CNN admits that Obama threatens all of their jobs regularly!

A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video)




At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.

CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

You have been discredited.


Check 0:34 of this video!

[ame=]CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube[/ame]


Go fuck yourself. That's a different video. The Mediaite one you started with ends just before she gets there.

And the fact remains, a single person is not the institution of CNN, Obama's people are not O'bama, a single person is not "all" those at CNN, and a conditional remark made by that one person does not constitute "regularly".

Not only did you make all that up, you did it twice in two different threads within ten minutes of each other-- and then threaten a poster for using a bold font (DUH- what do you think the board puts it there for?)

You've had this explained to your sorry ass eight times... and you go on posting it. That's the definition of abject stupidity.

Freaking dumbass mental midget.

Maybe you're having a delusion issue.

A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video)




At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.

CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

You have been discredited.


Check 0:34 of this video!

[ame=]CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube[/ame]







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Maybe you're having a delusion issue.


A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video)




At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.

CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

You have been discredited.


Check 0:34 of this video!

[ame=]CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube[/ame]


Ah, going to the Beachboy playbook -- reposting one's own fallacies so they stay on top.

I know you've gone to great lengths to embarrass yourself on this board with taking guns into banks and the like, but with this you've outdone even that.

What a maroon.



At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.

CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

You have been discredited.


Check 0:34 of this video!

CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube


Go fuck yourself. That's a different video. The Mediaite one you started with ends just before she gets there.

And the fact remains, a single person is not the institution of CNN, Obama's people are not O'bama, a single person is not "all" those at CNN, and a conditional remark made by that one person does not constitute "regularly".

Not only did you make all that up, you did it twice in two different threads within ten minutes of each other-- and then threaten a poster for using a bold font (DUH- what do you think the board puts it there for?)

You've had this explained to your sorry ass eight times... and you go on posting it. That's the definition of abject stupidity.

Freaking dumbass mental midget.


Where y'at baby. Found any good Putin quotes lately?
I know you've gone to great lengths to embarrass yourself on this board with taking guns into banks and the like, but with this you've outdone even that.

What's wrong with taking a gun into a bank?

A couple of weeks after making that thread, I walked right into the bank with the shotgun (in a case) over my back.

Nothing happened, other than nervous stares from brainwashed New Yorkers.

It was a shame, because I was actually trying to get arrested as a 2nd Amendment protestor.
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Go fuck yourself. That's a different video. The Mediaite one you started with ends just before she gets there.

And the fact remains, a single person is not the institution of CNN, Obama's people are not O'bama, a single person is not "all" those at CNN, and a conditional remark made by that one person does not constitute "regularly".

Not only did you make all that up, you did it twice in two different threads within ten minutes of each other-- and then threaten a poster for using a bold font (DUH- what do you think the board puts it there for?)

You've had this explained to your sorry ass eight times... and you go on posting it. That's the definition of abject stupidity.

Freaking dumbass mental midget.


Where y'at baby. Found any good Putin quotes lately?

Here are 16 from your dear leader LMAO


The whole tone of the Obama Administration has been hostility to anyone who criticizes the president in any manner, shape or form.

A couple of weeks ago a report was published entitled "The Obama Administration and the Press". It speaks of journalists' increasing difficulty to do investigative reporting and the general attitude of Obama and his people towards the press.

""But his administration’s actions have too often contradicted Obama’s stated intentions. “Instead,” New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan wrote earlier this year, “it’s turning out to be the administration of unprecedented secrecy and unprecedented attacks on a free press.”" (page 4)

"The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since theNixon administration, when I was one of the editors involved in The Washington Post’s investigation of Watergate. The 30 experienced Washington journalists at a variety of news organizations whom I interviewed for this report could not remember any precedent." (page 4)

This report should be read by everyone.
CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

President Obama's people can be quite nasty. They don't like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they're not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

At time 0:34 of the video:.....

It shouldn't surprise anyone who recognizes the Obama ideologues for what they truly are: fascists. We know already that they are white-hating racists, and that they hate the US while showing support for the worst anti-Christian regimes around the world. We have seen how Obama has declared himself to have dictatorial powers with EO 13603 where he has openly asserted every war time power ever given a US President, but for the first time in our history he has claimed them also for non-emergency peace time situations for the whole country. He and his regime are deliberately destroying our economy, our educational system, our military and our national culture...he and they hate us and everything we have stood for through history; freedom, morality and strength.

What is far more puzzling are the fellow travelers who abet their efforts while knowing the kind of evil slime the Obamanistas are. The Big Media is rife with libtards who know very little of our nations history, but who do love freedom and our people, and yet they have helped hide the Obamanations committed almost daily, and they slander those who protest these actions. The RINO neocons have so greedily grasped onto power that they have also undercut the most effective elements in their own party rather than risk losing power over the GOP, some even backstabbing the latest effort by rational Republicans to try to delay and then reform the worst aspects of Obamacare, all to cling to power at the great cost to our nation.

These latter two groups are as evil as the fascists themselves, in fact they are a kind of fascism all their own, corporate dupes and shills willing to stand aside and sometimes assist the destruction of our Constitutional framework and its division of powers.

We are being locked into a trajectory that will have a harsh dark future, but I still think it will be short. Some sort of huge disaster will come about that will dwarf the man-made disasters committed so far, and it will be painfully obvious to enough people in this country that these fascists must be removed by any means necessary.

Lol, the sun will come up tomorrow. It always has, but at what price? The longer it takes for people to wake up the higher the price will be, but also the greater the likelihood of success, and the greater the moral and constitutional justification for those actions.

Time is on our side and the inevitable triumph of the free and responsible people in this country will not be defeated but only delayed.

And we must remember who has done the damage and who has let them do it, and then render justice to secure our future freedom and prosperity.
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So let me get this straight ---

You are too stupid and corrupt to get anything straight that you don't wish to understand. Loike the classic fool you would rather believe what yo wish than the reality that might help you.

You stupid evil fuck.
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Will said that the Obama administration consistently goes after people who criticizes them, and the anchor agreed saying he had a point. That is about as clear as a person can make it, and Obamas supporters do not do things he does not want, and CNN's ideological nutbags do not let journalists remain that don't tote the management and ownerships story line.

Everything the OP has said is plainly true while you lie like the putrid scum you are based on the assumption that most wont actually watch the video but only read the discussion.

Lie much?

Yep, deny everything, admit nothing and make counter accusations.

That is the motto of ass kissing thugs like you throughout history.

Your day will come to answer for your lies, and I look forward to it.
Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.


A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video) and YOU attributed it to CNN, then changed the subject of what she was saying to Obama himself, and then inserted the word 'regularly' with no basis. Then you expanded it from a single remark by a single person to everybody at CNN.

You're a consummate fictionist.

No, you are the liar, and all one has to do is watch the video to realize it.

The Obama regime does not do anything without Obama's approval like any dictatorship and CNN does not let its journalists wander far from the ranch, and in this case two were telling the Truth about Obama and that just pisses you off, lol.
Controlling the message is everything for Obama (Soviet style freedom of information). A quote from Ann Compton at ABC News:

"“In the past,” Compton told me, “we would often be called into the Roosevelt Room at the beginning of meetings to hear the president’s opening remarks and see who’s in the meeting, and then we could talk to some of them outside on the driveway afterward. This president has wiped all that coverage off the map. He’s the least transparent of the seven presidents I’ve covered in terms of how he does his daily business.”"

"Instead of providing greater access for reporting by knowledgeable members of the press, Compton noted, the Obama White House produces its own short newscast, “West Wing Week,” which it posts on the White House website. “It’s five minutes of their own video and sound from events the press didn’t even know about,” she said."

"“When you call the White House press office to ask a question or seek information, they refer us to White House websites,” said Chris Schlemon, Washington producer for Britain’s Channel 4 television news network. “We have to use White House website content, White House videos of the president’s interviews with local television stations and White House photographs of the president.”"
(page 9)

Sounds very much like Obama is running a well-oiled propoganda machine.
Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.
Why would they mention it if it meant losing their job or why would you mention it if they felt threatened?

Why are only blogging sites reporting it? Fox News wouldn't be afraid to report it. Why aren't they reporting it?

Because there are some few good people in journalism who will tell the truth even at the cost of their careers and their jobs are not protected. Nothing really is any more because there are so many ways to twist the perception of journalism to justify firing people.

But the situation is more apparent when one remembers how the press used to treat Bush and then look at what journalists lose their jobs for today.

Journalist Fired For Anti-Obama Column - The Last Resistance | The Last Resistance

According to Rare: “The Chattanooga, Tenn. Times Free Press fired writer Drew Johnson for penning an op-ed entitled “Take your jobs plan and shove it, Mr. President: Your policies have harmed Chattanooga enough,” despite the fact that the editorial was widely read.”

The Times Free Press claims that Johnson was fired because he violated the Times’ headline writing policy.

lol, headline writing policy....roflmao

Journalist Fired for Negative Obama Editorial | Ben Swann Truth In Media

Johnson says the next day his boss told him that the headline had offended some people, and in the future to run changes by another editor just to have an extra set of eyes on it. Johnson apologized and agreed to the new policy. The paper fired Johnson the next day for “violating the normal editing process”. However, the new policy was in place only after the paper published the article.

So the headline writing policy was only in place after the 'offense' and after the editor and journalist had come to an understanding on the matter. Clearly people upstairs wanted this man punished, and so he lost his job.

Another example:

Reporter Who Alleged Possible IRS Targeting After Tough Obama Interview Has Been Fired | Video |

Larry Conners, the St. Louis reporter who alleged the IRS may have unfairly targeted him after his tough interview with President Barack Obama, has been fired, KMOV-TV announced Wednesday.

“We regret to announce that Larry Conners is no longer a KMOV news reporter. Larry was a valued member of KMOV for a long time, and we will miss him,” the news station’s President Mark Pimentel wrote.

He went on:

“For KMOV, there is no higher cause than unbiased, objective news reporting. It is what our viewers expect and it is what we work very hard to deliver. We can accept no less. Larry is certainly entitled to his opinion, but taking a personal political position on one of the Station’s Facebook pages creates an appearance of bias that is inconsistent with important journalistic standards. Larry’s departure has nothing to do with the particular position he took, but it does have to do with our belief that his actions made it impossible for him to report for KMOV on certain political matters going forward without at least an appearance of bias. Bringing you accurate and unbiased reporting is the reason we exist.”

Conners recently claimed that the IRS started “hammering” him shortly after his tough interview with Obama.

Here are some excerpts of the Facebook message he posted earlier this month:

I don’t accept “conspiracy theories”, but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.

WJLA-TV's Doug McKelway suspended after clash with station manager, sources say

McKelway's troubles began last month when he covered a Capitol Hill rally during WJLA's noon newscast. The rally by religious and environmental groups was to protest BP's response to the gulf oil spill and to advocate for legislation favoring renewable energy sources.

According to several of McKelway's colleagues, the newsman's reporting may have lapsed into partisan territory when he commented live on the air about the oil industry's influence in Washington, particularly its contributions to Democratic politicians and legislators.

The episode led to a meeting between McKelway and Bill Lord, WJLA's station manager and news director, that featured sharp exchanges between them, said several newsroom sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about a personnel issue.
"The issue wasn't what he said in the live shot. It was what he said when he was questioned about it by Bill," said one of McKelway's colleagues. "The issue is insubordination."

McKelway reportedly was notified of his suspension after his encounter with Lord. One newsroom manager described McKelway as "in limbo" at the station, which is known as ABC7. Although he hasn't appeared on the air since the incident, he remains under contract and his photo and official biography remain on WJLA's Web site.

Yoo MUST NOT criticize der Fuerher! It is VERBOTTEN!

But then again, these may be the lucky ones.

Mystery grows: Journalist died prepping Obama exposé

Mystery grows: Journalist died prepping Obama exposé

Major probe tied to agent suspected of sanitizing president's passport records

NEW YORK – Before his death in a fiery car crash, Michael Hastings was preparing to publish a major investigative piece tied to the undercover agent who is suspected of sanitizing President Obama’s passport records prior to the 2008 presidential election.

The mystery has only deepened since the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office ruled that drugs in his system at the time of the June 18 crash, including amphetamines and marijuana, likely did not contribute to the crash.

Hastings, 33 years old at the time of his death, wrote for Gentleman’s Quarterly, Rolling Stone and Buzzfeed, reporting on national security issues.

His June 2010 article in Rolling Stone featuring remarks highly critical of the Obama administration made by Gen. Stanley McChrystal — then the commander of allied forces in Afghanistan — led to President Obama relieving McChrystal of command.

There is plenty more out there if you bother to take the time to dig into it, that is if you really want to know the Truth about how Obama fascist ideologues are suppressing exposure of their President for Life.
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CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

President Obama's people can be quite nasty. They don't like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they're not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

At time 0:34 of the video:

[ame=]CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube[/ame]

well yeah

in case you have not noticed

for the past couple of days

during this obamacare mess

instead of doing segments on it during prime time

they instead have been running

a documentary called blackfish



Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Lie much?

The typical Obama's people don't represent his administration's doings BULL SHIT that we've come to expect from STINKY ASS MUNCHES like yourself.

Why are you going easy on this piece of shyte fascist scumbag ass kisser Pogo?

He deserves far worse descriptors, all in the name of greater accuracy of representation of Truth.
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Lie much?

The typical Obama's people don't represent his administration's doings BULL SHIT that we've come to expect from STINKY ASS MUNCHES like yourself.

Aaaaand right on cue, enter the Illiterati.

Lol, mighty desperate to trot out references to your own little kabal, herr Pogo, you fucking retarded liar.

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