CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi That Trump Was Acquitted — She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t

She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....
There were THREE witnesses in Bubba's trial, and they testified behind closed doors, and only parts of their testimony was released. Do you think that standard would have been acceptable in Trump's trial?
In Clinton's trial, the DOJ had a special prosecutor doing the investigations and interviewing witnesses before a grand jury.... the House with Trump had to be their own prosecutors, their own investigators and their own grand jury getting depositions....

The three witnesses they had in the clinton impeachment trial, were done behind closed doors because the questioning and topic was about lying about blow jobs and cigars and sex.... and the questions and answers could have been X rated, and not permitted on national TV during daytime hours.... and I think this is the only reason it was done behind closed my understanding of it?

If national security is involved then I could see that behind closed doors
None of that is an excuse for the House not doing their job.
He doesn’t warrant your explanation. He’s a punk
Dudette, are you wearing your pink underwear tonight?
I handed it to you years ago, you wear it well. you should go get a tissue and stop whining.
Once again, you are feebly trying to make excuses for the House refusing to do their job.

And the only “lockstepping” in the Senate was by the Dimwingers, but don’t let facts get in the way of your lies.
What job did they refuse to do...? Go to court for years because of the president's stonewalling by tying witnesses and evidence up in the courts?

that's all bull crud.

When we already have precedence from the Supreme Court, witnesses and TAPES, like in the NIXON TAPES of his personal doings with his full administration, could NOT be held back from the impeachment inquirers on the basis of Executive privilege.... period.

Just think about it, there would be no reason for the Founders to even put impeachment in to the Constitution, if the President could legally stonewall the impeachment investigation for months or years by denying subpoenas and admin witnesses, and then tying it up in the court for months or get the subpoena witnesses and evidence....

It would completely nullify the power given to the House on Impeachment....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.

OK were any of the three NEW witnesses, or were they people the House already questioned?
Exactly. The House makes their case, they don't demand the Senate make up for their failures.
The House only is required to make their case on whether CHARGES need to be brought, as with prosecutors....they simply make charges against someone....

The Senate and a court room, is where the Managers or prosecutors have to PROVE they committed a crime or high crime and or misdemeanor in impeachment.... in a court trial, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, in an impeachment trial, it is also a higher bar than what it took for the house to make charges in their articles of impeachment... this is why all evidence and any new evidence is ALWAYS allowed in a trial..... EXCEPT THIS SHAM TRIAL.

Except. There ONLY reason there ware any new witnesses at all was the House's incompetence in getting them.
Nope The new witnesses, including Bolton, AFTER the impeachment leaked out what was in his book about the Ukraine scandal, making it clear that he did have a specific connection with the scandal. This did not happen when they were calling Bolton and his assistant in the House Inquiry, they were searching to see if there were any connections of them and the Ukraine, so when they went the court route, they dropped it, because it would take years, and they did not even know they would Net anything.

but AFTER the impeachment had been done, is when the new evidence came out that Bolton had a first hand connection.

Same with Parnus, AFTER the impeachment, a court ruled that all of Parnus's emails that the SDNY had subpoenaed, could be released back to Parnus, so he could turn them over to the impeachment managers and investigators... the court's ruling to give Parnus the OK came after impeachment but before the trial....

Also, on the subpoenas the House issued for emails and documents that the Whitehouse and agencies refused to turn over.... many were released to a non profit watchdog agency via a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request..... and those were made public and gotten AFTER the impeachment but before the trial... not through their subpoena, but through the FOIA request of an outside group....
those weren't new witnesses. what impeachment were you watching?
Bolton, Mulveney, Duffey, (and Parnus if he were called), were all new witnesses that had not testified before the House....??
What job did they refuse to do...? Go to court for years because of the president's stonewalling by tying witnesses and evidence up in the courts?

that's all bull crud.

When we already have precedence from the Supreme Court, witnesses and TAPES, like in the NIXON TAPES of his personal doings with his full administration, could NOT be held back from the impeachment inquirers on the basis of Executive privilege.... period.

Just think about it, there would be no reason for the Founders to even put impeachment in to the Constitution, if the President could legally stonewall the impeachment investigation for months or years by denying subpoenas and admin witnesses, and then tying it up in the court for months or get the subpoena witnesses and evidence....

It would completely nullify the power given to the House on Impeachment....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.
TOTAL Exoneration.

Deal with it, Loser.:banana:
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

Exactly. The House makes their case, they don't demand the Senate make up for their failures.
The House only is required to make their case on whether CHARGES need to be brought, as with prosecutors....they simply make charges against someone....

The Senate and a court room, is where the Managers or prosecutors have to PROVE they committed a crime or high crime and or misdemeanor in impeachment.... in a court trial, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, in an impeachment trial, it is also a higher bar than what it took for the house to make charges in their articles of impeachment... this is why all evidence and any new evidence is ALWAYS allowed in a trial..... EXCEPT THIS SHAM TRIAL.

Except. There ONLY reason there ware any new witnesses at all was the House's incompetence in getting them.
Nope The new witnesses, including Bolton, AFTER the impeachment leaked out what was in his book about the Ukraine scandal, making it clear that he did have a specific connection with the scandal. This did not happen when they were calling Bolton and his assistant in the House Inquiry, they were searching to see if there were any connections of them and the Ukraine, so when they went the court route, they dropped it, because it would take years, and they did not even know they would Net anything.

but AFTER the impeachment had been done, is when the new evidence came out that Bolton had a first hand connection.

Same with Parnus, AFTER the impeachment, a court ruled that all of Parnus's emails that the SDNY had subpoenaed, could be released back to Parnus, so he could turn them over to the impeachment managers and investigators... the court's ruling to give Parnus the OK came after impeachment but before the trial....

Also, on the subpoenas the House issued for emails and documents that the Whitehouse and agencies refused to turn over.... many were released to a non profit watchdog agency via a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request..... and those were made public and gotten AFTER the impeachment but before the trial... not through their subpoena, but through the FOIA request of an outside group....
those weren't new witnesses. what impeachment were you watching?
Bolton, Mulveney, Duffey, (and Parnus if he were called), were all new witnesses that had not testified before the House....??
why didn't peloser call them? that's her job to call them. that's on her.
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.
he wasn't found guilty. and only democrats impeached him. partisan crying. exonerated is exactly what it was.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.
he wasn't found guilty. and only democrats impeached him. partisan crying. exonerated is exactly what it was.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.
he wasn't found guilty. and only democrats impeached him. partisan crying. exonerated is exactly what it was.
Didn’t Nazi Pelousy say impeachment had to be bipartisan to be legit?
Once again, you are feebly trying to make excuses for the House refusing to do their job.

And the only “lockstepping” in the Senate was by the Dimwingers, but don’t let facts get in the way of your lies.
What job did they refuse to do...? Go to court for years because of the president's stonewalling by tying witnesses and evidence up in the courts?

that's all bull crud.

When we already have precedence from the Supreme Court, witnesses and TAPES, like in the NIXON TAPES of his personal doings with his full administration, could NOT be held back from the impeachment inquirers on the basis of Executive privilege.... period.

Just think about it, there would be no reason for the Founders to even put impeachment in to the Constitution, if the President could legally stonewall the impeachment investigation for months or years by denying subpoenas and admin witnesses, and then tying it up in the court for months or get the subpoena witnesses and evidence....

It would completely nullify the power given to the House on Impeachment....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
Nancy should go tell the supreme court she rules over them too. Judge Roberts said acquitted. stupid is her new play.
What job did they refuse to do...? Go to court for years because of the president's stonewalling by tying witnesses and evidence up in the courts?

that's all bull crud.

When we already have precedence from the Supreme Court, witnesses and TAPES, like in the NIXON TAPES of his personal doings with his full administration, could NOT be held back from the impeachment inquirers on the basis of Executive privilege.... period.

Just think about it, there would be no reason for the Founders to even put impeachment in to the Constitution, if the President could legally stonewall the impeachment investigation for months or years by denying subpoenas and admin witnesses, and then tying it up in the court for months or get the subpoena witnesses and evidence....

It would completely nullify the power given to the House on Impeachment....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
i really just wish they'd take a mthr fking civic's class and learn about our country.
Exactly. The House makes their case, they don't demand the Senate make up for their failures.
The House only is required to make their case on whether CHARGES need to be brought, as with prosecutors....they simply make charges against someone....

The Senate and a court room, is where the Managers or prosecutors have to PROVE they committed a crime or high crime and or misdemeanor in impeachment.... in a court trial, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, in an impeachment trial, it is also a higher bar than what it took for the house to make charges in their articles of impeachment... this is why all evidence and any new evidence is ALWAYS allowed in a trial..... EXCEPT THIS SHAM TRIAL.

Except. There ONLY reason there ware any new witnesses at all was the House's incompetence in getting them.
Nope The new witnesses, including Bolton, AFTER the impeachment leaked out what was in his book about the Ukraine scandal, making it clear that he did have a specific connection with the scandal. This did not happen when they were calling Bolton and his assistant in the House Inquiry, they were searching to see if there were any connections of them and the Ukraine, so when they went the court route, they dropped it, because it would take years, and they did not even know they would Net anything.

but AFTER the impeachment had been done, is when the new evidence came out that Bolton had a first hand connection.

Same with Parnus, AFTER the impeachment, a court ruled that all of Parnus's emails that the SDNY had subpoenaed, could be released back to Parnus, so he could turn them over to the impeachment managers and investigators... the court's ruling to give Parnus the OK came after impeachment but before the trial....

Also, on the subpoenas the House issued for emails and documents that the Whitehouse and agencies refused to turn over.... many were released to a non profit watchdog agency via a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request..... and those were made public and gotten AFTER the impeachment but before the trial... not through their subpoena, but through the FOIA request of an outside group....
Face it, you idiots lost.
Yes, I know we lost, but it was because the trial was a SHAM, the fix was in with McConnel and the republicans before the trial even began.... I get to say that, because the trial did not allow evidence and witnesses.... if they had them and he was still acquitted, then I wouldn't be able to say that.... :D

Exactly. The House makes their case, they don't demand the Senate make up for their failures.
The House only is required to make their case on whether CHARGES need to be brought, as with prosecutors....they simply make charges against someone....

The Senate and a court room, is where the Managers or prosecutors have to PROVE they committed a crime or high crime and or misdemeanor in impeachment.... in a court trial, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, in an impeachment trial, it is also a higher bar than what it took for the house to make charges in their articles of impeachment... this is why all evidence and any new evidence is ALWAYS allowed in a trial..... EXCEPT THIS SHAM TRIAL.

Except. There ONLY reason there ware any new witnesses at all was the House's incompetence in getting them.
Nope The new witnesses, including Bolton, AFTER the impeachment leaked out what was in his book about the Ukraine scandal, making it clear that he did have a specific connection with the scandal. This did not happen when they were calling Bolton and his assistant in the House Inquiry, they were searching to see if there were any connections of them and the Ukraine, so when they went the court route, they dropped it, because it would take years, and they did not even know they would Net anything.

but AFTER the impeachment had been done, is when the new evidence came out that Bolton had a first hand connection.

Same with Parnus, AFTER the impeachment, a court ruled that all of Parnus's emails that the SDNY had subpoenaed, could be released back to Parnus, so he could turn them over to the impeachment managers and investigators... the court's ruling to give Parnus the OK came after impeachment but before the trial....

Also, on the subpoenas the House issued for emails and documents that the Whitehouse and agencies refused to turn over.... many were released to a non profit watchdog agency via a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request..... and those were made public and gotten AFTER the impeachment but before the trial... not through their subpoena, but through the FOIA request of an outside group....
those weren't new witnesses. what impeachment were you watching?
Bolton, Mulveney, Duffey, (and Parnus if he were called), were all new witnesses that had not testified before the House....??
Too bad. The House should have waited. It's over. Go win the election.
Pelosi can mentally accept / acknowledge that her ill-advised, unwarranted, unsupported, 'fastest rush to Impeach in US history' based on 'the weakest case to Impeach in US history' (zero crime - admittedly, zero evidence, zero witnesses) - the 1st partisan political Impeachment in US history & 1st Impeachment in history NOT to include any crime - was so easily rejected and dismissed by the Senate.

Perhaps some measure of sanity returned to her, and she realized she publicly declared voters could not be trusted to vote....and, failing to remove Trump from office / the ballot, she now realizes she and her fellow partisan conspirators now face the wrath of pissed off Conservatives and Independents this fall.....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

No, he as always been 100% not guilty.


he was not totally exonerated.... his record and charges were not expunged.

Exonerated FOREVER.

Are democrats going to impeach president Trump again?
What job did they refuse to do...? Go to court for years because of the president's stonewalling by tying witnesses and evidence up in the courts?

that's all bull crud.

When we already have precedence from the Supreme Court, witnesses and TAPES, like in the NIXON TAPES of his personal doings with his full administration, could NOT be held back from the impeachment inquirers on the basis of Executive privilege.... period.

Just think about it, there would be no reason for the Founders to even put impeachment in to the Constitution, if the President could legally stonewall the impeachment investigation for months or years by denying subpoenas and admin witnesses, and then tying it up in the court for months or get the subpoena witnesses and evidence....

It would completely nullify the power given to the House on Impeachment....
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
It took balls for any Republican Senator to be impartial and vote for and with the truth, that they all knew was the OVERWHELMING truth....

No Republican Senator had vote with the truth and the Law, THEY GAVE THOSE BALLS AWAY BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGAN and sealed the deal when they voted for no witnesses and no evidence to be presented in the trial...

the fear of The Wrath of Trump was too frightening for them....they were shakin' in their boots, ALL ball less....

except Romney,
but to you all, he's a useless piece of shit, RINO
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
It took balls for any Republican Senator to be impartial and vote for and with the truth, that they all knew was the OVERWHELMING truth....

No Republican Senator had vote with the truth and the Law, THEY GAVE THOSE BALLS AWAY BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGAN and sealed the deal when they voted for no witnesses and no evidence to be presented in the trial...

the fear of The Wrath of Trump was too frightening for them....they were shakin' in their boots, ALL ball less....

except Romney,
but to you all, he's a useless piece of shit, RINO
Your Meldown is cute.

Please keep it up!:bye1:

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