CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

It doesn't matter. Trump and the GOP will hammer away at the crookedness of Obama and Hillary over this issue. She will never be able to escape it.
Sounds like what you guys were saying about Reverend Wright.

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The lamestream media acted like Reverend Wright didn't even exist. That's what they always do with news they don't want to report.
Liar, the lamestream media played Reverend Wright on a constant loop 24/7

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FOX News did. Not the lamestream media.
They are one in the same, FOXNEWS being the lamest of all.

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Of course not. She will never be held accountable because she has a D after her name. People who think that anything will happen to her are just fooling themselves.
Awww, poor baby.

Why? I'm not fooling myself.

Drinking early are you?
The FBI was praised by you wingnuts as the only honest agency in the Obama administration when James Comey was testifying that they couldn't vet every single Syrian refugee coming into the country.

Now, predictably (and I predicted it here), the FBI is now a corrupt puppet of Obama.

You're pathetic.
Trump committed fraud and tax evasion

Hillary used a private server
Proof Trump commented tax fraud. Cia said hillary broke the rules, nice way to say she broke the law.

Trump admits ALL of his tax returns are being audited ...OBVIOUS evidence of wrongdoing on his part
He belongs in jail...just like Al Capone
I didn't know that you didn't have to give the irs all of your tax records. The Clinton foundation was audited and the Clintons lied to the irs, so they should also be in prison. Right?

If Trump is innocent...why won't he release his tax records?

Must be hiding something
He said he will when the audit is over. How about Hillary give up the Clinton foundation records?
And every single tax expert has stated that an audit is not a barrier to releasing the returns.

Mark Cuban also called him out, saying he's audited every year and it doesn't prohibit him from releasing his returns if he wanted to - and he's an actual billionaire.
Trump committed fraud and tax evasion

Hillary used a private server
Proof Trump commented tax fraud. Cia said hillary broke the rules, nice way to say she broke the law.

Trump admits ALL of his tax returns are being audited ...OBVIOUS evidence of wrongdoing on his part
He belongs in jail...just like Al Capone
I didn't know that you didn't have to give the irs all of your tax records. The Clinton foundation was audited and the Clintons lied to the irs, so they should also be in prison. Right?

If Trump is innocent...why won't he release his tax records?

Must be hiding something
What law says anyone has to release their tax records to the public? Correct. There is none.
What's he hiding?

Oh, yeah - he's a crook.
Outing a covert CIA agent is a Federal crime. If Valerie Plame WAS a covert agent then kindly explain why charges were never brought against those who supposedly DID out her? Duh?
Because it was a corrupt Republican Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez.
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.
Why Hillary will not be indicted

Valerie Plame Wilson: No Ordinary Spy

The Bush administration leaked her name in retaliation for political statements made by her husband. Plames cover was broken and her life was jeopardized. Nobody in the Bush administration was punished and Bush pardoned those who were blamed

Yet, Republicans hold a witch hunt over Hillary having a server where no classified information was actually leaked

Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
Show where any neighbor has testified to that.
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You don't have a problem with a Secretary of State conducting official business through channels that prevent oversight from Congress, Synth? You don't grasp the very real possibilities of corruption such behavior affords? You don't have a problem with Clinton hiding large amounts of correspondence regarding the Benghazi debacle from Congressional investigators? You don't have a problem with Clinton deleting 50,000 emails when she knew many of them were official business and should have been saved for review?

What DO you have a problem with?
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.

This all brings us full circle to the promise that Barack Obama made as he took office that his Administration would be the "most transparent" Administration EVER! Instead what we've received is an Administration that used the IRS against it's political opponents and then stonewalled the investigation of that activity. We've got an Administration that erred badly in it's protection of our diplomats and then covered that up with false stories about You Tube Videos that prompted a protest gone bad. We've got an Administration that created a new economic statistic "Jobs Created or Saved" to hide from the public how few jobs they actually created with a nearly trillion dollar stimulus.

Where pray tell is the "transparency" Barack Obama spoke of?
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You don't have a problem with a Secretary of State conducting official business through channels that prevent oversight from Congress, Synth? You don't grasp the very real possibilities of corruption such behavior affords? You don't have a problem with Clinton hiding large amounts of correspondence regarding the Benghazi debacle from Congressional investigators? You don't have a problem with Clinton deleting 50,000 emails when she knew many of them were official business and should have been saved for review?

What DO you have a problem with?
She thought, because all of her emails received came from the government email system, primarily from her Aides and Diplomats, and because she made certain she copied one of her aides on the gvt email system, that the State dept had a record of all that she did....

well, they did have a was on their system, but there was no means for the State dept to call up those Clinton emails only...their antiquated archival record system did not have the means to ''search'' as an example, all the State dept files for all Clinton emails...

So that is when she turned over the 33000 govt emails....totally 50,000 sheets of paper to be Archived.

As far as the private and personal emails that she did not turn over, THAT is following the government rules on this.... for all NOT send any personal emails to be Archived in the govt files...only send them govt documents and emails that involve govt work.

Regardless, when the FBI received her server, ALL of her private personal emails and all of her govt emails were on the server, nothing was wiped clean off of the the FBI has all of these personal emails that she did not send to the State dept/Govt for archival purposes.

you know this....I've told you this before, if memory serves...
Of course not. She will never be held accountable because she has a D after her name. People who think that anything will happen to her are just fooling themselves.
Awww, poor baby.

Why? I'm not fooling myself.

Drinking early are you?
The FBI was praised by you wingnuts as the only honest agency in the Obama administration when James Comey was testifying that they couldn't vet every single Syrian refugee coming into the country.

Now, predictably (and I predicted it here), the FBI is now a corrupt puppet of Obama.

You're pathetic.

Did I ever say that? No I didn't. Keep making shit up, moron.
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You don't have a problem with a Secretary of State conducting official business through channels that prevent oversight from Congress, Synth? You don't grasp the very real possibilities of corruption such behavior affords? You don't have a problem with Clinton hiding large amounts of correspondence regarding the Benghazi debacle from Congressional investigators? You don't have a problem with Clinton deleting 50,000 emails when she knew many of them were official business and should have been saved for review?

What DO you have a problem with?
She thought, because all of her emails received came from the government email system, primarily from her Aides and Diplomats, and because she made certain she copied one of her aides on the gvt email system, that the State dept had a record of all that she did....

well, they did have a was on their system, but there was no means for the State dept to call up those Clinton emails only...their antiquated archival record system did not have the means to ''search'' as an example, all the State dept files for all Clinton emails...

So that is when she turned over the 33000 govt emails....totally 50,000 sheets of paper to be Archived.

As far as the private and personal emails that she did not turn over, THAT is following the government rules on this.... for all NOT send any personal emails to be Archived in the govt files...only send them govt documents and emails that involve govt work.

Regardless, when the FBI received her server, ALL of her private personal emails and all of her govt emails were on the server, nothing was wiped clean off of the the FBI has all of these personal emails that she did not send to the State dept/Govt for archival purposes.

you know this....I've told you this before, if memory serves...

Wow...where are you getting this stuff from, Care? First of all Hillary and many of her aides operated completely through private email accounts...they did so so that there would be no record of what they were doing on State Department servers. That isn't even in's how they conducted day to day business. State couldn't call up those Clinton emails because they would have NEVER been in their system...something that was deliberately done by the Clinton inner circle.

When Congressional investigators made a written request to Hillary Clinton to turn over all communications dealing with Benghazi...Mrs. Clinton didn't turn over ANY of the emails that were on her two private servers. It was only when investigators looking into Benghazi realized that Clinton didn't use a State Department email account yet hadn't turned over any OTHER emails to them that they started looking for her OTHER account! At that point Clinton deleted thousands of emails from her personal servers. So she hid the existence of the servers...then she deleted thousands of emails...then she had her pals over at State slowly go through the remaining emails so that that were released at a snails pace to further frustrate Congressional investigators. As for the FBI getting "ALL" of her emails? For well over a year now the FBI forensics unit has been trying to recreate the emails that Clinton deleted. She didn't hand them over. She did her best to wipe them clean.
Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security?

This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.
As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

As I've proven, they've done a shitty job.

Her server has never been hacked before becoming known, unlike the State Dept. servers.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Nobody outside of the Clinton inner circle knows what was on those servers because their existence was at first hidden...then Clinton had some 50,000 emails erased...then she gave what was left to the State Department who have released them in dribs and drabs over the past year and a half. I'm assuming that the tech who is taking the 5th is doing so BECAUSE he knows what was on the erased emails and doesn't want to get caught lying about that in case the FBI is ever able to recreate what Clinton and her staff deleted!
Are you familiar with the legal term "Spoliation of evidence"? What the Clinton camp has done with those two servers is a text book example of just that!

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