CNN Confirms That Trump Did Not Incite Capitol Riot


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
  • First they block all court review of the election to cover up that it involved massive cheating.
  • Next they block accounts to not allow people to even QUESTION the election.
  • Then they vilify the President and muzzle him from speaking in his defense.
  • Next they accuse him of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol and Impeach him for it without any hearing, witnesses or even saying just what Trump said or did!
  • Finally, it comes out that the rioters were at the Capitol already TWENTY MINUTES before Trump's rally speech even began! So how did he incite the riot?
  • And now, CNN inadvertently let's it slip that people there seeing the types of weapons, gear, outfits and techniques used to breech the Capitol wall required ADVANCED PLANNING AND PREPARATION AND SKILLS excluding the possibility that the riot happened as a spontaneous act arising from Trump's speech! So he COULDN'T have "incited" the attack on the Capitol, especially as no weapons are permitted anywhere near where the President was when he appeared there to give his rally talk! :21:

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  • First they block all court review of the election to cover up that it involved massive cheating.
  • Next they block accounts to not allow people to even QUESTION election.
  • Then they vilify the President and muzzle him from speaking in his defense.
  • Next they accuse him of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol and Impeach him for it without any hearing, witnesses or even saying just what Trump said or did!
  • Finally, it comes out that the rioters were at the Capitol already TWENTY MINUTES before Trump's rally speech even began! So how did he incite the riot?
  • And now, CNN inadvertently let's it slip that people there seeing the types of weapons, gear, outfits and techniques used to breech the Capitol wall required ADVANCED PLANNING AND PREPARATION AND SKILLS excluding the possibility that the riot happened as a spontaneous act arising from Trump's speech! So he COULDN'T have "incited" the attack on the Capitol, especially as no weapons are permitted anywhere near where the President was when he appeared there to give his rally talk! :21:

Fake News!
Obviously, anyone who claims that Trump incited a riot, insurrection, or revolution is fucking crazy. The impeachment was pure, unadulterated partisan politics, nothing more than an attempt to demoralize and denigrate Trump's supporters, which didn't work. Or at least not enough, although we did see some GOPers vote for impeachment in the House. And I suspect they will pay the price in their next primary, most of them anyway.
Trump and his media have spent the last four years inciting what happened.

Then your fellow DemoKKKrat went apeshit and stormed the Capitol.


Objectively, it is difficult to decide whether Republican or Democratic leadership has been more reprehensible. So, to be fair, we'll let them share the prize equally.
Ring one up for the duopoly!
  • First they block all court review of the election to cover up that it involved massive cheating.
  • Next they block accounts to not allow people to even QUESTION the election.
  • Then they vilify the President and muzzle him from speaking in his defense.
  • Next they accuse him of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol and Impeach him for it without any hearing, witnesses or even saying just what Trump said or did!
  • Finally, it comes out that the rioters were at the Capitol already TWENTY MINUTES before Trump's rally speech even began! So how did he incite the riot?
  • And now, CNN inadvertently let's it slip that people there seeing the types of weapons, gear, outfits and techniques used to breech the Capitol wall required ADVANCED PLANNING AND PREPARATION AND SKILLS excluding the possibility that the riot happened as a spontaneous act arising from Trump's speech! So he COULDN'T have "incited" the attack on the Capitol, especially as no weapons are permitted anywhere near where the President was when he appeared there to give his rally talk! :21:

How about blocking Hunters dirt....LOLOL

The cards are falling today.LOLOLOL
First who is "they" and why haven't "they" blocked your account (assuming this isn't blocked) yet?
  • First they block all court review of the election to cover up that it involved massive cheating.
  • Next they block accounts to not allow people to even QUESTION the election.
  • Then they vilify the President and muzzle him from speaking in his defense.
  • Next they accuse him of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol and Impeach him for it without any hearing, witnesses or even saying just what Trump said or did!
  • Finally, it comes out that the rioters were at the Capitol already TWENTY MINUTES before Trump's rally speech even began! So how did he incite the riot?
  • And now, CNN inadvertently let's it slip that people there seeing the types of weapons, gear, outfits and techniques used to breech the Capitol wall required ADVANCED PLANNING AND PREPARATION AND SKILLS excluding the possibility that the riot happened as a spontaneous act arising from Trump's speech! So he COULDN'T have "incited" the attack on the Capitol, especially as no weapons are permitted anywhere near where the President was when he appeared there to give his rally talk! :21:

Evil turning on itself. Every majority population has a breaking point. I personally worry that the breaking point of over seventy million republican voters has been exceeded. What happens after breaking point breach? Well, I suppose we're about to find out. What won't happen, however, are BLM style radical leftist riots. The events of January 6th 2021 were engineered and led by radical democrats. When the collective anger of 74 million republican voters breaks I think we will see a different sort of "red" tide.

For twelve years the Democratic Party leadership has been pushing republican voters deeper and deeper into a cul de sac—a dead end blind alley. For twelve years republican voters have been doing their damnedest to Charlie Mike as decent, law-abiding citizens despite the democrats all out assault on all they hold dear. And now, in 2021, the democrats' push against republican voters has increased to all-time levels of relentless pressure.

Something's got to give . . .
All the timelines and statements indicate Trump is totally in the right. The only reason the left came to that conclusion is because they can't accuse Trump of doing anything wrong. Trump was right again.
Trump and his media have spent the last four years inciting what happened.

It has been really sad to watch the complete devolving of a human psyche over the last 4 years.

I know you will never do it, but you really should spend some time reading your posts from 5 years ago.
It has been really sad to watch the complete devolving of a human psyche over the last 4 years.
I know you will never do it, but you really should spend some time reading your posts from 5 years ago.
You're free to point out where I have changed my mind on anything. I think I've asked you to do that in the past, so I guess I'm still waiting.

Oh, and by the way, five years? Here's a post of mine from 2015:

I think he's more dangerous to the party than Cruz or even Palin. Palin just tosses out endless strings of platitudes and bumper sticker slogans; Trump gets far more specific, with "ideas" 'n stuff.

I can provide more! My comments regarding Trump have followed the decay of his presidency and of this country. And NOW look where we are: DC calling in troops to protect the country against additional Trumpster terrorist attacks. Obviously, I have nailed it.

So, nice try. You're just wrong. You should have your TDS checked. "But I know you will never do it".

Source: Post 93, GOP worried about fallout from Trump's comments
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Trump and his media have spent the last four years inciting what happened.
That is a lie and you well know it.
Yeah, That's right. It was over 4 years. He said long before the 2016 election that the only reason he could possibly lose was if the vote was rigged. He was laying the groundwork for an outrageous protest back then to further destabilize our democracy.

Stop the Squeal


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