CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Nobody outside of the Clinton inner circle knows what was on those servers...
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...
How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Nobody outside of the Clinton inner circle knows what was on those servers...
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...

Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Conspiracy theories are not crimes
Having a private server is not a crime let alone a felony

Bush leaked the identity of a CIA agent and nobody went to jail...what makes you think Hillary will for your petty claims?

Richard Nixon deleted 8 1/2 minutes of tape, Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000 emails. Mrs Clinton used one email account through her private server when she was informed to use a government server, while handling sensitive classified information. In comparison what makes Richard Nixon's tie to a mere break-in at a DNC Headquarters any more an offense worthy of seeking impeachment from office?
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Nobody outside of the Clinton inner circle knows what was on those servers...
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...

Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Conspiracy theories are not crimes
Having a private server is not a crime let alone a felony

Bush leaked the identity of a CIA agent and nobody went to jail...what makes you think Hillary will for your petty claims?

Richard Nixon deleted 8 1/2 minutes of tape, Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000 emails. Mrs Clinton used one email account through her private server when she was informed to use a government server, while handling sensitive classified information. In comparison what makes Richard Nixon's tie to a mere break-in at a DNC Headquarters any more an offense worthy of seeking impeachment from office?
That sounds criminal ... so what's the FBI waiting for to ask for a Grand Jury?
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....
Screeches the confessed liar who said her server could have been rather easily hacked -- before tacitly admitting he lied as he in fact, has no fucking clue what security was installed on her server.


How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.
How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.

I can't believe the rights inability to understand that among many things Guccifer did not hack Clinton's server.
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.

I can't believe the rights inability to understand that among many things Guccifer did not hack Clinton's server.
I can. They truly are a lower form of species. Much closer related to Neanderthals.
Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.

I can't believe the rights inability to understand that among many things Guccifer did not hack Clinton's server.
I can. They truly are a lower form of species. Much closer related to Neanderthals.

Whoa, that's a little too close.
How is it a "lie" to say that Hillary Clinton's two servers could have been easily hacked? They were set up by one of her staffers...not an expert on cyber security! That staffer is now taking the 5th. Think about that! Why would an IT guy take the 5th over how he set up a couple servers in somebody's house? Because he knows WHY they set it up that way and possibly even knows the emails that were deleted? This whole thing stinks to high heavens! It's the same corrupt STENCH that emanated from the IRS scandal!
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.

Two words: plea deal.
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
Fitzgerald, a Republican, was an independent investigator/prosecutor PICKED by the Republicans in congress. He was not overzealous, if he were, others would have been prosecuted...

Also, if you read all that Fitzgerald said he uncovered in his investigation on this, he explains the law/rules on when you have a covert agent and explains why she was determined to be a NOC, and covert agent under the govt's definition of the position...
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
Fitzgerald, a Republican, was an independent investigator/prosecutor PICKED by the Republicans in congress. He was not overzealous, if he were, others would have been prosecuted...

Also, if you read all that Fitzgerald said he uncovered in his investigation on this, he explains the law/rules on when you have a covert agent and explains why she was determined to be a NOC, and covert agent under the govt's definition of the position...

You do know that he was the prosecutor who got his dick slapped for prosecuting Scooter Libby for a crime that didn't exist?

Liberals! Brain-damaged and they don't even know it!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
Fitzgerald, a Republican, was an independent investigator/prosecutor PICKED by the Republicans in congress. He was not overzealous, if he were, others would have been prosecuted...

Also, if you read all that Fitzgerald said he uncovered in his investigation on this, he explains the law/rules on when you have a covert agent and explains why she was determined to be a NOC, and covert agent under the govt's definition of the position...

You do know that he was the prosecutor who got his dick slapped for prosecuting Scooter Libby for a crime that didn't exist?

Liberals! Brain-damaged and they don't even know it!
he prosecuted libby for OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE/ lying under oath, which prevented Fitzgerald from achieving justice, according to what Fitzgerald noted on it....he goes in to why in his summary of the investigation.... you should READ IT. ;)
It's a lie because you have absolutely zero knowledge of what security was on her server.

But as usual for you, that doesn't stop you from lying. :eusa_liar:

Well, Gee...Faun! We'd ALL know what kind of security was on her server if the tech who set it up wasn't taking the 5th and refusing to answer questions because it might incriminate him! He knows what they did was illegal. So does his lawyer!
But you don't know what's on it. Which is the key to showing you're a lying con tool -- despite not knowing what's on it, you're laying disparaging comments about its security which are quite obviously bullshit because you don't actually know what security was on it.


Guccifer knew! He hacked it!
More Bullshit. He claimed to, I'll grant you that. However, unlike others he hacked, he couldn't prove it. He was charged and convicted of hacking several servers ... Hillary's was not one of them.

Two words: plea deal.
There was no plea deal which involved Hillary's server. Next?
Continuing the lie? Every one of her neighbors knew she worked for the CIA!
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
The ball is not in my court because you're an idiot who spouted nonsense and then declared, "the ball is in your court." You have offered no evidence any neighbor knew she was a cover CIA agent, no evidence Fitzgerald lied, no evidence of anything you claimed.

Basically, you're shooting blanks at me while yelling, "dance," and I'm just standing here shaking my head and laughing at you.
How sad that you rightwing fucks just can't stop lying. :eusa_liar: Too bad I don't get paid for shining the light of truth on y'all; I could quit my day job.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life." - Patrick Fitzgerald, lead investigator

Then why did her neighbors all say they knew when questioned by reporters?
Quote them.....

You quoted a known liar and over-zealous prosecutor. The ball is still in your court!
Fitzgerald, a Republican, was an independent investigator/prosecutor PICKED by the Republicans in congress. He was not overzealous, if he were, others would have been prosecuted...

Also, if you read all that Fitzgerald said he uncovered in his investigation on this, he explains the law/rules on when you have a covert agent and explains why she was determined to be a NOC, and covert agent under the govt's definition of the position...

You do know that he was the prosecutor who got his dick slapped for prosecuting Scooter Libby for a crime that didn't exist?

Liberals! Brain-damaged and they don't even know it!
You think Fitzgerald "got his Dick slapped for prosecuting Libby??" You're fucking demented. First and foremost, Fitzgerald won. He got a conviction. Secondly, there need not be an underlying crime for obstructing justice or perjury. Who knows where you come up with this shit? :cuckoo: If that were the case, everyone would obstruct investigations into alleged crimes so that they could escape charges for their crime and for obstructing the investigation. If anything, people like Libby who commit perjury and obstruction of justice where there is no underlying crime, should be charged with stupidity for breaking laws unnecessarily. Of course, if stupid was illegal, there would be no conservatives here for us Liberals to fuck with -- you'd all be lifers.

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