CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

One think I'll never be is a close minded bigot like you, thank goodness.
The irrefutable fact that chopping off a guy’s dick & doing plastic surgery can never make him a woman isn’t closed minded bigotry. It’s called operating within the realistic confines of reality.

That you would shame someone for simply stating the truth means that you yourself subscribe to delusional thinking. You might want to talk to a classically trained psychiatrist about that.

You're trying to use that to show your bigotry. I never said that the biology would change, all I said is that the body would change. You're the one dwelling on the other. Many trans women are happily married to men who knew all about them before marrying them. The same with trans men. Chaz Bono is one of those, and Cher accepts him for who he is, something I'm sure you never would if he were your child.

Do you ever ask yourself why your people resist any level of normalcy and or moral boundaries?
Were you fascinated by circus side-shows as a child?
It figures that you would take that attitude.
I accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be. What would you do if one of your children turned out to be either gay or trans? Kick them out? Disown them?
I would rather see a child raised by a loving gay couple than a narrow minded, judgemental person such as yourself. I actually know a gay couple who took in two boys at birth, one who was born to an addict and had terrible withdrawals, and the other had fetal alcohol syndrome. The guys are white and both babies were black. They walked the floor with them, got them excellent medical care and also had a black female friend who could teach them about their heritage. They spent a ton of money on them and those babies would never gotten adopted by any straight couple if these guys didn't take them. They would have wound up in the system and who know what would have become of them. As it is, both have grown into fine young men and are getting good educations and have promising futures. Straight couples only want to adopt perfect white babies. But even those can and do turn out to be gay or trans because it's how they were when they were born.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to tell you this because your narrow mind is already made up.

"There's no choice but encouragement or disowning! Only being a gullible enabler like me is correct! Pretend I have moral authority!"

Uh huh.
Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.

Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.
So the pious still have a problem with a gay man seeking office yet don't mind when their team is in office and the First Lady was a porn model and escort,her husband is a womanizing adulterer such normal behavior for our leaders..Such morals....
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.

You didn't watch his announcement video. He didn't highlight his relationship. His husband makes the briefest appearance in the middle.
So the pious still have a problem with a gay man seeking office yet don't mind when their team is in office and the First Lady was a porn model and escort,her husband is a womanizing adulterer such normal behavior for our leaders..Such morals....
Nobody is happy about Trumps personal life.

So let the gay guy run. But for some reason mdk thinks he’d never get the nomination under the context of his being gay. If he is a sharp dude who can run the country, let him run for crissakes. Better than Liz Warren or Grandpa Bernie. This guy is from the Heartland as I understand it. Might be an excellent card to play re: purple states. That is if mdk & pals are right: that a majority of people support gay marriage..
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
So far that’s the only reason you’ve given thaf plugs in. Either that or the dems have lied about polling approval for gay marriage.

If the DNC promoted this guy, why would he fail; in your words?
And still the only real hope is a white man (Joe Biden). Agree that someone should be considered a contender because of their racial or sexual identity is stupid. But being able to express yourself without name calling is obviously a gift you don't have.
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
So far that’s the only reason you’ve given thaf plugs in. Either that or the dems have lied about polling approval for gay marriage.

If the DNC promoted this guy, why would he fail; in your words?

No, it isn’t. That’s your latest fanasty you’ve concocted to pretend that everyone really is opposed to gay marriage. You have pretend they are b/c you can’t accept the fact that only you and few other diehards give a shit about gay marriage anymore.
Ben Carson didn’t get the nod b/c the RNC is racist. *Derp*

Carly Fiorina didnt get the nod b/c the RNC hates women. *licks window*
Grandpa Biden isn’t going to stir the youngsters. This gay dude is young looking. Plus a public servant in the Heartland. Mdk? Reconsider?

No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
So far that’s the only reason you’ve given thaf plugs in. Either that or the dems have lied about polling approval for gay marriage.

If the DNC promoted this guy, why would he fail; in your words?

No, it isn’t. That’s your latest fanasty you’ve concocted to pretend that everyone really is opposed to gay marriage. You have pretend they are b/c you can’t accept the fact that only you and few other diehards give a shit about gay marriage anymore.
So...once again, avoiding the questions.
No, I still don’t think he’ll get the nod. I know how much you wanted to have a gay president and all. lol
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
So far that’s the only reason you’ve given thaf plugs in. Either that or the dems have lied about polling approval for gay marriage.

If the DNC promoted this guy, why would he fail; in your words?

No, it isn’t. That’s your latest fanasty you’ve concocted to pretend that everyone really is opposed to gay marriage. You have pretend they are b/c you can’t accept the fact that only you and few other diehards give a shit about gay marriage anymore.
So...once again, avoiding the questions.

Why bother? You’ve already made up your mind that the DNC is filled with bigots and the polling numbers concerning gay marriage are lies b/c that’s what props up your anti-gay crusade. That being said, it would be kind of funny watching you lose your shit if he won. That alone might be more precious than gold.
With the right promotion, why wouldn’t he get the nod? And hey, I voted for Obama twice.

The only answer you seem willing to accept is that the DNC is filled with faggot haters. So he won’t get the nod b/c the DNC is filled with bigots. Happy now?
So far that’s the only reason you’ve given thaf plugs in. Either that or the dems have lied about polling approval for gay marriage.

If the DNC promoted this guy, why would he fail; in your words?

No, it isn’t. That’s your latest fanasty you’ve concocted to pretend that everyone really is opposed to gay marriage. You have pretend they are b/c you can’t accept the fact that only you and few other diehards give a shit about gay marriage anymore.
So...once again, avoiding the questions.

Why bother? You’ve already made up your mind that the DNC is filled with bigots and the polling numbers concerning gay marriage are lies b/c that’s what props up your anti-gay crusade. That being said, it would be kind of funny watching you lose your shit if he won. That alone might be more precious than gold.
You realize you are now serial-deflecting. Making my points look more compelling.
I dont see how this is a big deal. i mean, our last president was married to a tranny
You realize you are now serial-deflecting. Making my points look more compelling

Its cute that you think. No, I am agreeing with. The DNC is filled with bigots and if he doesn’t win it really means everyone opposes gay marriage. It’s the same reason Carson didn’t win: the RNC is racist and everyone really doesn’t like darkies.
You realize you are now serial-deflecting. Making my points look more compelling

Its cute that you think. No, I am agreeing with. The DNC is filled with bigots and if he doesn’t win it really means everyone opposes gay marriage. It’s the same reason Carson didn’t win: the RNC is racist and everyone really doesn’t like darkies.
Ok. So sarcasm. I guess that means that the DNC’s faith in voter support of gay marriage was based on polls they felt or knew were bullshit. Or?
You realize you are now serial-deflecting. Making my points look more compelling

Its cute that you think. No, I am agreeing with. The DNC is filled with bigots and if he doesn’t win it really means everyone opposes gay marriage. It’s the same reason Carson didn’t win: the RNC is racist and everyone really doesn’t like darkies.
Ok. So sarcasm. I guess that means that the DNC’s faith in voter support of gay marriage was based on polls they felt or knew were bullshit. Or?

All the polls showing growing support for gay marriage in almost all groups in America are based on lies. Or the more simpler explanation is you can’t accept those polls b/c it means your personal crusade against gay marriage has been a total and utter failure. It must stink knowing that most people have moved on to more pressing matters. Oh, well.

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