CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

Meh, what if he is a smart dude with his shit together? I don’t care who they screw, as long as it’s not children then fine. Sexual proclivities should be no ones business but theirs. I’ll listen to what he has to say.

Fair enough. But mdk thinks because he is gay, he won’t have a shot at the nomination.

Pretty interesting, since it's Democrats who vote on the Democrat nomination.
I know. That was my point. They need to put their money where their mouth is. Mdk said in the context of the guy being gay, that he wouldn’t get the nomination from the DNC. With a “majority of Americans supporting” gay stuff you’d think he would be their first pick.
Meh, what if he is a smart dude with his shit together? I don’t care who they screw, as long as it’s not children then fine. Sexual proclivities should be no ones business but theirs. I’ll listen to what he has to say.

Fair enough. But mdk thinks because he is gay, he won’t have a shot at the nomination.

Pretty interesting, since it's Democrats who vote on the Democrat nomination.

It's also a lie what she is claiming. I never said that he won't win b/c he is gay. I said he won't win b/c nobody knows who the Hell he is outside of Indiana. Besides, the only way I could vote from him is by write-in since PA has a closed primary.
I'm making an educated guess. If his opening statement in the Presidential Race is about his sexual preferences, that's most likely going to be the theme of his campaign.

I’m still wondering why mdk came on here saying automatically that this man wouldn’t get the nomination under the context of his being gay. Are there homophobes at the DNC?

I'm not sure how yet, but I can guarantee you it will somehow be the fault of the right-wing that Democrats won't nominate a gay man.
I know. That was my point. They need to put their money where their mouth is. Mdk said in the context of the guy being gay, that he wouldn’t get the nomination from the DNC. With a “majority of Americans supporting” gay stuff you’d think he would be their first pick.

You would have a point if ever I said no such thing. Alas.
It's also a lie what she is claiming. I never said that he won't win b/c he is gay. I said he won't win b/c nobody knows who the Hell he is outside of Indiana. Besides, the only way I could vote from him is by write-in since PA has a closed primary.
I didn’t know who Elizabeth Warren was until the hype started up around her. They can turn up the hype on anyone as you well know mdk. Midwestern politician could tie in a bunch of purple states. Get the right PR team behind him?
I'm making an educated guess. If his opening statement in the Presidential Race is about his sexual preferences, that's most likely going to be the theme of his campaign.

I’m still wondering why mdk came on here saying automatically that this man wouldn’t get the nomination under the context of his being gay. Are there homophobes at the DNC?

I'm not sure how yet, but I can guarantee you it will somehow be the fault of the right-wing that Democrats won't nominate a gay man.

Indeed. I just reading here how it was the fault of the left wing that Herman Cain didn't win the GOP nomination.
It's also a lie what she is claiming. I never said that he won't win b/c he is gay. I said he won't win b/c nobody knows who the Hell he is outside of Indiana. Besides, the only way I could vote from him is by write-in since PA has a closed primary.
I didn’t know who Elizabeth Warren was until the hype started up around her. They can turn up the hype on anyone as you well know mdk. Midwestern politician could tie in a bunch of purple states. Get the right PR team behind him?

Good point. Mr.Buttagieg is from a key state and as chief executive of the 5th largest city in Indiana, he's probably one of the most qualified candidates in the race so far. Certainly more qualified that Mrs. Clinton or Obama was, objectively.

He could easily move ahead
It's also a lie what she is claiming. I never said that he won't win b/c he is gay. I said he won't win b/c nobody knows who the Hell he is outside of Indiana. Besides, the only way I could vote from him is by write-in since PA has a closed primary.
I didn’t know who Elizabeth Warren was until the hype started up around her. They can turn up the hype on anyone as you well know mdk. Midwestern politician could tie in a bunch of purple states. Get the right PR team behind him?

Of course you didn’t know about her. You were far too busy rambling on about how Dylan Roof wasn’t really a racist, but an angry homo out for revenge over gay marriage.
Is that good enough rationale for you to revisit Obergefell like the Court revisited Windsor so soon after & reverses it’s fundamenral Ruling: that marriage definition is the sole power of individual states?
Oh Christ.!! We have been over this far to many times, but you seem to be unable to learn. The Windsor ruling states that the federal gov. must recognize same sex marriages that are legalized by the states. That was 2 years before Obergefell . The ruling DID NOT establish that states have an absolute right to define marriage or that restrictions on marriage should not be subject to Constitutional Scrutiny THERE IS NO CONFLICT BETWEEN THE TWO RULING!
He knows that for years I’ve been saying that the cult of “chop your dick off & you can be a girl” should apply for tax exempt status.

You could likely fit the amount of fools pushing to make being a member of the LGBT community into a religion into a hatchback. Be sure and call "shotgun" b/c those backseats are not very roomy.
How about the fact that in Obergefell the Court rationalized that marriage was a key benefit to children. Then in perverse irony went on to force all 50 states to allow marriage contracts (that the Court just said they share benefits of) that banish children for life from either a mother or father. This is detrimental to kids.
Yes, Yes you poor delusional thing. We know that same sex couple are just snatching children away from loving hetero couples and that if gays are not allowed to marry, they will just become straight , marry someone of the opposite sex so that their children can have a mom and a daddy. And of course, as we also know, only married people have children. Is that about right?
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

Well, let me ask you something. Without doing an extensive Google search, what else do you know about him?

That he's the mayor of a city. It's about the same amount of information I know about Gillibrand except she's a senator.

You made the claim that being gay is "the central topic of his campaign", but didn't support your claim with evidence. Because you have none.
How about the fact that in Obergefell the Court rationalized that marriage was a key benefit to children. Then in perverse irony went on to force all 50 states to allow marriage contracts (that the Court just said they share benefits of) that banish children for life from either a mother or father. This is detrimental to kids.
Yes, Yes you poor delusional thing. We know that same sex couple are just snatching children away from loving hetero couples and that if gays are not allowed to marry, they will just become straight , marry someone of the opposite sex so that their children can have a mom and a daddy. And of course, as we also know, only married people have children. Is that about right?
It’s a contract they form involving kids that formally binds them away from either a mother or father for life.

The fact that one lesbian has a man sire a child with her or a gay dude hires a womb to produce children (gays or lesbians never have kids together) doesn’t mean this is good for kids. But when they create a contract banishing the missing gender parent vital for procreation, or representative thereof; & vital for the child’s esteem & modeling, that’s institutionalized child abuse.

Brothers & sisters are having children together. As are polyamorists. I don’t see you promoting those marriages based on kids that have already happened.
Who said fags shouldn’t be protected?
You’re trying way too hard bud...relax.
All of those motherfuckers who supported laws making marriage between a man and a woman for starters.

lol, you justify your own bigotry by using someone else's supposed bigotry?
My bigotry...What the fuck does that even mean?

You seem bigoted against Christianity. Almighty God established Marriage to be between one man and one broad, and you are unwilling to accept that . That's bigotry by definition.

I don't have a problem at all with a couple of homosexuals saying they are engaged in Gay Marriage. But if people don't want to participate in the charade they shouldn't have to.

One of the great theologians of our time was the late Dr. Jerry Falwell. I heard a message from him a number of years ago, Dr. Falwell put forth the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, it wasn't Adam and Steve. I looked in my bible, and he was actually incontrovertibly right.

A man and a broad ? That tells me all I need to know about your mentality.

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And, he quoted Jerry Falwell, one of the most disgusting men to have ever lived. Another televangelists who got rich from bilking thousands of sheep followers. And he founded the Moral Majority which was neither moral or a majority.
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.

Yeah there is. They are always missing the opposite gender as a vital role model bonding with kids under their daily presence. Not sometimes. Always missing. Kids come in both genders and thousands of peer reviewed studies show that the deprivation of a child’s gender role model as a bonded regular influence is detrimental to the child.

When gays hold a marriage contract, this psychological deprivation becomes permanent and binding in law. Since kids share the benefits of the marriage contract (Obergefell 2015), this contract is illegal. No contract adults share with kids can deprive kids physically or psychologically.
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.

Uh huh. No one in this country even knew he existed, so what did he do to let people know he's here and wants to be President?

You can stop pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining. No one is going to buy, "Look, a gay 'married' man is going to run for President, how wonderful, if you notice it and talk about it, you're an obsessed hater!"

You are out of your damn mind! He mentioned it and all I said is that had he not mentioned it, then he would get blamed for trying to keep it a secret. Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!
There is NO factual information showing that gay parents are worse than hetero parents.


There’s no historical data chose a clever way to spin it.
I’m certain that raising a child within a family dynamic that he/she is embarrassed of and ashamed of is super healthy. I’m sure that not being mentored and taught from both male and female perspectives is super healthy.
We’re ten years away from really knowing just how fucked up our twisted society has become. Bank on it.
Every candidate who runs for any office always has their family with them at some point, and since his is a unique situation, he mentioned it...................period!

Mr. Buttigieg could have introduced his parents and other family members and announced he was a confirmed bachelor. I guess since he told the people of South Bend already that he likes it in the ass it might have been too late. But he could have told the South Bend electorate the same thing.

The apparent fact that Buttigieg is a real fan of Sodomy is a fact that should really be revealed on a need-to-know basis, and the voters didn't need to know.

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