CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

they had to shape a narrative that is why he "turned" white

they had to scrub his dealings with blacklivesmatter and FTP

downplay his involvement with school theater

and as of today the police still have not released his manifesto

So you must have the link to this CNN story. Where is it?
Because Geaux, the photo you provided was from Conservativetreehouse, of Sheppard, and has nothing at all to do with the killer from Oregon:

That is the link you used.

Those terrorist all look alike


Do they really?



It's a shame that because a few dishonest right wing nut jobs post misinformation and outright lies so ofter here we are unable to believe anything that comes from any of them. It has become a daily and routine pattern. Garbage links to garbage blog sites for garbage stories. Every day, all day.
Hardcore partisan ideologues aren't very honest. Either side.

What do you think of what CNN did?

Wait, I thought you were a moderate conservative???

If you're going to harp on honesty, surely you have the integrity to show some proof that the OP isn't a lie.
Lying makes you Presidential.... to the left that is.....


You're one of several liars on this thread, posting a pic of Eric Sheppard, trying to pass it off as the Oregon shooter.
no he didn't..why are you so intent on causing distractions and dodging?
Yes he did. Now you are lying to cover for the guy who helped promote the original lie. Lying is in your blood. It is like a sport for some of you. It is why no one but other liars take you serious.
Again, the OP link:

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

gets all of its information from this link:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...

Here is a screenshot of the relevant part of that link:

View attachment 51442

Why is the pic on the right not hyperlinked? I mean, CNN rarely, if ever deletes anything. It should be easy for another site to link to the source. I do it ALL THE TIME.

So, where is the actual CNN link?


CNN probably deleted theirs after the story came out.
yup CNN removed all pictures of the shooter.
Oregon shooting: Gunman killed self, official rules -
Last edited:
Again, the OP link:

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

gets all of its information from this link:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...

Here is a screenshot of the relevant part of that link:

View attachment 51442

Why is the pic on the right not hyperlinked? I mean, CNN rarely, if ever deletes anything. It should be easy for another site to link to the source. I do it ALL THE TIME.

So, where is the actual CNN link?


CNN probably deleted theirs after the story came out.

Probably? We've already got that link, ding-dong. I've been reading CNN's articles on this story for two days and I never saw that photo.

Probably isn't good enough.
Again, the OP link:

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

gets all of its information from this link:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...

Here is a screenshot of the relevant part of that link:

View attachment 51442

Why is the pic on the right not hyperlinked? I mean, CNN rarely, if ever deletes anything. It should be easy for another site to link to the source. I do it ALL THE TIME.

So, where is the actual CNN link?


CNN probably deleted theirs after the story came out.

Uhm, no.

That is not a link to CNN. That is a link to a photo that was published at the gateway pundit and cannot be attributed to CNN in any way.

Are you really that stupid, or just ignorant?

Oh, and I have yet to see CNN delete anything once it has published, and if any text changes are made, an editorial note of change is included.

So, put on your big boy pants and see if you can actually find that photoshopped photo at CNN, which is what those lying RWNJ frother sites claim.

Just to remind, gatewaypundit also claimed that the co-pilot of the Lufthansa flight - who committed mass murder by flying the plane into a mountain - was a gay muslim. He was neither nor.

Yep, gatewaypundit has just such a stellar reputation....
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

Oh my god, now, who's telling the truth here. If this turns out to be real, this is amazing. Do they want it to be a white guy that bad?
So, it's now been about 3 hours.

Anyone found the initial CNN link that these RWNJ sites claim they lifted a pic from, a pic that is supposed to be photoshopped?

Tick, tock, tick, tock....

Among adults, honesty really does count...

Here, you can borrow this. lol


Was thinking more along the lines of this:

People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

Oh my god, now, who's telling the truth here. If this turns out to be real, this is amazing. Do they want it to be a white guy that bad?

What's amazing is that none of you idiots can provide a link to the actual CNN article.

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