CNN is Preparing to call America Racist if Barry Loses...

They don't have anything else. Attack all the republicans even the voters for whatever reason that can be found.
Printing poll results is "preparing to call America racist"?

yOu know that's going to be the narrative. Come on, get real.

Obama's race has always been a "get out of serious scrutiny" free card, all the way back to his days in IL Politics.

A white guy with such questionable credentials never would have made it that far.
mal reads this...

White Americans give Obama a thumbs down by a 61%-36% margin, with non-white Americans give the president a thumbs up by a more than 2-1 margin.

and concludes this...

CNN is Preparing to call America Racist if Barry Loses...

What can anyone say that this doesn't scream all on it's own? :lmao:
Printing poll results is "preparing to call America racist"?

yOu know that's going to be the narrative. Come on, get real.

Obama's race has always been a "get out of serious scrutiny" free card, all the way back to his days in IL Politics.

A white guy with such questionable credentials never would have made it that far.

Is that what you see in your crystal ball, Swami?
Printing poll results is "preparing to call America racist"?

yOu know that's going to be the narrative. Come on, get real.

Obama's race has always been a "get out of serious scrutiny" free card, all the way back to his days in IL Politics.

A white guy with such questionable credentials never would have made it that far.

Is that what you see in your crystal ball, Swami?

I've been watching this mediocrity for the last decade or so. yeah, you have to just look at the past to see the future, guy.

Non-entity in the IL Senate.
Got a complete pass on his questionable associations- Ayers, Rezko, Wright - while the Chicago Media was all too happy to dig through the divorce records of his opponents.
Oooh, the Chicago Sun-Times did these fluff pieces on how Moochelle keeps her thighs in shape, but never questioned how she got paid $300,000 for a no-show job at the University of Chicago.

Obama's only accomplishment is that he made Jimmy Carter look presidential.
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Why are you feining surprise? The LeftMedia has been so far up his rectum since at least April, 2008, they're nearly brain dead from hypoxia by now. The cranial swelling is so severe and pronounced, most need 4 to 8 ounces of chloral hydrate just to stay still and remain somewhat quiet and lucid.
mal reads this...

White Americans give Obama a thumbs down by a 61%-36% margin, with non-white Americans give the president a thumbs up by a more than 2-1 margin.

and concludes this...

CNN is Preparing to call America Racist if Barry Loses...

What can anyone say that this doesn't scream all on it's own? :lmao:

My Work here is Done... :thup:


CNN is Preparing to call America Racist if Barry Loses...

CNN Poll: Obama ranks low among recent incumbents – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

White Americans give Obama a thumbs down by a 61%-36% margin, with non-white Americans give the president a thumbs up by a more than 2-1 margin.

Isn't that Special.


It's hard to break old habits, especially when they have nothing good to defend the kenyan with.

Nope... It's about me being Racist... You didn't get the Memo?

Somehow, and I don't know how, someone will make this about...

Nah, I'll just let it happen. :lol:


CNN Poll: Obama ranks low among recent incumbents – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

White Americans give Obama a thumbs down by a 61%-36% margin, with non-white Americans give the president a thumbs up by a more than 2-1 margin.

Isn't that Special.


CNN proves itself to be nothing more than a hack news source all the time on its knees butt kissing obamaturd. When I want comic relief I either turn on CNN or come here and listen to the loony left.
Damn... Bodey's following me around Obsessively recently...

Wonder what it was that hit Home and Agitated her so?... :lol:

And of course there's Ravi who Claims to have me on Ignore...

All that's missing is that Dog Fucking Catz and del. :thup:



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