CNN admits that Obama threatens all of their jobs regularly!

Why would they mention it if it meant losing their job or why would you mention it if they felt threatened?

Why are only blogging sites reporting it? Fox News wouldn't be afraid to report it. Why aren't they reporting it?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.

You are a fucking fabricator. They did no such thing and you know it.

They most certainly did say that and you fucking know it, jack ass, and all anyone has to do, despite your desperate quibbles and outright lies, is WATHC THE DAMNED VIDEO.

Then anyone can see what a lying piece of shyte you are, though it would take more reading of your bilge to realize that you are a racist and a fascist as well.

You are so fucking pathetic.
A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video)




At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.....

You have been discredited.


I would be willing to bet that the fascist bitch Pogo did not even watch the damned video and just immediately went into "deny everything and admit nothing" mode, like all good fascist do for their Fearless Leaders.

Have you ever read some of the journalistic worship of Castro and/or Chavez?

These people are not misled, stupid or overly loyal; they are evil scum who are protecting evil scum despite being keenly aware of the horrid things the leaders do.

It's like the New York Times reporter, Walter Duranty, who reported back to the US that everything was wonderful and peaceful in the Soviet Union under Stalin despite knowing that Stalin was starving millions to death. Because of him many errors were made that cost millions more lives.

In a New York Times article dated 23 August 1933, Duranty wrote, "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda. The food shortage, however, which has affected the whole population in the last year and particularly in the grain-producing provinces—the Ukraine, North Caucasus, the Lower Volga—has, however, caused heavy loss of life." Duranty concluded "it is conservative to suppose" that, in certain provinces with a total population of over 40 million, mortality had "at least trebled." [7]

On March 31, 1933, Walter Duranty denounced the famine stories and Gareth Jones in The New York Times. In the piece, he described the situation under the title "Russians Hungry, But Not Starving" as follows: "In the middle of the diplomatic duel between Great Britain and the Soviet Union over the accused British engineers, there appears from a British source a big scare story in the American press about famine in the Soviet Union, with 'thousands already dead and millions menaced by death from starvation." Malcolm Muggeridge, a correspondent for The Manchester Guardian, called Duranty a "liar".

The duel in the press over the famine stories did not damage esteem for Duranty—whose reporting The Nation had described as "the most enlightened, dispassionate dispatches from a great nation in the making which appeared in any newspaper in the world."[8] Following sensitive negotiations in November 1933 that resulted in the establishment of relations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., a dinner was given for Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov in New York City's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Each of the attendees' names was read in turn, politely applauded by the guests, until Duranty's. Whereupon, Alexander Woollcott wrote, "the one really prolonged pandemonium was evoked.... Indeed, one quite got the impression that America, in a spasm of discernment, was recognizing both Russia and Walter Duranty

And it was all fucking lies told by professional liars like the ones who run our press today. The left always targets the press for infiltration and corruption, then let ass kissing psychophantic morons like Pogo just cling to their sphincters.

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Starving someone" [3]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent Cossack territories in 1932 and 1933. During the famine, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[4][5][6] millions of Ukrainians and Cossacks died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[7]

The estimates of the death toll by scholars varied greatly. Recent research has narrowed the estimates to between 1.8[8] and 5[9] million, with modern consensus for a likely total of 3–3.5 million.[10] According to the decision of Kyiv Appellation Court, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million famine deaths, and a 6.1 million birth deficit.[11]

At least 3 million starved to death in broad daylight and their murders were enabled by liars like Duranty and Pogo, each doing their own small part to defend the ghastly evil bastards they love.

Fuck Pogo and all the evil bastards like him.
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Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

In this case by telling the bosses of CNN that they may have a closet Republican among their staff. That will get sacking effected pdq.
And the fact remains, a single person is not the institution of CNN, Obama's people are not O'bama, a single person is not "all" those at CNN, and a conditional remark made by that one person does not constitute "regularly".

Not only did you make all that up, you did it twice in two different threads within ten minutes of each other--

It is more than obvious that you are the damned liar, you ass wipe piece of shyte.

You've had this explained to your sorry ass eight times... and you go on posting it. That's the definition of abject stupidity.

Lying dumbass mental midget.

Yeah, you fascists really hate it when people show your lies for what they are, you godamned moron.
What's wrong with taking a gun into a bank?


Absolutely nothing, but it is another red herring tossed out by the fascist bitch Pogo, desperate to derail the topic from Obama Mugabe's suppression of the press.

It is good to keep bringing the main topic up despite Pogo's BS redirection attempts, and it seems to be going well so far.
One person is a whole network. Who knew?

Don't be a stupid fool.

If you would bother to watch the fucking video you would see that there was a consensus among everyone there, and that shit doesn't happen at Big Media networks unless the top brass has signed off on it.
The whole tone of the Obama Administration has been hostility to anyone who criticizes the president in any manner, shape or form.

A couple of weeks ago a report was published entitled "The Obama Administration and the Press". It speaks of journalists' increasing difficulty to do investigative reporting and the general attitude of Obama and his people towards the press.

""But his administration’s actions have too often contradicted Obama’s stated intentions. “Instead,” New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan wrote earlier this year, “it’s turning out to be the administration of unprecedented secrecy and unprecedented attacks on a free press.”" (page 4)

"The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since theNixon administration, when I was one of the editors involved in The Washington Post’s investigation of Watergate. The 30 experienced Washington journalists at a variety of news organizations whom I interviewed for this report could not remember any precedent." (page 4)

This report should be read by everyone.

In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing with reporters anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records. An “Insider Threat Program” being implemented in every government department requires all federal employees to help prevent unauthorized disclosures of information by monitoring the behavior of their colleagues.

Ah, the ole fascist informant campaign, yahvohl!

Six government employees, plus two contractors including Edward Snowden, have been subjects of felony criminal prosecutions since 2009 under the 1917 Espionage Act, accused of leaking classified information to the press— compared with a total of three such prosecutions in all previous U.S. administrations. Still more criminal investigations into leaks are under way. Reporters’ phone logs and e-mails were secretly subpoenaed and seized by the Justice Department in two of the investigations, and a Fox News reporter was accused in an affidavit or one of those subpoenas of being “an aider, abettor and/or conspirator” of an indicted leak defendant, exposing him to possible prosecution for doing his job as a journalist. In another leak case, a New York Times reporter has been ordered to testify against a defendant or go to jail.

Eeeef yoo kross der fuerehr, yoo veel be POONEESHT!

Compounding the concerns of journalists and the government officials they contact, news stories based on classified documents obtained from Snowden have revealed extensive surveillance of Americans’ telephone and e-mail traffic by the National Security Agency. Numerous Washington-based journalists told me that officials are reluctant to discuss even unclassified information with them because they fear that leak investigations and government surveillance make it more difficult for reporters to protect them as sources. “I worry now about calling somebody because the contact can be found out through a check of phone records or e-mails,” said veteran national security journalist R. Jeffrey Smith of the Center for Public Integrity, an influential nonprofit government accountability news organization in Washington. “It leaves a digital trail that makes it easier for the government to monitor those contacts,” he said.

Real liberals would be outraged by this kind of flagrantly fascist and totalitarian abuse of power.

But the closet fascists who support this dictatorial regime applaud and defend it with constant lies and ridicule.

How long will people put up with these lying bastards? I doubt it will last much longer; a deliberately provocative series of actions to create chaos that will be used to justify further reductions of freedom and more openly heavy handed government suppression of the American people in broad daylight.

And shitheads like Pogo still lie, distort, and cover for these evil people, all for the hope of the one extra slice of potato that they think the rulers will give them when they attain power.
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Will said that the Obama administration consistently goes after people who criticizes them, and the anchor agreed saying he had a point. That is about as clear as a person can make it, and Obamas supporters do not do things he does not want, and CNN's ideological nutbags do not let journalists remain that don't tote the management and ownerships story line.

Everything the OP has said is plainly true while you lie like the putrid scum you are based on the assumption that most wont actually watch the video but only read the discussion.

Lie much?

Yep, deny everything, admit nothing and make counter accusations.

That is the motto of ass kissing thugs like you throughout history.

Your day will come to answer for your lies, and I look forward to it.

You're like a baboon, only less clever. Learn to read, dumbass.

One reporter (not the entirety of CNN) makes a remark that Obama's people (meaning some local staff who handles the press, far removed from the White House), were heavyhanded. Once again for you dullwitted cretins, I can sit here and threaten your job too -- doesn't mean that threat means anything, nor does it mean I speak for my employer. ALL of this was extrapolated without basis by the OP and Brent Bozo, including the additions of stretching a single person's single remark to "everybody" at CNN, including the addition of "regularly".

Now if you actually believe Barack O'bama sits down and briefs every local press agent on how reporters are going to be handled that day, if you actually believe a single talking head filling daytime air space runs and speaks for CNN, then I have to wonder who puts your socks on for you in the morning.

2A's a liar just as you are. Perhaps one of you can get your mommy to read it out loud to you until you get it but right now you just look fucking stupid.
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One person is a whole network. Who knew?

Don't be a stupid fool.

If you would bother to watch the fucking video you would see that there was a consensus among everyone there, and that shit doesn't happen at Big Media networks unless the top brass has signed off on it.

Number one, that's not a scripted segment. Nobody "signs off" on squat.

Number two, the two guests are not CNN personnel. There's a total of one, count 'em, one CNN person speaking in the entire video. Not "everybody at CNN" and not "regularly".

Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Will said that the Obama administration consistently goes after people who criticizes them, and the anchor agreed saying he had a point. That is about as clear as a person can make it, and Obamas supporters do not do things he does not want, and CNN's ideological nutbags do not let journalists remain that don't tote the management and ownerships story line.

Everything the OP has said is plainly true while you lie like the putrid scum you are based on the assumption that most wont actually watch the video but only read the discussion.

Lie much?

Yep, deny everything, admit nothing and make counter accusations.

That is the motto of ass kissing thugs like you throughout history.

Your day will come to answer for your lies, and I look forward to it.

You're like a baboon, only less clever. Learn to read, dumbass.

One reporter (not the entirety of CNN) makes a remark that Obama's people (meaning some local staff who handles the press, far removed from the White House), were heavyhanded.

You are so fucking dense it is incredible. One reporter stated it the other agreed and the third nodded affirmation and ANYONE can watch and see for themselves, you fucking liar.

It's kind of funny when you fascist thugs are so stupid in how you lie. One would think you have long had enough practice to be far better at it. I guess it's true; there is just no fix to stupidity.
One person is a whole network. Who knew?

Don't be a stupid fool.

If you would bother to watch the fucking video you would see that there was a consensus among everyone there, and that shit doesn't happen at Big Media networks unless the top brass has signed off on it.

Number one, that's not a scripted segment. Nobody "signs off" on squat.

Number two, the two guests are not CNN personnel. There's a total of one, count 'em, one CNN person speaking in the entire video. Not "everybody at CNN" and not "regularly".


The show was on CNN, produced by a CNN employee with a CNN journalist involved who agrees with the other nonCNN journalists there. Thus more than one person agreed.

And btw, dumbfuck, I doubt the two guests journalists were not paid for their appearance and are affiliated if not formally employed, so all three were on CNNs payroll at the time, you lying jack ass bitch.
What's more, I think I know where 2A cut and pasted this entire OP from -- BOTH of them- verbatim.

We can't link other message boards here but I'm looking right at it. A clown called "Ninth Amendment". You can Google the title of this one and find it, posted a couple of hours before 2A brought the identical language here, and I mean identical. Apparently not only didn't this Ninth Amendment bother to watch the video either and just passed on what he was told, but 2A here didn't even bother to vet 9A either and did the same thing.
He's like a disease "carrier".

Unless of course they are the same person, posting the same fallacy on multiple message boards in a desperate attempt to create a story that doesn't exist.

Moral: always vet your stuff. Or you end up looking like 2A / 9A.

SO Busted.
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What's more, I think I know where 2A cut and pasted this entire OP from -- BOTH of them- verbatim.

We can't link other message boards here but I'm looking right at it. A clown called "Ninth Amendment". You can Google the title of this one and find it.
Apparently not only didn't this Ninth Amendment bother to watch the video either and just passed on what he was told, but 2A here didn't even bother to vet 9A either and did the same thing.
He's like a disease "carrier".

Unless of course they are the same person, posting the same fallacy on multiple message boards in a desperate attempt to create a story that doesn't exist.

Moral: always vet your stuff. Or you end up looking like 2A / 9A.

More ad hominem as though it amounts top proof of anything.

Let me essplain it to you dumb-as-shit-on-a-brick, evidence first then real insults bsed on that evidence follows.

When you precede the evidence with stupid attack on the source of the information first, you just look like the stupid ass hole that you are.
Like it or lump it, jerkweed. I'm looking right at it. Posted at 02:49:39 PM yesterday, then carried to USMB and plopped into two different threads.
Two different threads on the same fake story, posted by a moron who got all in the face of another poster threatening to report him for using a bold font.

Did you get that? He pulls the same bogus story from another message board to here, posts it twice in different forums (maybe more, I haven't looked) and then threatens somebody else with "reporting".

Apparently this is the crowd you hang out with. Why am I not surprised...
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Like it or lump it, jerkweed. I'm looking right at it. Posted at 02:49:39 PM yesterday, then carried to USMB and plopped into two different threads.
Two different threads on the same fake story, posted by a moron who got all in the face of another poster threatening to report him for using a bold font.

Did you get that? He pulls the same bogus story from another message board to here, posts it twice in different forums (maybe more, I haven't looked) and then threatens somebody else with "reporting".

Apparently this is the crowd you hang out with. Why am I not surprised...

So fucking what, dimwit? The facts are still true, no matter where they came from!

It is hilarious that you just don't get it, dumbass.
The fallacies are what's the same no matter where it comes from.

The OP is either so stupid he took this other message board post at face value without even thinking about it (his cognitive operations shut down by the salivation of ODS gone wild), OR he's the same poser as Ninth Amendment posting the same demonstrably fallacious bullshit on multiple message boards. Either he fabricated it himself or he cut-and-pasted somebody else's fallacy. Given his intellectual sloth and inability to post anything intelligent, I suspect the latter.

Apparently he didn't even watch his own video. When I mentioned the crucial words were cut off, he came back with a completely different video, which tells me he had to go find one.

You bullshit artists delude no one but yourselves.
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You're the one who looks stupid pogo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Uh huh. Shooting holes all over the OP using his own link, and then finding out where he cut and pasted it from verbatim, is "stupid".

What incisively brilliant deductive reasoning. My head swims.

Sent from my iBrain using Common Fucking Sense - always was Free
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