CNN: “Joe Biden…Minus 23 Points…The Worst On Record For A President” On Economy

Translation: the public is angry about inflation and the prez gets blamed no matter what the underlying reasons for inflation are. Like an economic recovery from COVID so strong it's causing wage inflation. Long-term unemployment tumbles in March as job market stays hot
Like supply chain bottlenecks resulting from the COVID slowdown. Like Putin's war causing oil prices to spike and causing the likelihood of grain shortages.
Liberals are dishonest about everything. It is because they don't really understand Economics.

Inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods and ole Potatohead infused a couple of borrowed and printing press trillions into the economy with his stupid programs and we suffer because of it. Energy cost is astronomical because of his idiotic Environmental Wacko restriction polices pertaining to fossil fuels, which he said he wanted to get rid of.

We are in a post pandemic recovery and that is to be expected. However, it is a poor recovery compared to what we could have had if the Democrats hadn't sole the election from Trump.

The filth on the Left never takes responsibly for the damage they do to this country and they always try to blame it on somebody else like you did in your stupid post. Denial is all we ever get out of you Left Wing turds.

Just remember what happen to that idiot Carter with his weak administration and inflation. It took Reagan to straighten that mess out. We see that same trend now with Potatohead. The Democrats will get creamed in the mid terms and the country will be damn anxious to get rid of a Democrat President in 2024.

If you Moon Bats want to hang on to any power you had better be figuring out how to steal more elections because the American people ain't gonna vote for you.
It wasn't 81 million votes that put him where he is. It was a corrupt media and corrupt social networks.
Literally every problem we face is in part because of our media.
And when the times comes, they need to be dealt with. Massive poverty or being a lot poorer has an effect on people. And a much stronger central government will give the people some of these crumbs. Bringing justice to media, entertainers, talk show people, corrupted or woke private concerns and politicians who helped this dystopian nation come to bear deserve every piece of vengeance. Many individuals in privileged Groups involved who helped themselves first also included.
We are in a post pandemic recovery and that is to be expected. However, it is a poor recovery compared to what we could have had if the Democrats hadn't sole the election from Trump.

Did you do your 2021 taxes yet?

I did. And my stock portfolio made the most it ever has, by leaps and bounds.
Because of that, instead of getting a refund, I had to pay a big chunk to the IRS.
We'll have to see about 2022, but Bidens first year was a windfall.
Underlying cause occurred January 21:

If you look closely at the curve, you will see it peaked on 11/15 and was heading down until 12/29, when it was clear Russia was serious about invading Ukraine.

From the timeline:
On 10 November 2021, the United States reported an unusual movement of Russian troops near the borders of Ukraine. By 28 November, Ukraine reported a build-up of 92,000 Russian troops.

On 7 December 2021, US President Joe Biden warned President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, of "strong economic and other measures" if Russia attacks Ukraine.

On 17 December 2021, Putin proposed limits on NATO's activities in eastern Europe, such as a prohibition on Ukraine ever joining NATO, which are rejected.

On 17 January 2022, Russian troops began arriving in Russia's ally Belarus, ostensibly "for military exercises".

The market saw war on the horizon and responded.
Did you do your 2021 taxes yet?

I did. And my stock portfolio made the most it ever has, by leaps and bounds.
Because of that, instead of getting a refund, I had to pay a big chunk to the IRS.
We'll have to see about 2022, but Bidens first year was a windfall.
No kidding, you're paying taxes on unrealized gains....smells like BS.
How do you cheat by tens of millions votes, without leaving a shred of evidence that you cheated?????

Who is Brandon??? Why do you continue to post lies about the President? Why do you oppose democracy and the power of the people to elect the President.

The DNC is on record that even an accurate voter database is an existential threat and dems have not fully complied with a single subpoena with respect to their election fraud
So an American has a job in this post pandemic recovery economy. Good, right?

Then on the way home he stops to get some gas for his vehicle. It cost $70 to fill up because Potatohead doesn't want him using fossil fuel because, you know, it is destroying the planet.

Then he stops at a grocery store on the way home. The food that he buys cost him 30% more than when Trump was President.

So much for that job seeing as how his family income has been significantly eroded.

Then he comes home and turns on the news and see that a million Illegals have been allowed to come in by Potatohead and they are getting free transportation, cell phones, food, housing and medical treatment. All paid for by the job that he has and debt to his children.

Fuck Biden.
Inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods
I had the same conversation with someone on the board yesterday pushing the same simplistic argument. One that ignores the other factors involved in the current global inflationary cycle. Like the Fed leaving interest rates too low for too long. Yet another factor out of Biden's control.
Biden earned every one of his minus 23 points. Interestingly, he will now attempt to buy support for Democrats in Nov using taxpayer money. Student loan forgiveness seems the most likely purchase, but we won't know until shortly before the elections (to ensure maximum benefit).

In addition to his massive failures in most functional areas of his presidency...
I agree, numbers do not lie. Oil production is up at a faster rate than it was under the previous guy.

During Trump's first 3 years the number of active wells in the US went from 683 to 804. That is an 18% growth in 3 years. In Biden's first 14 months in office the number of active wells in the US went from 371 to 636. That is a 71% growth of active well in just 14 months. These are the numbers, they do not lie.
Again with the fake statistics. Government ordered shutdowns of course create the potential for rapid growth if they are taken away.
Instead Brandon put sanctions on US oil while begging Putin to sell us oil.
Again with the fake statistics. Government ordered shutdowns of course create the potential for rapid growth if they are taken away.
Instead Brandon put sanctions on US oil while begging Putin to sell us oil.

Brandon begging Saudis and Russians to sell us their oil
I agree, numbers do not lie. Oil production is up at a faster rate than it was under the previous guy.

During Trump's first 3 years the number of active wells in the US went from 683 to 804. That is an 18% growth in 3 years. In Biden's first 14 months in office the number of active wells in the US went from 371 to 636. That is a 71% growth of active well in just 14 months. These are the numbers, they do not lie.
Thanks for admitting Brandon is keeping US oil production from obtaining its historical output.
Again with the fake statistics.

Nope, they are fair and accurate statistics. The only thing here fake here is you.

Instead Brandon put sanctions on US oil

and US oil laughed at him and is producing more oil anyhow. By Nov or Dec of this year we will be above the highest point they obtained under the former guy
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The DNC is on record that even an accurate voter database is an existential threat and dems have not fully complied with a single subpoena with respect to their election fraud

What subpoenas would you be referring to????? Those put forward by the Arizona Faudit?????? Why would anyone respond to those? They weren't a legal auditing entity in the first place.
What subpoenas would you be referring to????? Those put forward by the Arizona Faudit?????? Why would anyone respond to those? They weren't a legal auditing entity in the first place.

So if there was no cheating, why not come forward and show? It's like Maricopa County was hiding massive fraud

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