CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Would you stop.. the truth is out..stop freakin denying it..Trump has said for a year that it is a hoax you has been found to be untrue and ignorant..
He is not saying that is it a hoax get with it..and learn what happened.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...

CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news

What's "bogus" about it? The last place you should go, next to CNN, is CBS or NBC. The spew fake news all day long.
Well maybe you need to hear the other side..I watched Fox yesterday and heard exactly what you are saying in this thread..blaming Obama, pointing fingers and hate on the democrats.. You need to watch both sides and then weigh it in to make your own decision instead of sounding like a 1 sided view.
You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Twitter just purged Russian bots, and Trump fans are crying as their followers vanish
Source: Metro

Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the #MAGA brigade, as they howl in despair after half their Twitter followers vanished overnight.

The reason? Those ‘cruel leftist libs’ at Twitter just purged a load of Russian bots – leading (hilariously) to right-wing Tweeters losing their sh*t.

They think it’s some kind of left-wing conspiracy, whereas in fact, Twitter just deleted a bunch of non-existent fascists controlled from St Petersburg.

Not seeming to realise the irony, many are sharing their agony online with the hashtag #TwitterLockout.

Read more: Twitter purged Russian bots, and Trump fans are crying as their followers vanish | Metro News
Can you post a link to any rightwing Tweeters losing their shit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...

CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news

What's "bogus" about it? The last place you should go, next to CNN, is CBS or NBC. The spew fake news all day long.
Well maybe you need to hear the other side..I watched Fox yesterday and heard exactly what you are saying in this thread..blaming Obama, pointing fingers and hate on the democrats.. You need to watch both sides and then weigh it in to make your own decision instead of sounding like a 1 sided view.

So you were finally exposed to some actual facts? Did it hurt much?
You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..
You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

and with all his protests ,all his tweets never a discouraging word about the guy putin ,who has the goods on him...It should be plain to anyone with more than half a brain that Drumpf is hiding something Just like his tax returns

Trump doesn't have an army of fake news media Jackals to get his position on the issues out to the voters.

I know how much you snowflakes hate the fact that the news media can no longer get away with smearing a Republican president without fear of the truth getting out.
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..

$46,000 is trivial compared to $1.5 billion. In fact it's microscopic.
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Twitter just purged Russian bots, and Trump fans are crying as their followers vanish
Source: Metro

Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the #MAGA brigade, as they howl in despair after half their Twitter followers vanished overnight.

The reason? Those ‘cruel leftist libs’ at Twitter just purged a load of Russian bots – leading (hilariously) to right-wing Tweeters losing their sh*t.

They think it’s some kind of left-wing conspiracy, whereas in fact, Twitter just deleted a bunch of non-existent fascists controlled from St Petersburg.

Not seeming to realise the irony, many are sharing their agony online with the hashtag #TwitterLockout.

Read more: Twitter purged Russian bots, and Trump fans are crying as their followers vanish | Metro News
Can you post a link to any rightwing Tweeters losing their shit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Click the bold text it will take you to twitter and how they are exposing it.
Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..

$46,000 is trivial compared to $1.5 billion. It's microscopic.
Why do you keep using that? I gave you the links 2 times but you refuse to read them.
Wrong, shit for brains. Trump said for a year that the claim his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. Now all you snowflake dumbasses are trying to claim he said something else. What else can you do when you've been been lying about him for at least 2 years now?
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...

CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news

What's "bogus" about it? The last place you should go, next to CNN, is CBS or NBC. The spew fake news all day long.
Well maybe you need to hear the other side..I watched Fox yesterday and heard exactly what you are saying in this thread..blaming Obama, pointing fingers and hate on the democrats.. You need to watch both sides and then weigh it in to make your own decision instead of sounding like a 1 sided view.
are you not the person who tore into me w/o even reading what i was commenting on? i was wanting to "hit back" but thought better of it because i've done it too so just let it go.

now here you are telling others to be aware before speaking up after you just misfired on me for NOT being aware.

and we wonder why it's so hard to talk to each other anymore. no one listens cause they're too anxious to be heard.
can you list some writers/journalists you do like?

CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX - most major networks are hurting for ratings and money so they make up things to get people to watch them. it's like a soap opera to be honest where the smallest of details is always made life and death and you need to keep watching us so we can tell you what to be scared of or mad at today. and people fall for it.

they fall for the russian trolling. was the election a part of it? yep. but it was so much more than that. have you SEEN the facebook ads you continue to bring up? i've posted that article a few times and you usually get mad, cuss me out and tell me how stupid i am and move on because i'm not giving into your posts.

they're trolling us to get us to do exactly what we're doing and you can't see that. you also can't see the best way to beat THEM is to quit beating the shit out of each other.

what is your long term goal in these discussions? get someone to change their mind? i've not seen that happen in decades of these online feuds. or at least VERY seldom. and have you ever looked at a piece of news and CHANGED your mind on something or did you call it fake? or if you like the meme, do you use it to show why you're right?

and given so few people actually change their minds in these discussions regardless of the "source" - what good did their trolling *really do* in the end other than exactly what trolling does?

divide us.

like i said - all of us need to grow up and get over this.

Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..
and CNN is telling me the world is going to end.
Trump still unconvinced of 2016 Russian election meddling ...
7 days ago - Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump still isn't buying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Even as his intelligence chiefs unanimously told a Senate panel Tuesday that Russia meddled in 2016 and is planning to do so again in 2018, three sources familiar with the ...

CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news

What's "bogus" about it? The last place you should go, next to CNN, is CBS or NBC. The spew fake news all day long.
Well maybe you need to hear the other side..I watched Fox yesterday and heard exactly what you are saying in this thread..blaming Obama, pointing fingers and hate on the democrats.. You need to watch both sides and then weigh it in to make your own decision instead of sounding like a 1 sided view.
are you not the person who tore into me w/o even reading what i was commenting on? i was wanting to "hit back" but thought better of it because i've done it too so just let it go.

now here you are telling others to be aware before speaking up after you just misfired on me for NOT being aware.

and we wonder why it's so hard to talk to each other anymore. no one listens cause they're too anxious to be heard.
LOL.. you just can't help yourself to use my apology as an argument..I am not going to get on the merry go round with you..

We all need balanced information..going one sided is keeping us in the dark.. some just stay on MSNBC, and some just on FX..
Well at least you admit that they are trolling us.. big step
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..
and CNN is telling me the world is going to end.
So does Good Morning America with their previews of the sky is falling and so does Fox ... getting several views is important..
CNN - fake news.

You post a bogus site and then call CNN fake. Seriously dude you need to get some correct info because you are not getting it.. Go to CBS or NBC or whatever..but clearly you need some real news

What's "bogus" about it? The last place you should go, next to CNN, is CBS or NBC. The spew fake news all day long.
Well maybe you need to hear the other side..I watched Fox yesterday and heard exactly what you are saying in this thread..blaming Obama, pointing fingers and hate on the democrats.. You need to watch both sides and then weigh it in to make your own decision instead of sounding like a 1 sided view.
are you not the person who tore into me w/o even reading what i was commenting on? i was wanting to "hit back" but thought better of it because i've done it too so just let it go.

now here you are telling others to be aware before speaking up after you just misfired on me for NOT being aware.

and we wonder why it's so hard to talk to each other anymore. no one listens cause they're too anxious to be heard.
LOL.. you just can't help yourself to use my apology as an argument..I am not going to get on the merry go round with you..

We all need balanced information..going one sided is keeping us in the dark.. some just stay on MSNBC, and some just on FX..
no. trying to figure you out is all.

you flat out say you didn't see what i was commenting on but it didn't stop you from lobbing insults and telling me i don't know what i'm talking about yet, we agreed on what was being said.

i could have continued the hate and fight and tore back into you but i also realize i've been guilty of this also and decided it simply wasn't worth it when i'd rather talk about where we can agree eventually.

then the very next post you're beating the shit out of someone for not knowing what they're replying to.

just struck me as funny in that you appreciate understanding but don't seem to give it very often.

back to your normal bashing now.
never said they were not. i said their impact in changing an election is minimal at best. i've also said if we're mad they are jacking with our elections, why are we not mad at ourselves for jacking with other countries? i don't do that "i can do this but you can't" routine. we can and do mess with other countries and their politics daily.

never a peep from us.

someone does it to us we're prom queen upset at a broken nail and heads must roll.

not very realistic in a holistic picture of things.

the problem is we believe what we want to believe and use these 'trollings" as evidence for how we feel. then we get mad at people who hack us, whether internal or russian and we get so focused on that we lose sight of what that hack revealed. while i'm embarrassed at how badly we're being trolled, i'm ashamed of what we as a country are so willing to do for "power" illustrated by what was found on the DNC server. in another time, heads would roll for what they did.

today we just don't give a damn as we're all hyped up about things that in the overall scheme of things simply don't matter.

are the russians trolling us? YES. how do we beat that? the way you beat ANY troll, verify sources and don't engage in stupid. but we're so quick to call someone names these days we don't even care many times that we're being MORE stupid than the people we yell at. only that we yelled and got some short term sense of worth out of getting the better of someone in an online disagreement.

is that your long term goal in these discussions? telling people how stupid they are?

i WANT to hear your input. i WANT to hear oldladys input. i WANT to hear slades input. i want to hear input from all sides WITHOUT making it personal if i disagree.

part 2 is the killer these days and we know it but like many things we know are wrong, we simply don't care because telling someone how stupid they are is more important than fixing things.

The democrats have been called snowflakes, sore losers , fake news, less trustworthy than Putin, Trump haters, by Trump and his followers for over a year.

He is still lying minimizing what Russia did..Maybe our leader should acknowledge what Putin did and call it what it is.. A internet terrorist attack because it is still going on..

Instead Trump lies and points the fingers and blaming everyone else..

Trump is a troll insulting everyone all over twitter..

Oh, you po witto babeeeeees! It would be impossible to "minimize" what Russia did since it's so incredibly trivial. What Hillary and her goons did, on the other hand, is criminal and even treasonous. Staging a coup against a lawfully elected president and using the government to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate is about as close to treason as you can get.
Because you do not know just how bad it really is is not trivial..Fox news is telling you that it is trivial..
and CNN is telling me the world is going to end.
So does Good Morning America with their previews of the sky is falling and so does Fox ... getting several views is important..
not when every one is a PANIC PANIC one that seems more designed to keep people riled up. when i know your objective is to keep me angry, i really don't care what you have to say anymore.

which is why i don't do mainstream "news" anymore. it's gossip people use to reinforce how they feel.
You dummies listened to lying Trump with his fake news awards and refused to even acknowledge that Russia was hacking us while Trump took Putin's side and hated on the Democrats all over Twitter dividing the country.
And you bring out a fake blog on how other stations are hating on Trump.
Open your eyes, and stop this.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.

You're the one who claimed McConnel blocked or stopped Obama. That is a flat out lie. Obama "wanted" bipartisan support but did not need it. McConnel cannot block Obama from revealing Russian interference. Obama can choose to not reveal the interference for whatever reason (like bipartisan support), but it is his choice. No matter what McConnell's position was, Obama could have AND SHOULD HAVE revealed this interference .... unless it was trivial and of no consequence.
You dummies listened to lying Trump with his fake news awards and refused to even acknowledge that Russia was hacking us while Trump took Putin's side and hated on the Democrats all over Twitter dividing the country.
And you bring out a fake blog on how other stations are hating on Trump.
Open your eyes, and stop this.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.

You're the one who claimed McConnel blocked or stopped Obama. That is a flat out lie. Obama "wanted" bipartisan support but did not need it. McConnel cannot block Obama from revealing Russian interference. Obama can choose to not reveal the interference for whatever reason (like bipartisan support), but it is his choice. No matter what McConnell's position was, Obama could have AND SHOULD HAVE revealed this interference .... unless it was trivial and of no consequence.
Get a link to back yourself won't because there isn't any//what a doof..McConnell did refuse to give Obama a bipartisan alert to the people..
Now McConnell did say that we were getting hack..but refused to say the Russians..

Enjoy finding a link that you will never find..

/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.

You're the one who claimed McConnel blocked or stopped Obama. That is a flat out lie. Obama "wanted" bipartisan support but did not need it. McConnel cannot block Obama from revealing Russian interference. Obama can choose to not reveal the interference for whatever reason (like bipartisan support), but it is his choice. No matter what McConnell's position was, Obama could have AND SHOULD HAVE revealed this interference .... unless it was trivial and of no consequence.
Get a link to back yourself won't because there isn't any//what a doof..McConnell did refuse to give Obama a bipartisan alert to the people..
Now McConnell did say that we were getting hack..but refused to say the Russians..

Enjoy finding a link that you will never find..


You cannot prove a negative. Let's say I concede that Russians meddled in our elections. Let's say I'll stipulate that McConnell is a Russian spy (he isn't probably, but for the sake of arguements). How, exactly, could McConnell prevent Obama from sounding the alarm?

Lets take this Politico link:

Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians

"Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about Russian interference in the 2016 campaign by refusing to sign on to a bipartisan statement of condemnation."

Is it your belief that President Obama COULD NOT disclose Russian meddling without bipartisan support?

It is my position that it wasn't important enough to President Obama to disclose Russian meddling if he couldn't get McConnell to sign the alert.

Do you see the difference?
/-----/ Listen you lying turd, Trump said there was no collusion, not that there was no Russian interference. Your god, Barack Insane Obozo even said so during his time in office twice. Once when mock Mitt during the debate about the 1980s wanting their talking points back and again slamming Trump 3 months before the election.
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.

You're the one who claimed McConnel blocked or stopped Obama. That is a flat out lie. Obama "wanted" bipartisan support but did not need it. McConnel cannot block Obama from revealing Russian interference. Obama can choose to not reveal the interference for whatever reason (like bipartisan support), but it is his choice. No matter what McConnell's position was, Obama could have AND SHOULD HAVE revealed this interference .... unless it was trivial and of no consequence.
Get a link to back yourself won't because there isn't any//what a doof..McConnell did refuse to give Obama a bipartisan alert to the people..
Now McConnell did say that we were getting hack..but refused to say the Russians..

Enjoy finding a link that you will never find..

yet if he finds it you'll discredit the source.

so what's the point?
Where do you come up with this?

McConnell stopped Obama whom wanted to warn Americans..

You refused to hear a thing about it.
Calling us snowflakes and sore losers parroting Trump

You guy need to stop listening to hate and get on board as Americans to fight Putin together.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Obama didn't need permission from McConnel. Obama could have done the right thing even if he didn't like the optics.
Show me the link ..Obama wanted a bipartisan alert.

You're the one who claimed McConnel blocked or stopped Obama. That is a flat out lie. Obama "wanted" bipartisan support but did not need it. McConnel cannot block Obama from revealing Russian interference. Obama can choose to not reveal the interference for whatever reason (like bipartisan support), but it is his choice. No matter what McConnell's position was, Obama could have AND SHOULD HAVE revealed this interference .... unless it was trivial and of no consequence.
Get a link to back yourself won't because there isn't any//what a doof..McConnell did refuse to give Obama a bipartisan alert to the people..
Now McConnell did say that we were getting hack..but refused to say the Russians..

Enjoy finding a link that you will never find..


You cannot prove a negative. Let's say I concede that Russians meddled in our elections. Let's say I'll stipulate that McConnell is a Russian spy (he isn't probably, but for the sake of arguements). How, exactly, could McConnell prevent Obama from sounding the alarm?

Lets take this Politico link:

Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians

"Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about Russian interference in the 2016 campaign by refusing to sign on to a bipartisan statement of condemnation."

Is it your belief that President Obama COULD NOT disclose Russian meddling without bipartisan support?

It is my position that it wasn't important enough to President Obama to disclose Russian meddling if he couldn't get McConnell to sign the alert.

Do you see the difference?

In that same link it explains that if Obama came out with a non partisan alert one month before the elections..

Biden said he and former President Barack Obama worried that without a united front of bipartisanship, speaking out before the election would undermine the legitimacy of the election and American institutions in a way that would play into the Russians’ larger ambitions.

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