CNN Failed to Disclose Warren Town Hall Questioner Was Maxed-Out Donor

Whenever you watch these ‘town halls’, keep in mind you’re just seeing a bunch of insiders giving rehearsed questions to their favorite candidates with MSM BS acting like their John Q Public.

CNN Failed to Disclose Warren Town Hall Questioner Was Maxed-Out Donor
Trump called Faux and Shep Smith was gone the next day. Simmer down, snowflake.

Bullshit, petunia. Shemp stated in his last show he had requested to leave several weeks prior, was denied at first, then management agreed.
Whenever you watch these ‘town halls’, keep in mind you’re just seeing a bunch of insiders giving rehearsed questions to their favorite candidates with MSM BS acting like their John Q Public.

CNN Failed to Disclose Warren Town Hall Questioner Was Maxed-Out Donor
Trump called Faux and Shep Smith was gone the next day. Simmer down, snowflake.
It looked so staged that even I was embarrassed for her...
I'm sure nothing like that ever happened at all those teabagger town hall meetings.
Whenever you watch these ‘town halls’, keep in mind you’re just seeing a bunch of insiders giving rehearsed questions to their favorite candidates with MSM BS acting like their John Q Public.

CNN Failed to Disclose Warren Town Hall Questioner Was Maxed-Out Donor
Trump called Faux and Shep Smith was gone the next day. Simmer down, snowflake.
It is no secret that Sheppard Smith left Fox to devote more time to his life partner Julio and write a how to book on fisting.

It had little to do with Trump.

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