CNN admits that Obama threatens all of their jobs regularly!

The fallacies are what's the same no matter where it comes from.

The OP is either so stupid he took this other message board post at face value without even thinking about it (his cognitive operations shut down by the salivation of ODS gone wild), OR he's the same poser as Ninth Amendment posting the same demonstrably fallacious bullshit on multiple message boards. Either he fabricated it himself or he cut-and-pasted somebody else's fallacy. Given his intellectual sloth and inability to post anything intelligent, I suspect the latter.

Apparently he didn't even watch his own video. When I mentioned the crucial words were cut off, he came back with a completely different video, which tells me he had to go find one.

You bullshit artists delude no one but yourselves.

Again, you make the most stupid lies as I have described the video several times indicating that I watched it, genius.

The facts are the facts and you are again as so many times before wrong, but too stupid and stubborn to realize it.

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