CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.

Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story
Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .
Oh, well, if you can accuse people of what they "would" have done, that invalidates anything that actually happens.

Come back and talk to me when your "outrage" involves something other than your crystal ball.

What you SAID, liar, is "How did he make it the central topic of his campaign". I told you how, and now your'e coming back and trying to move the goalposts by pretending you said something different.

HE brought it up, first thing. So don't try to get all pissy and faux-raged at us for talking about it.

Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
The opposition to gay marriage is like the opposition to inter-racial marriage. In fact, the bigots make the same stupid arguments as their ancestors did.

Same bullshit, different decade.
Once again, he brought it up because he knew it would have been a problem if he hadn't, but if you can't see that or refuse to, then nothing I can say will ever get through to you. It would have been a major issue of he hadn't then showed up with his husband in public and surprised everyone. Then people would be wondering why he never said anything about it.

Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
You sure threw a lot of dung at the wall with that one. Unfortunately none of it stuck. All that you succeeded in doing was to spew several false equivalency logical fallacies. That is what you people always do when you a address he actual issue-which is this case is why the fuck should hide his sexuality.

And, saying that "gay marriage is highly controversial' does not help you either. First of all it is not as controversial as you think. More people support it than not. Most people don't think about it much at all. In addition, the candidate is ell aware of the fact that there are some who will not support him because he's gay. But, he chose to do what he did anyway because IT IS HIS RIGHT.
Once again, I know perfectly well why he brought it up, and it's still irrelevant. The point is that HE brought it up; we didn't. So peddle that "how dare you talk about it" BS somewhere else.

Didn't read the rest of your rant, because after you set out your false premise, everything else became meaningless.
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
The opposition to gay marriage is like the opposition to inter-racial marriage. In fact, the bigots make the same stupid arguments as their ancestors did.

Same bullshit, different decade.
And what are your thoughts on the opposition to polygamy? Only some sexual behaviors can marry but not others?
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.

You didn't watch his announcement video. He didn't highlight his relationship. His husband makes the briefest appearance in the middle.

Yet more irrelevant excuses and tangents. Did he bring it up first? Yes. Are we talking about it because he brought it up first? Yes. Are we going to swallow your bullshit about "We say it, but you can't respond?" Piss off.

You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.

You didn't watch his announcement video. He didn't highlight his relationship. His husband makes the briefest appearance in the middle.

Yet more irrelevant excuses and tangents. Did he bring it up first? Yes. Are we talking about it because he brought it up first? Yes. Are we going to swallow your bullshit about "We say it, but you can't respond?" Piss off.

You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

"He didn't bring up being gay. He just showed himself with his husband. How can you call that "bringing it up" when I VERY CLEARLY am telling you I don't want it to be?"


It's pretty clear I watched it, and you're pissed that I didn't just listen to it. Maybe with a list of "thoughts to have approved by Seabiscuit" next to me.
You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

Yeah. So a man married to another man isn’t gay. I think it’s safe to presume he is.

Do you feel the same as mdk? Do you think he won’t get the DNC nod because he has a husband instead of a wife (is gay)? Seems otherwise like a good one to promote. Young but not too young. Heartland public servant (purple state votes). Nice face. Just needs DNC promotion like any of them would.

Yes or no on this guy?
So the pious still have a problem with a gay man seeking office yet don't mind when their team is in office and the First Lady was a porn model and escort,her husband is a womanizing adulterer such normal behavior for our leaders..Such morals....

So the left yet again has a false narrative of "They don't like him because he's gay". Newsflash: if he announced tomorrow that he'd become hetero and was marrying a woman next week, we STILL wouldn't vote for him, because he'd still be a leftist. You can invent excuses and strawmen until doomsday, and it's still going to be his positions and policies that are going to matter.
That is not the narrative of the OP it is an issue of his sexuality. Look at at the title..
That is completely idiotic!! If a hetero couple can post a picture of their spouse for such an occasion, so can a gay couple. That is not "bringing it up" You people would have a fucking orgasm if he concealed it, or just omitted it, and he was later outed as he surely would be. Period, end of story

Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
The opposition to gay marriage is like the opposition to inter-racial marriage. In fact, the bigots make the same stupid arguments as their ancestors did.

Same bullshit, different decade.
And what are your thoughts on the opposition to polygamy? Only some sexual behaviors can marry but not others?
Red Herring horseshit logical fallacy . I have said this before, if there are people who want to legalize plural marriages, they can and should pursue it through the courts and the legislative process like gay folks did. There are different legal and social ramifications . It would be incumbent upon the government to demonstrate that there is a compelling government interest or at least a rational basis for keeping it illegal. Maybe they would and maybe they wont.

Oh, and by the way, plural marriage is a choice. Now try to address the actual issue at hand here
So the pious still have a problem with a gay man seeking office yet don't mind when their team is in office and the First Lady was a porn model and escort,her husband is a womanizing adulterer such normal behavior for our leaders..Such morals....

So the left yet again has a false narrative of "They don't like him because he's gay". Newsflash: if he announced tomorrow that he'd become hetero and was marrying a woman next week, we STILL wouldn't vote for him, because he'd still be a leftist. You can invent excuses and strawmen until doomsday, and it's still going to be his positions and policies that are going to matter.
That is not the narrative of the OP it is an issue of his sexuality. Look at at the title..

Look at his link, genius. That was MSN's title choice, not his.
Who said he couldn't? I realize that "You brought it up, so we're talking about it and I don't agree" always somehow translates into "Can't do it! Aaaauuugggh!!! Suppression!" in your head, but I don't believe I've ever once suggested that he shouldn't talk about his relationship if he wants to. I have said, and will continue to say no matter how many times you and your ilk try to pretend I'm saying something else, that since he did, it's fair game for us to talk about it. That's it. That's all.

And yes, putting your family into your introduction video IS "bringing them up".

And no, "He had to because it's YOUR fault!" is not relevant to "He brought it up, so we're talking about it". You are just going to have to deal with the fact that we're going to talk about the news, and there's no combination of "But EXCUSES!" that's going to enable you to say what you want while demanding we don't respond.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
The opposition to gay marriage is like the opposition to inter-racial marriage. In fact, the bigots make the same stupid arguments as their ancestors did.

Same bullshit, different decade.
And what are your thoughts on the opposition to polygamy? Only some sexual behaviors can marry but not others?
Red Herring horseshit logical fallacy . I have said this before, if there are people who want to legalize plural marriages, they can and should pursue it through the courts and the legislative process like gay folks did. There are different legal and social ramifications . It would be incumbent upon the government to demonstrate that there is a compelling government interest or at least a rational basis for keeping it illegal. Maybe they would and maybe they wont.

Oh, and by the way, plural marriage is a choice. Now try to address the actual issue at hand here
Where to start? Your arguments are like hypocrite Swiss cheese.

Polyamory is as much as a sexual orientation choice as homosexuality. These people also have kids that would benefit from marriage.

And I’m really keen to hear your take on the social ramifications of polygamy given it’s passed the test of consenting adults in love who do things in bed behind closed doors that are legal.

Well PP?
Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

More to the point, he could have started out with a commercial highlighting his political qualifications. He chose to start out highlighting his relationship. I understand why; it generated a lot more press and attention, things that he really needs at the beginning. I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, publicity-wise. I'm just saying I'm tired of Democrats bringing something up, and then acting all butthurt because people actually talk about it.

You didn't watch his announcement video. He didn't highlight his relationship. His husband makes the briefest appearance in the middle.

Yet more irrelevant excuses and tangents. Did he bring it up first? Yes. Are we talking about it because he brought it up first? Yes. Are we going to swallow your bullshit about "We say it, but you can't respond?" Piss off.

You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

"He didn't bring up being gay. He just showed himself with his husband. How can you call that "bringing it up" when I VERY CLEARLY am telling you I don't want it to be?"


It's pretty clear I watched it, and you're pissed that I didn't just listen to it. Maybe with a list of "thoughts to have approved by Seabiscuit" next to me.

Your ludicrous claim is that he made being gay central to his campaign. If you HAD watched the video, you couldn't make that claim. So you can try to lie, but its obvious you hadn't watched it when you made your silly initial claim.
You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

Yeah. So a man married to another man isn’t gay. I think it’s safe to presume he is.

Do you feel the same as mdk? Do you think he won’t get the DNC nod because he has a husband instead of a wife (is gay)? Seems otherwise like a good one to promote. Young but not too young. Heartland public servant (purple state votes). Nice face. Just needs DNC promotion like any of them would.

Yes or no on this guy?

You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

Yeah. So a man married to another man isn’t gay. I think it’s safe to presume he is.

Do you feel the same as mdk? Do you think he won’t get the DNC nod because he has a husband instead of a wife (is gay)? Seems otherwise like a good one to promote. Young but not too young. Heartland public servant (purple state votes). Nice face. Just needs DNC promotion like any of them would.

Yes or no on this guy?


No. I don't believe he will get the nomination because he's a no name mayor from the middle of no where, not because he's gay.
You didn’t watch the announcement video, that’s obvious. He never brought up being gay. A brief flash of him at home with his husband is all it showed. The video mentions him being a veteran, does not talk about him being gay.

Yeah. So a man married to another man isn’t gay. I think it’s safe to presume he is.

Do you feel the same as mdk? Do you think he won’t get the DNC nod because he has a husband instead of a wife (is gay)? Seems otherwise like a good one to promote. Young but not too young. Heartland public servant (purple state votes). Nice face. Just needs DNC promotion like any of them would.

Yes or no on this guy?


No. I don't believe he will get the nomination because he's a no name mayor from the middle of no where, not because he's gay.
No name is quickly remedied with promotion. Middle of nowhere votes are what killed dems in 2016. All the other contenders are so old they’ll never relate to the younger voters dems rely on.

So again, why does he fail?
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.



I thought conservatives were tolerant.....

you keep SAYING you are TOLERANT and it is the libs/dems who are IN-tolerant.....


what's the problem?

Does it bother you to realize that even modern conservatives are too liberal for you?

MOST conservatives WOULD VOTE for a woman or a black man.....

something they never would have done 20 years ago.

If a gay married male is the best man for the job then why not hire him?
Is his marriage a legally recognized marriage? If so, that’s fascism. No reason people should be forced to subsidize a behavior which at best is personal and at worst exacerbates disease transmission.
Not a good idea to elect a fascist.
That's quite an unhinged rant sista' I think we're getting to you. No you didn't say that he could not post the picture but you did say that he should not have called attention to his being gay. Just as bad ! My point is that you are suggesting that he should behave differently than others and not do something that others can do without fear of repercussion. A stay in the closet mentality . It's quite clear where you're coming from. He does not need to behave differently, YOU DO, by stopping your blathering about a non-issue and blaming him for the flap about his candidacy .

Gay Marriage is a highly controversial issue, even though the Supreme Court established it as a right. A lot of people oppose it, just like they do with the Pornography Industry as well as the Abortion Industry. I wouldn't recommend an abortionist or a pornographer make a big deal of it either, because it offends tens of millions. Ditto with B. Hussein O, he is reportedly a chain smoker. I could care less what he does, as long as he doesn't do it on government property as it is against the law. But he didn't do it in public because it offends a lot of people even though it is legal as well.
The opposition to gay marriage is like the opposition to inter-racial marriage. In fact, the bigots make the same stupid arguments as their ancestors did.

Same bullshit, different decade.
And what are your thoughts on the opposition to polygamy? Only some sexual behaviors can marry but not others?
Red Herring horseshit logical fallacy . I have said this before, if there are people who want to legalize plural marriages, they can and should pursue it through the courts and the legislative process like gay folks did. There are different legal and social ramifications . It would be incumbent upon the government to demonstrate that there is a compelling government interest or at least a rational basis for keeping it illegal. Maybe they would and maybe they wont.

Oh, and by the way, plural marriage is a choice. Now try to address the actual issue at hand here
Where to start? Your arguments are like hypocrite Swiss cheese.

Polyamory is as much as a sexual orientation choice as homosexuality. These people also have kids that would benefit from marriage.

And I’m really keen to hear your take on the social ramifications of polygamy given it’s passed the test of consenting adults in love who do things in bed behind closed doors that are legal.

Well PP?
Now you're resorting to a Strawman logical fallacy trying to force me to defend bans on plural marriage when I never took a stand on it and don't intend to here. To do so would be suborning you trolling this thread off topic.

To claim that polyamory is a sexual orientation and the same as homosexuality is as stupid as stupid gets because unlike homosexuality it is a choice

And of course, with you it's just all about sex and nothing else, isn't that right?

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