CNN Demands Mid-Interview Fact-Check On Damning Accusation Against Hillary - Gets BURNED!

During a discussion on Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal on Friday, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin had to call for a quick “fact check” to confirm the accuracy of a guest’s claim that Clinton’s staff destroyed Blackberries with hammers while at the State Department.

“17,500 emails that she lied about turning over. The server wipe. Within weeks of there being a report that she had a private server, it was wiped,” he said. “She thought that ‘C,’ which stands for classified, stood for ‘cookie’ or something. She thought that drone strikes are not classified. She said that the reason she used a private server was for convenience, that she only had one device, she used 13 Blackberries and five iPads.”

Baldwin quickly tried to come to Hillary's defense by demanding a quick Fact-Check on the damning claim:

“Evan Perez, hammers? Fact check that for me please on the fly.”

The Answer?

Perez quickly responded, “Yes, they did, Brooke.”

BOO-YA! Thank you, CNN, for helping drive home this claim as FACT!

(Impeding an investigation, destruction of evidence, improper and illegal destruction of classified, etc.....?!)

CNN Anchor Asks for a ‘Fact Check’ on Guest’s Stunning Clinton Claim, Gets a Quick Answer
The latest CNN/ORC poll has Trump +2 in a two way race and +1 in a four way race. Even at CNN, reality seems to be seeping in through cracks in their pro Hillary bias.
Damn....Can't slip anything past you. No I'm not Secretary of State, but decommissioned digital memory is routinely destroyed throughout the government and the military, as well as business and any thinking individuals. You transfer needed and relevant information to the new device and destroy the old one. You are really trying too hard to make something out of nothing.

Nobody destroys their blackberries with a hammer....they're worth good money on the resale market. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. You're supporting a fucking monster and you know it....WISE UP.

Right. They should sell the Secretary of State's used cell phone on Ebay. Dumbass.
Oh My. I've had several cell phones, but i don't use them all at once. When one breaks, or a better one comes out, I upgrade. That's all Hillary did. Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.

Did you actually just type that??




Well. Clarify what is being said. I don't see any need for outrage because her phone was upgraded, and the idea that she used several phones at once is kind of hard to believe, and I'm not sure what purpose she might have had to do that. So, what is the big deal that she had more than one device over a period of time?

Upgraded 13 times in 4 years? 3 per year? Nope.

She supposedly one had one ipad she got in 2010 and that was for reading and photos not email, yet now it's reported that she had five. Ooops.

She lied and stated she only used one device.

Oh, a quick HuffPuff check and I see you guys got your talking point. So now the spin is she only used one device at a time. :lol:

Comey says differently. So you're saying HE lied?
Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.
Here we see the typical fact-free liberal diversion and smear: Pretend the opponent said something he didn't, and then bash him for it.

It has the dual advantages of (a) diverting attention from what he DID say and what Hillary actually did (which the liberals don't want discussed), and (b) putting the opponent on the defensive where he spends the rest of the discussion defending something he didn't even say, instead of elaborating on what he did say.

And the liberal doesn't even have to research anything, look anything up, or try to establish any truth. He merely has to lie and pretend - something liberals are comfortable doing.
Damn....Can't slip anything past you. No I'm not Secretary of State, but decommissioned digital memory is routinely destroyed throughout the government and the military, as well as business and any thinking individuals. You transfer needed and relevant information to the new device and destroy the old one. You are really trying too hard to make something out of nothing.

Nobody destroys their blackberries with a hammer....they're worth good money on the resale market. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. You're supporting a fucking monster and you know it....WISE UP.

Right. They should sell the Secretary of State's used cell phone on Ebay. Dumbass.

Once it's wiped it wasn't anybody's phone, moron.
Oh My. I've had several cell phones, but i don't use them all at once. When one breaks, or a better one comes out, I upgrade. That's all Hillary did. Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.

Did you actually just type that??




Well. Clarify what is being said. I don't see any need for outrage because her phone was upgraded, and the idea that she used several phones at once is kind of hard to believe, and I'm not sure what purpose she might have had to do that. So, what is the big deal that she had more than one device over a period of time?

Upgraded 13 times in 4 years? 3 per year? Nope.

She supposedly one had one ipad she got in 2010 and that was for reading and photos not email, yet now it's reported that she had five. Ooops.

She lied and stated she only used one device.

Oh, a quick HuffPuff check and I see you guys got your talking point. So now the spin is she only used one device at a time. :lol:

Comey says differently. So you're saying HE lied?

No nits get past your picking do they?
Oh My. I've had several cell phones, but i don't use them all at once. When one breaks, or a better one comes out, I upgrade. That's all Hillary did. Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.

A) you are not the Secretary of State
B) You don't handle confidential information on devices provided by the Federal government.

Damn....Can't slip anything past you. No I'm not Secretary of State, but decommissioned digital memory is routinely destroyed throughout the government and the military, as well as business and any thinking individuals. You transfer needed and relevant information to the new device and destroy the old one. You are really trying too hard to make something out of nothing.
Who destroys the old one?
Oh My. I've had several cell phones, but i don't use them all at once. When one breaks, or a better one comes out, I upgrade. That's all Hillary did. Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.

Did you actually just type that??




Well. Clarify what is being said. I don't see any need for outrage because her phone was upgraded, and the idea that she used several phones at once is kind of hard to believe, and I'm not sure what purpose she might have had to do that. So, what is the big deal that she had more than one device over a period of time?

Upgraded 13 times in 4 years? 3 per year? Nope.

She supposedly one had one ipad she got in 2010 and that was for reading and photos not email, yet now it's reported that she had five. Ooops.

She lied and stated she only used one device.

Oh, a quick HuffPuff check and I see you guys got your talking point. So now the spin is she only used one device at a time. :lol:

Comey says differently. So you're saying HE lied?

No nits get past your picking do they?


Keep on defending her. Vote for her (you know you will follow lock step with the party).

Damn....Can't slip anything past you. No I'm not Secretary of State, but decommissioned digital memory is routinely destroyed throughout the government and the military, as well as business and any thinking individuals. You transfer needed and relevant information to the new device and destroy the old one. You are really trying too hard to make something out of nothing.

Nobody destroys their blackberries with a hammer....they're worth good money on the resale market. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. You're supporting a fucking monster and you know it....WISE UP.

Right. They should sell the Secretary of State's used cell phone on Ebay. Dumbass.

Once it's wiped it wasn't anybody's phone, moron.

Ours and other governments spend millions to figure out ways to extract information from decommissioned equipment. It's easier to just destroy it than to take the chance that some genius in Russia can figure out how to retrieve information that was supposed to be erased.
Hillary did not want to carry two phones, two devices with her where ever she went, in order to keep her private messages, private....she only wanted to carry one device at all times, this is why she said she set up her server, for convenience in the separation of private from government, and she said she made a mistake.

That's what she said.

Now the Republican critters are acting like it is a GOTCHA for her upgrading and having used over the 4 years multiple devices, as if she was carrying and using 9 devices in her purse and using them all at once???

she didn't lie. Repubs are lying about what she said on only wanting to use one device at a time, she only wanted to carry one device with her all the time....PERIOD.... whether she upgraded that one device over the 4 years was NOT a question that Congress asked her, when under oath.

The spin is not coming from Clinton, the spin is coming from the Cons.

It's ridiculous that congress critters are taking my tax dollars for their endless partisan dog and pony shows...this should come out of RNC election and campaign funs for Republicans....
Hillary did not want to carry two phones, two devices with her where ever she went, in order to keep her private messages, private....she only wanted to carry one device at all times, this is why she said she set up her server, for convenience in the separation of private from government, and she said she made a mistake.

That's what she said.

Now the Republican critters are acting like it is a GOTCHA for her upgrading and having used over the 4 years multiple devices, as if she was carrying and using 9 devices in her purse and using them all at once???

she didn't lie. Repubs are lying about what she said on only wanting to use one device at a time, she only wanted to carry one device with her all the time....PERIOD.... whether she upgraded that one device over the 4 years was NOT a question that Congress asked her, when under oath.

The spin is not coming from Clinton, the spin is coming from the Cons.

It's ridiculous that congress critters are taking my tax dollars for their endless partisan dog and pony shows...this should come out of RNC election and campaign funs for Republicans....

Hilarious! You heroine is a diaper-wearing, lying, corrupt, PIG. Anybody who is thinking about voting for her should be deported.
Ours and other governments spend millions to figure out ways to extract information from decommissioned equipment. It's easier to just destroy it than to take the chance that some genius in Russia can figure out how to retrieve information that was supposed to be erased.

You're watching too many spy movies......Delete everything on the phone, destroy the SIM card and send it off to the recycle companies in a way they don't know where it came from. Knock off the bullshit....she had the phones smashed so the FBI couldn't access them.
Ours and other governments spend millions to figure out ways to extract information from decommissioned equipment. It's easier to just destroy it than to take the chance that some genius in Russia can figure out how to retrieve information that was supposed to be erased.

You're watching too many spy movies......Delete everything on the phone, destroy the SIM card and send it off to the recycle companies in a way they don't know where it came from. Knock off the bullshit....she had the phones smashed so the FBI couldn't access them.

So is it Federal regulations that government issued devices can be destroyed by just anyone, anytime? I can't seem to find anything describing that
activity as being illegal which surprises me!
Ours and other governments spend millions to figure out ways to extract information from decommissioned equipment. It's easier to just destroy it than to take the chance that some genius in Russia can figure out how to retrieve information that was supposed to be erased.

You're watching too many spy movies......Delete everything on the phone, destroy the SIM card and send it off to the recycle companies in a way they don't know where it came from. Knock off the bullshit....she had the phones smashed so the FBI couldn't access them.

So is it Federal regulations that government issued devices can be destroyed by just anyone, anytime? I can't seem to find anything describing that
activity as being illegal which surprises me!

I did find this document :

Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 12.21.13 PM.png
Hillary did not want to carry two phones, two devices with her where ever she went, in order to keep her private messages, private....she only wanted to carry one device at all times, this is why she said she set up her server, for convenience in the separation of private from government, and she said she made a mistake.

That's what she said.

Now the Republican critters are acting like it is a GOTCHA for her upgrading and having used over the 4 years multiple devices, as if she was carrying and using 9 devices in her purse and using them all at once???

she didn't lie. Repubs are lying about what she said on only wanting to use one device at a time, she only wanted to carry one device with her all the time....PERIOD.... whether she upgraded that one device over the 4 years was NOT a question that Congress asked her, when under oath.

The spin is not coming from Clinton, the spin is coming from the Cons.

It's ridiculous that congress critters are taking my tax dollars for their endless partisan dog and pony shows...this should come out of RNC election and campaign funs for Republicans....

She didn't upgrade her blackberry 13 times in 4 years. Nope, not buying that nonsense.

Of course, should would have to replace her blackberry if she lost it, as her aides have said.

Reuters reported earlier:

MORE: Clinton aides said she often replaced her Blackberry and whereabouts of the old device would 'frequently become unknown' - FBI

— Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) September 2, 2016

According to the report, Clinton went through 13 devices while she was Secretary of State, including 11 "email capable BlackBerry devices" which would occasionally go missing.

Here's the relevant portion of the report:


Of course, Clinton was "unable to locate any of these devices" when the Department of Justice requested them and therefore the FBO was unable to examine them.

How convenient.

FBI Report: Hillary Clinton 'Often' Lost Her BlackBerry And Other Devices | The Sean Hannity Show

Look, she was SoS, she insisted on using a blackberry despite the nsa telling her no numerous times (Judicial Watch: State Department Documents Show that NSA Rebuffed Hillary Clinton’s Attempts to Obtain a Secure Blackberry - Judicial Watch). Clinton said 'screw you, I'm going to do what I want' and she did. She would have to be a bumbling idiot to think for one single minute that using an unsecured server and device as SoS was in any way, shape, or form a smart thing to do. She is lying through her teeth about everything. She didn't know what the 'C' stood for? Bullshit. She never received briefing on handling classified info? Bullshit, her signature on the nda form says otherwise.

Why anyone is sticking up for her is beyond ... well, any sane person.

Oh My. I've had several cell phones, but i don't use them all at once. When one breaks, or a better one comes out, I upgrade. That's all Hillary did. Are you trying to say she used all those Blackberrys with separate numbers and accounts at the same time? That's nuts.
Why do Clinton supporters always sound like Mafia lawyers?

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