CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug

CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug
The thread premise is a lie.

The reporting comes from the NYT:

‘The New York Times reported that three people familiar with Trump's remarks have confirmed that he has told several people that he'll be "reinstated" in August.’

Please provide a firsthand quote of Trump making this claim. Not somebody saying that he said something, that would be a secondhand quote. Provide a first hand quote of Trump's exact words.

The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

His daughter in law, Lara Trump.
The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

First hand quotes have been posted for a week.
an actual quote from Trump? or someone being quoted claiming to say what trump said

All the Quotes have come family or close associates of Trump's. If you're ashamed of Trump's damned fool lies, I get it. Man up.
So Trump doesn't have to say it for you to believe it......all it takes is someone who knows who Trump is to say it....that's really all you need to accuse Trump of a lie?
How can you reconcile that dishonest fucking bullshit????????????
You limp-wristed freak!!!
You dishonest POS!!!
You're so full of fucking shit!!!

I certainly understand why you are upset. Trump has made you look like a damned fool.
CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug
The thread premise is a lie.

The reporting comes from the NYT:

‘The New York Times reported that three people familiar with Trump's remarks have confirmed that he has told several people that he'll be "reinstated" in August.’

Please provide a firsthand quote of Trump making this claim. Not somebody saying that he said something, that would be a secondhand quote. Provide a first hand quote of Trump's exact words.

The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

His daughter in law, Lara Trump.
The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

First hand quotes have been posted for a week.
an actual quote from Trump? or someone being quoted claiming to say what trump said

All the Quotes have come family or close associates of Trump's. If you're ashamed of Trump's damned fool lies, I get it. Man up.
So Trump doesn't have to say it for you to believe it......all it takes is someone who knows who Trump is to say it....that's really all you need to accuse Trump of a lie?
How can you reconcile that dishonest fucking bullshit????????????
You limp-wristed freak!!!
You dishonest POS!!!
You're so full of fucking shit!!!

I certainly understand why you are upset. Trump has made you look like a damned fool.
trump has certainly made someone here look like a fool!
CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug
The thread premise is a lie.

The reporting comes from the NYT:

‘The New York Times reported that three people familiar with Trump's remarks have confirmed that he has told several people that he'll be "reinstated" in August.’

Please provide a firsthand quote of Trump making this claim. Not somebody saying that he said something, that would be a secondhand quote. Provide a first hand quote of Trump's exact words.

The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

His daughter in law, Lara Trump.
The truth is that you love Trump so much that you will NEVER provide a firsthand quote. You want to protect Trump. The most you will ever do is provide a worthless secondhand quote. You will shield Trump, since you love him so much.

First hand quotes have been posted for a week.
an actual quote from Trump? or someone being quoted claiming to say what trump said

All the Quotes have come family or close associates of Trump's. If you're ashamed of Trump's damned fool lies, I get it. Man up.
So Trump doesn't have to say it for you to believe it......all it takes is someone who knows who Trump is to say it....that's really all you need to accuse Trump of a lie?
How can you reconcile that dishonest fucking bullshit????????????
You limp-wristed freak!!!
You dishonest POS!!!
You're so full of fucking shit!!!

I certainly understand why you are upset. Trump has made you look like a damned fool.
Nope. This only proves your handle should be 'sucker'.....not surada.
CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug
The thread premise is a lie.

The reporting comes from the NYT:

‘The New York Times reported that three people familiar with Trump's remarks have confirmed that he has told several people that he'll be "reinstated" in August.’ CNN is just repeating lies from the NYT!!!
Can you prove the timeline....or are you just a liar like they arE?
So you would have believed it had it come from the NY Post.

I certainly understand why you are upset. Trump has made you look like a damned fool.
Lol, it looks like somebody who is trying to pass off a secondhand quote as a firsthand quote is trying to call somebody a fool.

I certainly understand why you are upset. Trump has made you look like a damned fool.
Lol, it looks like somebody who is trying to pass off a secondhand quote as a firsthand quote is trying to call somebody a fool.

The people who have said so are all still in Trump's inner circle to include Lindell, Lara Trump and his sons.
This is yet another attempt to attack Trump. That's all it is.
They're using nutcases as their basis for the story. No proof at all that Trump has ever said this.

CNN should never be trusted.

They're using nutcases as their basis for the story...LOL!! You just described the business model of right wing media.
This is yet another attempt to attack Trump. That's all it is.
They're using nutcases as their basis for the story. No proof at all that Trump has ever said this.

CNN should never be trusted.

What is wrong with you?? You can't blame media for the things Trump says and does! That's mental illness.

They blast headlines of Trump saying this......but when you read the links....they show nothing but CNN journalists, people wearing Trump hats, and Dem officials swearing that this is what he might have said....but then can show no proof of him actually saying it.
They even admitted that Trump told them they were obviously twisting his words to make it appear like he said it.

Exactly as I thought.
This is yet another attempt to attack Trump. That's all it is.
They're using nutcases as their basis for the story. No proof at all that Trump has ever said this.

CNN should never be trusted.

Any one know how long we have to wait before we can call this "revisionist history"?
This is yet another attempt to attack Trump. That's all it is.
They're using nutcases as their basis for the story. No proof at all that Trump has ever said this.

CNN should never be trusted.

Only the most gullible fools in our society still follow the Fake News MSM.
This is yet another attempt to attack Trump. That's all it is.
They're using nutcases as their basis for the story. No proof at all that Trump has ever said this.

CNN should never be trusted.

Any one know how long we have to wait before we can call this "revisionist history"?

About 10 seconds.
CNN Floats Fake Story Trump Is Saying He Will Be Re-instated As POTUS By Aug
The thread premise is a lie.

The reporting comes from the NYT:

‘The New York Times reported that three people familiar with Trump's remarks have confirmed that he has told several people that he'll be "reinstated" in August.’

Oh, The New York Times said it too?? Wow! Their modern day motto is “All the News that Fits Our Agenda”.

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