope that you'll stick around. I need more allies here. We're up against a lot both here and in the real world but we will prevail. Sometimes I think about why I do this and the best answer that I have is that they make me think about the bullshit that they post-which they may or may not believe themselves- and motivates me to research the issue and come up with a factual rebuttal. One or twice I actually seemed to change a mind but most of them are so invested in their bigotry and ignorance that they're actually fearful of even reading anything that will challenge their narrow and calcified minds,

Thanks! I'll be here for a long time. I love a challenge and these people are definitely that. I like all of your comments and you are so far above them intellectually than most of the radical, brain washed RW's here. You run rings around them. I'm educated, but know a genius IQ when I see it, and you have that. I have a friend who is a lot like you....and, he's gay. He makes others look like idiots because he posts logic, facts, and links when he responds to them. That is here in NC in our Winston Salem Journal. You remind me a lot of him because you're so precise with your facts and responses. I would love to know you outside of this message board and introduce to my friend.
That's very nice. Thank you . I'm in NJ. PM me if you like.

Just did...
“I demand that gay households adhere to a standard that I am unable meet myself. It’s okay when it’s me, though. Being special and all means that I don’t have to follow the arbitrary rules I set for others.” ~ A. Hypocrite
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

Well, let me ask you something. Without doing an extensive Google search, what else do you know about him?

That he's the mayor of a city. It's about the same amount of information I know about Gillibrand except she's a senator.

You made the claim that being gay is "the central topic of his campaign", but didn't support your claim with evidence. Because you have none.

I wouldn't vote for Gillibrand, either.

"You have no evidence" = I don't want to believe it, so no amount of evidence will be evidence.

The fact that his first and, so far, only commercial chose to highlight his relationship rather than his qualifications = "No evidence!"

The fact that he's written op-eds about how important it is for him to be as vocal as possible about being gay = "No evidence!"

Everything equals "no evidence" to leftists when they want it to.
How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.

Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.
There is over two decades of data all pointing to the same conclusion. There is no difference between children raised by gay parents and children raised by straight parents.

The children of LGBT parents are adults now. One just got elected to state Senate.
And that “data“ is brought to you by the APA which since the 1990s relies on audited (group pressure) “studies” derived from a preference of “feelings over numbers” & who believes & signs off on if a guy chops his dick off he becomes a girl.

So, so much for your two decades of data.
You keep saying that and if you mean having a sex change surgically, then say so. Many have done so only after much counseling and having many procedures prior to it. The sexual reconstruction surgery is always the last one to be done.
And please tell me if you saw this woman out in public, would you think of her as a man?


Look, a carefully-made up and posed picture of one person. I win!!!


Kind of a problem for you that in real life, they're much more likely to look like this:

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.

The prime minister of Ireland is gay. What is your problem with gays? This is a secular state--we don't have to live by what you so-called Christians think about homosexuality. Get over it. Become a real human being. Jesus Christ never said a word against homosexuality BTW.

Leo Varadkar - Wikipedia

What we need is the best man or woman for the job, not someone who passes your prejudiced, bigoted ideas.

I hate to break it to you, "Reverend" Esmeralda, but you don't get to impose "Jesus Only" doctrine on Christianity. Or anything else.

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