(CNN) CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'....

Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'..

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN's rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.
On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Biden] is older ... I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind-of-things than does Trump.'

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates' microphones.

Cillizza said he is "surprised" Trump's campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones​

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It's not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

No matter who it favors, both of them agreed to the rules.
It’s only been installed to save Dementia Riddled *Joe from going off script and getting confused. What a weak worthless turd.
Lying Dotard Donald needs to be muted.
Pump LOUD noise into his ear piece every time he interrupts.
That will shut the idiot up.

You fuckstains don't really want a debate, you want an interruption fest so you can 'pretend' that trump dominated the event.
They apply equally to both candidates.

Neither candidate can interrupt or browbeat the other.

Neither candidate can try to turn the debate into a circus.

They don't benefit either side, they insure a debate and not a brawl.
The mic thing should be a part of all the debates IMO.
Lying Dotard Donald needs to be muted.
Pump LOUD noise into his ear piece every time he interrupts.
That will shut the idiot up.

You fuckstains don't really want a debate, you want an interruption fest so you can 'pretend' that trump dominated the event.
Nope. Wandering *Joe is not able to handle anything off the pre written script. He needs a break in the debate to get coached on the second half and more inter venous cocktail.
The mic thing should be a part of all the debates IMO.
It will actually help Trump. Tater will be all on his own for whatever time they give them to answer. He can't keep a coherent thought for more than 5 seconds.

If Trump was able to interrupt him he gets let off the hook.

I say let the demented, senile moron try to fill a full minute with anything remotely resembling a coherent thought. No way he can.
Lying Dotard Donald needs to be muted.
Pump LOUD noise into his ear piece every time he interrupts.
That will shut the idiot up.

You fuckstains don't really want a debate, you want an interruption fest so you can 'pretend' that trump dominated the event.

Wandering *Joe is super sharp, vigorous and quick thinking. He’s going to be awesome!
Biden's goons will make sure he does not get tested for drugs.

Who should be drug tested?

Remember who the felon is.

Disagree. If they cut Trump off, everyone will know this and realize how true it is that the media is in bed with Biden and Democrats. This will only help Trump. Also, Biden has to stand there for 90 minutes with breaks as well. When he pees or takes a dump in his Pampers, the country and the world will know they have been deceived and Biden isn't running the country as President. No telepromter will also hurt Biden trying to formulate sentences. I still believe both should be drug tested before and after the debate and that be made known to the public.
If Trump isinterrupting someone while they are talking, trump should be cut off. Of course because you're an uncivilized beast, you can't understand why.
The rules should benefit pres. Biden due to his fading faculties. Without the rules Donald would just eat ole Joe alive. The biggest problem for Joe is when his mind shorts out(goes blank) so ole Joe may need extra time to become cognizant again so he can answer to the best of his abilities. I do like the idea of no audience as a live audience could prove to be a major distraction(lose thought) for pres. Biden. The debate is right around the corner but I seriously doubt that this debate will be another action packed "Thrilla In Manila" contest. Honestly this debate should have been scheduled to be aired in a hospital emergency room just in case pres. Biden hits the deck there would @ least be competent medical staff immediately available.
Your cult leader is equally likely to croak on stage. Try not to cry too much over it.
Yes, the Trump cult losers are already making crybaby excuses about why they lost so bad.

On some level, even the Trump cultists understand what losers Trump and themselves are.
Trump already said he might try to lose the debate on purpose.
Tapper and his partner are both Dimocrat hacks, so there is little doubt everything about the debate will be skewed in Biden's favor.
--- The Trump cult.

When you've been a pampered special snowflake your whole life, like Trump and his followers, then equality feels like oppression.
Commercial breaks = Time to stick another syringe in Tater's arm.
The microphone's should be unmuted so as to allow shit gibbon Dotard to go off on his rants, tangents, & whining like a little bitch so that voter's can see what a deranged fucktwit jerkoff that he really is.

The rules benefit your boy, Cleetus.

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