CNN Jake Tapper Admits Trump did not Call NeoNazis 'Very Fine People'

And I guess you know the "dims" all became repubs after the civil rights act??
And who do you think the KKK are are?
You must be dimmer

That's bullshit. Actually, only one noteworthy southern Republican switched in the wake of the Civil Right Act- Thurmond.

All of the rest, the Clintons, Gores, Carters, Fulbright, Russell, Eastland, stayed under death with Democrat Party. A handful did leave long after the GOP passed Civil Rights Act became law- but because of the incompetence of character like Bill Clinton. In fact , Arkansas remained D through the 90's.
That's 6?.
So do you think today's millions of confederates are Dems?
Inflammatory accusations all because he dared to beat cheating Hills.
Yup sweaty trey didn't put a finger on her after 12 hours Benghazi grilling.
And what have you done for 911 families or African kids?
ZERO ! Whining from your double wide sucking off commie SS Medicare?
I guess you believe she sold uranium to the ruskies too?
Unbelievable ignorance.
Quir watching knees news
Slick Willy and his Hildabeast can never be trusted...
Love the insults, very small minds.
Just regurgitate knees news.
Interesting how we pick words to fit our small, zero college made up minds

True, but then again, you are a libtard so we expect it.

Anyone who thinks the con isn't against brown people has to be nuts.

The con is the Dimocratic Party convincing minorities that the GOP is the new party of racism while it is the Dims who have the history of slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation and paternal racism.

I see the con has just congratulated the white supremist 2 nd NFL pick.


Did you actually read?
You don't even know the cons praise of the NFL lad.
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false
And I guess you know the "dims" all became repubs after the civil rights act??
And who do you think the KKK are are?
You must be dimmer

Amusing how the con switched his argument to the traitor statue.
The vast majority were torch bearers chanting "Jews will not replace us"
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false
Good enough for the old white fart cult I guess.
I guess the cons refusing to rent to blacks didn't mean he was a racist either?
The vast majority were torch bearers chanting "Jews will not replace us"

No, not the majority, so few unless you know where to look for it you wont even find the video.

Some chanted 'YOU will not replace us,', not referring to Jews at all.
Inflammatory accusations all because he dared to beat cheating Hills.
Yup sweaty trey didn't put a finger on her after 12 hours Benghazi grilling.
And what have you done for 911 families or African kids?
ZERO ! Whining from your double wide sucking off commie SS Medicare?
I guess you believe she sold uranium to the ruskies too?
Unbelievable ignorance.
Quir watching knees news
Slick Willy and his Hildabeast can never be trusted...
Love the insults, very small minds.
Just regurgitate knees news.
The Clintons are the lowest of life forms
Inflammatory accusations all because he dared to beat cheating Hills.
Yup sweaty trey didn't put a finger on her after 12 hours Benghazi grilling.
And what have you done for 911 families or African kids?
ZERO ! Whining from your double wide sucking off commie SS Medicare?
I guess you believe she sold uranium to the ruskies too?
Unbelievable ignorance.
Quir watching knees news
Slick Willy and his Hildabeast can never be trusted...
Love the insults, very small minds.
Just regurgitate knees news.
The Clintons are the lowest of life forms

Under don the con?
And what have you done for 911 families darlin?
Here's 14 things she has done
What Has Hillary Clinton Done? 14 Major Accomplishments
Still believe she sold uranium ??
Total stupidity
The vast majority were torch bearers chanting "Jews will not replace us"

No, not the majority, so few unless you know where to look for it you wont even find the video.

Some chanted 'YOU will not replace us,', not referring to Jews at all.
Who were they referring to?
You can't even find it on breitbart?, info wars?What then?
The. Torches?
Boy, talk about a made up mind.
The con has changed his explanation too.
Like his David duke stance
The vast majority were torch bearers chanting "Jews will not replace us"

No, not the majority, so few unless you know where to look for it you wont even find the video.

Some chanted 'YOU will not replace us,', not referring to Jews at all.
Please educate us and post a link.
All the guys I saw were torch bearers and chanting Nazi slogans .
Commie tv I guess
The vast majority were torch bearers chanting "Jews will not replace us"

No, not the majority, so few unless you know where to look for it you wont even find the video.

Some chanted 'YOU will not replace us,', not referring to Jews at all.
You have to be kidding.
It's called Google
"The night before the violence, white marchers also carried torches through the streets of Charlottesville and chanted "Jews will not replace us" and the Ku Klux Klan slogan "blood and soil," which is a translation of a Nazi slogan"
Hardly any though?
Where's my info wars clip?
This is way over due.

The smearing of a good P{Resident Trump should not stop immediately, but I know it wont as Dimocrats these days have zero integrity.

CNN's Jake Tapper Admits: Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People' in Charlottesville | Breitbart

Instead, Tapper described that portion of the press conference: “Now, elsewhere in those remarks, Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”

Tapper’s admission is a major concession by CNN, which has refused thus far to correct or retract its repeated claims in recent weeks that Trump was, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” The network even aired deceptively edited video of Trump’s remarks to create the impression that he said something that he had not.

CNN contributor Steve Cortes took his own network to task, noting that CNNs’ own reporting at the time made clear that Trump had been referring to people in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue — not neo-Nazis.
Absolutely I love my president.
He just changed to the traitor statue
Now I can drag my wife by the hair before raping her
Lust after my daughter
Cheat on my pregnant 3 rd wife
Brag about vagina grabbing
Go bankrupt 5 times
Stiff my contractors.
Have 5 deferments paid for by my dad.
Refuse to rent to blacks
Love my pres, great role model
Who cares if he created fewer jobs than obamathe uppity nixxer in his first 2 years v's O's last 2?
Record trade deficits, record deficits?
This is way over due.

The smearing of a good P{Resident Trump should not stop immediately, but I know it wont as Dimocrats these days have zero integrity.

CNN's Jake Tapper Admits: Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People' in Charlottesville | Breitbart

Instead, Tapper described that portion of the press conference: “Now, elsewhere in those remarks, Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”

Tapper’s admission is a major concession by CNN, which has refused thus far to correct or retract its repeated claims in recent weeks that Trump was, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” The network even aired deceptively edited video of Trump’s remarks to create the impression that he said something that he had not.

CNN contributor Steve Cortes took his own network to task, noting that CNNs’ own reporting at the time made clear that Trump had been referring to people in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue — not neo-Nazis.

Its easy for CNN to admit the facts now after spreading the Lie for 2 years. A lot of people already believe the lie.

Further, CNN can still spread the lie by prefixing it with "Many people think" that President Trump supports neo-nazism.

Only the people with torches chanting "Jews will never replace us"
Dead giveaway for zero college white rube.
Knees news have been equating nazis with the Jewish comment.
Ah well the survey did say "the more you watch knees news the dumber you get?"
This is way over due.

The smearing of a good P{Resident Trump should not stop immediately, but I know it wont as Dimocrats these days have zero integrity.

CNN's Jake Tapper Admits: Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis 'Very Fine People' in Charlottesville | Breitbart

Instead, Tapper described that portion of the press conference: “Now, elsewhere in those remarks, Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”

Tapper’s admission is a major concession by CNN, which has refused thus far to correct or retract its repeated claims in recent weeks that Trump was, in fact, referring to the neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” The network even aired deceptively edited video of Trump’s remarks to create the impression that he said something that he had not.

CNN contributor Steve Cortes took his own network to task, noting that CNNs’ own reporting at the time made clear that Trump had been referring to people in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue — not neo-Nazis.

Its easy for CNN to admit the facts now after spreading the Lie for 2 years. A lot of people already believe the lie.

Further, CNN can still spread the lie by prefixing it with "Many people think" that President Trump supports neo-nazism.

Only the people with torches chanting "Jews will never replace us"
Dead giveaway for zero college white rube.
Knees news have been equating nazis with the Jewish comment.
Ah well the survey did say "the more you watch knees news the dumber you get?"
Inflammatory accusations all because he dared to beat cheating Hills.
Yup sweaty trey didn't put a finger on her after 12 hours Benghazi grilling.
And what have you done for 911 families or African kids?
ZERO ! Whining from your double wide sucking off commie SS Medicare?
I guess you believe she sold uranium to the ruskies too?
Unbelievable ignorance.
Quir watching knees news
Slick Willy and his Hildabeast can never be trusted...
Love the insults, very small minds.
Just regurgitate knees news.
The Clintons are the lowest of life forms

Under don the con?
And what have you done for 911 families darlin?
Here's 14 things she has done
What Has Hillary Clinton Done? 14 Major Accomplishments
Still believe she sold uranium ??
Total stupidity
Only a fool would ever trust a Clinton
He did say there were “very fine people” on both sides…one side had Americans and the other side had neo Nazis.
Both sides had Americans.

One side had neo Nazis who are also Americans.

The other side had some communists who are also Americans.

Both are just as bad
The people who insist that Trump did not issue support for the cause of neo nazis are all people who support the cause of neo nazis. That’s kinda weird.
There are no neo Nazis here and he issued no support for his cause.

The only ones claiming he issued support are outright liars

Like you.

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