CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?
All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...

Avert your eyes and clutch them pearls, Sil. It’s a gay marriage. :eek:
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All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.
All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.
This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.
This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.
Yeah. Perfect deflection. Quit the thread when you can’t answer my points.

Why won’t the DNC promote this young Midwestern public servant? Vice president even?
This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.
Yeah. Perfect deflection. Quit the thread when you can’t answer my points.

Why won’t the DNC promote this young Midwestern public servant? Vice president even?

It hasn’t even been a week since his announcement and you think since the DNC hasn’t been promoting him as Vice-President material already means the polling number about gay marriage are lies and they hate homos. Now that is a very odd conclusion to make if you’re a regular person, but it makes sense for you as you’re obsessed and mentally ill. It’s a crowded field and we are many, many months away from the first primary and it is very early in the game. I’ve more than answered your silly questions. Now I'll leave you and the rest of the homo haters to your hysterics and conspiracies. Enjoy taking to yourself.
This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.

Yeah the crew is off spouting sexual inuendos over at the Kamala thread now.....same sh*t, different day....

This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.

Yeah the crew is off spouting sexual inuendos over at the Kamala thread now.....same sh*t, different day....

They are just triggered over anyone who isn't ....well, you know.....
This thread has pretty much run it’s course. I’ll leave the silly faggot haters to their pissing, moaning, and unsubstantiated claims.

Yeah the crew is off spouting sexual inuendos over at the Kamala thread now.....same sh*t, different day....

They are just triggered over anyone who isn't ....well, you know.....
A Pussy grabbing womanizer that cheats on his wife while she's caring for his newborn son?
How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.

Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
So the pious still have a problem with a gay man seeking office yet don't mind when their team is in office and the First Lady was a porn model and escort,her husband is a womanizing adulterer such normal behavior for our leaders..Such morals....

So the left yet again has a false narrative of "They don't like him because he's gay". Newsflash: if he announced tomorrow that he'd become hetero and was marrying a woman next week, we STILL wouldn't vote for him, because he'd still be a leftist. You can invent excuses and strawmen until doomsday, and it's still going to be his positions and policies that are going to matter.
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.

You didn't watch his announcement video. He didn't highlight his relationship. His husband makes the briefest appearance in the middle.

Yet more irrelevant excuses and tangents. Did he bring it up first? Yes. Are we talking about it because he brought it up first? Yes. Are we going to swallow your bullshit about "We say it, but you can't respond?" Piss off.
All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.

Sil's right. YOU are the one who said he wouldn't get the nomination because he's gay, and it's THEIR nomination. Run away from it all you like.
All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.

Sil's right. YOU are the one who said he wouldn't get the nomination because he's gay, and it's THEIR nomination. Run away from it all you like.

There is nothing to run away from as I said no such thing. Show me the post I made stating he wouldn’t get the nod b/c he’s gay. I’ll save you the trouble: it doesn’t exist.
All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.

Sil's right. YOU are the one who said he wouldn't get the nomination because he's gay, and it's THEIR nomination. Run away from it all you like.

Oh, look. A leftist surrender flag. I'll take that to mean you know it's true, and you're too cowardly to just admit it.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.

Sil's right. YOU are the one who said he wouldn't get the nomination because he's gay, and it's THEIR nomination. Run away from it all you like.

There is nothing to run away from as I said no such thing. Show me the post I made stating he wouldn’t get the nod b/c he’s gay. I’ll save you the trouble: it doesn’t exist.
Why? Did you remove your post? It was page 1 or 2 I think.
Ok, so properly promoted then, what are DNC reservations about running a younger, what could be popular & binding Heartland politician like this guy?

The only person claiming the DNC is having reservations about him running is you and you’re a crazy person so...
Another deflection. These points I’m raising are bugging you for sure.

What point? You keep insisting the DNC has reservations about him running and you haven’t offered any evidence to that fact. As usual, you’re citing your imagination as evidence.

Sil's right. YOU are the one who said he wouldn't get the nomination because he's gay, and it's THEIR nomination. Run away from it all you like.

Oh, look. A leftist surrender flag. I'll take that to mean you know it's true, and you're too cowardly to just admit it.

It’s cool. We both know such a post doesn’t exist. I always valued your input on the subject b/c I thought you had integrity. Apparently not.
Why? Did you remove your post? It was page 1 or 2 I think.

I didn’t remove the post. I figured you went whining to the mods again and they removed it b/c I brought up how you’re a flaming hypocrite for demanding gay households meet a standard you yourself are unable meet. I’ll continue to do so when see fit btw. Whether that hurts your feels or not doesn’t matter much to me.

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