CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Nobody outside of the Clinton inner circle knows what was on those servers...
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...

Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
Yep, I remember that clearly. Republicans BLATANTLY broke the law, and not a one cared one iota about lawbreaking or of getting justice for it.

They should officially change the name of the Republican Party to "Hypocrits'R'Us"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What's hypocritical is applauding Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame's attempt to knee cap the Bush Administration in the month leading up to the election and then accusing the Bush people of "outing" her when that attempt failed miserably to hand Kerry the election. Plame outed herself. She wasn't a "covert" agent and hadn't been one for years. Nobody broke any laws when they revealed what Wilson and Plames agenda was and the lies they told to further that agenda! What Wilson and Plame did was hard ball politics at it's worst and when the Bush White House responded liberals started whining about poor Valerie being "outed". Here's a news flash for you kiddies...when you introduce your wife at Washington cocktail parties as someone who works for the CIA...SHE'S NOT A COVERT AGENT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!! DUH?
Plame did not out herself, ya con tool...

... do you ever stop lying?

Outing a covert CIA agent is a Federal crime. If Valerie Plame WAS a covert agent then kindly explain why charges were never brought against those who supposedly DID out her? Duh?
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.
What's hypocritical is applauding Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame's attempt to knee cap the Bush Administration in the month leading up to the election and then accusing the Bush people of "outing" her when that attempt failed miserably to hand Kerry the election. Plame outed herself. She wasn't a "covert" agent and hadn't been one for years. Nobody broke any laws when they revealed what Wilson and Plames agenda was and the lies they told to further that agenda! What Wilson and Plame did was hard ball politics at it's worst and when the Bush White House responded liberals started whining about poor Valerie being "outed". Here's a news flash for you kiddies...when you introduce your wife at Washington cocktail parties as someone who works for the CIA...SHE'S NOT A COVERT AGENT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!! DUH?
Plame did not out herself, ya con tool...

... do you ever stop lying?

Outing a covert CIA agent is a Federal crime. If Valerie Plame WAS a covert agent then kindly explain why charges were never brought against those who supposedly DID out her? Duh?
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
If they report
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...

Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
If they report on Hillary as if she's not a demon, that means they're kissing her ass, RW hater dupe? Everything you know about her is total bs many phony scandals in a row lol...

Breaking: the Sec of State is allowed to delete all her personal e-mails and is not the enemy lol....
This is the only issue I have with the private server. They certainly could have afforded a recognized expert, which would have further shielded her from these attacks from the wingnuts.

You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that Clinton's servers were not hacked! None. Whether they were or weren't however is a moot point. What Hillary Clinton did was to put herself above rules that were put in place to prevent corruption and provide transparency. The question you should be asking yourself is WHY she chose to do so! As with most criminal acts...the usual approach is to "follow the money".

I have more proof that they weren't than you do that they were.

Show me proof that it was hacked, with an article dated before the knowledge of the existence of her private server.

The contractor, SECNAP Network Security identified the attacks, but according to internal emails cited and briefly quoted in the Johnson letter, Clinton's sever may have lacked a threat-detection program for three months, Johnson says.

The Associated Press first reported the news.

The attempted security breaches and apparent gaps in protection raise further questions about the level of security Clinton used to prevent malicious intrusions from breaching her network. The FBI is currently probing whether her rare email arrangement at State — exclusively using her own personal server rather than a account — ever put national security at risk. The State Department has now classified more than 400 Clinton emails that were stored on that hardware, though Clinton's team notes they were not marked classified at the time.

Clinton server faced hacking from China, South Korea and German

So if Mrs. Clinton's own personal server lacked any security measures to even DETECT when it's been hacked into, how can anyone make the determination that the information that was contained there was not compromisedand hacked into? At least those government servers to which she was advised she SHOULD be using, had more adequate means to protect classified information.

It comes down to a willingness to not recognize the seriousness of having classified information protected, a willful choice to refuse government security measures provided to her, and withholding information from an internal investigation with the deletion of over 30,000 emails. The combination of these, especially the handling of classified information, is why the FBI is continuing its investigation and the IG has found there to be a serious need to do so through its official report and findings.
I love how rightards feign concern over national security when they think it was a Democrat who may have compromised it.

Being prior military, I'm very familiar with the policies and the seriousness surrounding the government's handling of top secret information. I don't think it's an area that needs to be taken lightly and everyone should show some respect for their position when placed with the handling of sensitive information, no matter their authority or rank. That being said, name a republican that has refused to use a government server when it was advised by their department to do so in handling classified information.
That's hysterical when you consider how the right cheered over the outing of a covert CIA agent during wartime.


Thanks for the levity. :thup:
Which means you lied when you described her server as "rather easy to hack." How many times are you going to admit it? You think there's anybody left here who hasn't seen you fess up to lying about her email server?

Time for you to move on to your next con lie...

Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
What a sad deflection after you get caught lying.

I'll repeat it again, maybe it will sink in this time....

You claimed I said her server was secure. I never said that. You lie. You got caught. You should be ashamed of yourself; but being a lying con tool means having no shame.
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.
Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
What a sad deflection after you get caught lying.

I'll repeat it again, maybe it will sink in this time....

You claimed I said her server was secure. I never said that. You lie. You got caught. You should be ashamed of yourself; but being a lying con tool means having no shame.

So you admit that you have no idea whether Clinton's server was secure or not? So in admitting that...aren't you admitting that you have no idea whether it was hacked or not?

And you STILL refuse to answer why Hillary's IT guy is taking the 5th.
Outing a covert CIA agent is a Federal crime. If Valerie Plame WAS a covert agent then kindly explain why charges were never brought against those who supposedly DID out her? Duh?
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.

As I said before, Libby was never charged nor convicted of "outing" Valerie Plame! Nobody has been. Why? Because nobody except Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame "outed" Valerie Plame...that's why!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
What a sad deflection after you get caught lying.

I'll repeat it again, maybe it will sink in this time....

You claimed I said her server was secure. I never said that. You lie. You got caught. You should be ashamed of yourself; but being a lying con tool means having no shame.

So you admit that you have no idea whether Clinton's server was secure or not? So in admitting that...aren't you admitting that you have no idea whether it was hacked or not?

And you STILL refuse to answer why Hillary's IT guy is taking the 5th.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I said from early on I had no idea what security was on there. Unlike you, stating the server was not secure even though you don't actually know, I never said it was.

And whether or not it was secure has nothing to do with whether or not it was hacked. The news reported there was no evidence it was.

And I never speculated on why that guy is taking the 5th. Remember, and this is the salient point -- YOU'RE the one who speculates with zero knowledge, not me.
If they report
Since her server was set up by some IT guy from her campaign and not a trained cyber security expert...I'm assuming it WAS rather easy to hack! Since the Clinton Camp has been stonewalling this investigation from the start and the IT guy is now taking the's hard to know...isn't it!
First, I note that you're already trying to wiggle out of your lie by changing your tune from claiming her server was "rather easy" to hack ... to ... you "assume." Which of course, you do only because you were caught lying by pretending like you knew how secure her server was when the reality is -- you have no fucking clue. Just like you have no fucking clue of just how knowledgeable the IT guy is at securing an email server.

But again, all you do is, as usual, expose yourself as the lying con tool the forum sees you to be. Constantly lying and constantly just making shit up.

Before we "move on" (why is it that Clinton supporters are constantly calling for people to "move on" from scandals?) did you want to take a crack at explaining WHY that IT guy is taking the 5th?
Of course not. Unlike you, I don't speculate and just make shit up. How could I know why he's pleading the 5th any more than you? You do realize that any excuse you offer is merely you lying again and pulling more shit out of your ass, right?

You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
If they report on Hillary as if she's not a demon, that means they're kissing her ass, RW hater dupe? Everything you know about her is total bs many phony scandals in a row lol...

Breaking: the Sec of State is allowed to delete all her personal e-mails and is not the enemy lol....

The Secretary of State is not allowed to delete emails dealing with State Department business. Hillary Clinton did exactly that. Phony scandals? I don't even think most Democrats believe that at this point, Franco...Hillary's been caught up in too many scandals and caught telling too many lies for anyone to buy that "phony scandals" talking point.
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.

As I said before, Libby was never charged nor convicted of "outing" Valerie Plame! Nobody has been.
More nonsense. So what if you said he was not charged with outing her? No one said he was. :rolleyes:

What he was guilty of was perjury and obstruction of justice.

Why? Because nobody except Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame "outed" Valerie Plame...that's why!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I already quoted lead investigator, Patrick Fizgerald, stating she was a covert agent up until Novak's article was published and her role in the CIA "was not widely known outside the intelligence community."
You don't speculate? Really, Faun? You've already assumed that Clinton's servers were secure and weren't hacked. I have no idea how you've made THAT determination!

The tech that set up Clinton's servers is taking the 5th...

You don't want to speculate about THAT because let's face it...his taking the 5th is about as big a red flag that something illegal WAS going on with Clinton's servers...the deletion of those thousands of emails...and most importantly the hiding of evidence from Congress.
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
What a sad deflection after you get caught lying.

I'll repeat it again, maybe it will sink in this time....

You claimed I said her server was secure. I never said that. You lie. You got caught. You should be ashamed of yourself; but being a lying con tool means having no shame.

So you admit that you have no idea whether Clinton's server was secure or not? So in admitting that...aren't you admitting that you have no idea whether it was hacked or not?

And you STILL refuse to answer why Hillary's IT guy is taking the 5th.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I said from early on I had no idea what security was on there. Unlike you, stating the server was not secure even though you don't actually know, I never said it was.

And whether or not it was secure has nothing to do with whether or not it was hacked. The news reported there was no evidence it was.

And I never speculated on why that guy is taking the 5th. Remember, and this is the salient point -- YOU'RE the one who speculates with zero knowledge, not me.

Ah, so it's OK for you to speculate that Clinton's server was NOT hacked but it's not OK for me to speculate that it was?

I know you haven't speculated on why Clinton's IT guy is taking the 5th! You don't want to touch THAT with a ten foot pole because there isn't a reason for him doing that which doesn't make Clinton look bad!
Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.

As I said before, Libby was never charged nor convicted of "outing" Valerie Plame! Nobody has been.
More nonsense. So what if you said he was not charged with outing her? No one said he was. :rolleyes:

What he was guilty of was perjury and obstruction of justice.

Why? Because nobody except Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame "outed" Valerie Plame...that's why!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I already quoted lead investigator, Patrick Fizgerald, stating she was a covert agent up until Novak's article was published and her role in the CIA "was not widely known outside the intelligence community."
If she was a covert agent then why wasn't anyone charged with "outing" her...which would have been a serious Federal crime? The reason nobody was charged is that it never happened!
There is a huge difference between working at the CIA and being a covert agent working for the CIA. Plame hadn't been a covert agent for quite some time...despite all her whining that she was!
You're fucking senile, gramps. As far as saying her server wasn't hacked, I'm going by what the news is reporting, which is there is no evidence it was. As far as me claiming her server was secure, you're lying again, as I never said any such thing.

When do you stop lying? Ever??

Oh, you mean the Main Stream Media? That kisses Hillary's ass on a daily basis? You're going by them? That explains a lot, Faun...
What a sad deflection after you get caught lying.

I'll repeat it again, maybe it will sink in this time....

You claimed I said her server was secure. I never said that. You lie. You got caught. You should be ashamed of yourself; but being a lying con tool means having no shame.

So you admit that you have no idea whether Clinton's server was secure or not? So in admitting that...aren't you admitting that you have no idea whether it was hacked or not?

And you STILL refuse to answer why Hillary's IT guy is taking the 5th.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I said from early on I had no idea what security was on there. Unlike you, stating the server was not secure even though you don't actually know, I never said it was.

And whether or not it was secure has nothing to do with whether or not it was hacked. The news reported there was no evidence it was.

And I never speculated on why that guy is taking the 5th. Remember, and this is the salient point -- YOU'RE the one who speculates with zero knowledge, not me.

Ah, so it's OK for you to speculate that Clinton's server was NOT hacked but it's not OK for me to speculate that it was?

I know you haven't speculated on why Clinton's IT guy is taking the 5th! You don't want to touch THAT with a ten foot pole because there isn't a reason for him doing that which doesn't make Clinton look bad!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever?

Leave it to a lying con tool like you, who himself been caught lying countless times, to frame my repeating what I saw on the news as me speculating.

And no, I don't touch speculating why that guy is taking the 5th with a 10 foot pole. That it apparently drives you crazy is merely extra entertainment for me.
There is a huge difference between working at the CIA and being a covert agent working for the CIA. Plame hadn't been a covert agent for quite some time...despite all her whining that she was!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

She was a covert CIA operative... SAYS PLAME WAS A COVERT AGENT

In new court filings, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has finally resolved one of the most disputed issues at the core of the long-running CIA leak controversy: Valerie Plame Wilson, he asserts, was a "covert" CIA officer who repeatedly traveled overseas using a "cover identity" in order to disguise her relationship with the agency.


"She traveled at least seven times to more than 10 countries," the document states. "When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity … At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Now stop lying.
Here, stupid dupe. Your party is a lying disgrace.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (born August 22, 1950; first name generally given as Irv, Irve or Irving)[1] is an American former lawyer, former Democrat, a prominent Republican[2] and former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[3] and Assistant to the President during the administration of PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[4][5][6] Plame's position at the CIA was consideredclassified information.[4] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[7]

In the subsequent federal trial, United States v. Libby, the jury convicted Libby on four of the five counts in the indictment (one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury, and one count of making false statements) andacquitted on the second count of making false statements.[8][9] The day after his conviction in that trial, he resigned his later appointment as senior advisor at the Hudson Institute (January 1, 2006 – March 7, 2007).[10][11]

Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted in a government scandal since John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the Iran–Contra affair (Poindexter's convictions were subsequently reversed on appeal in 1991).[12]

Libby was not convicted of outing Valerie Plame! Your cited article tries to paint that picture but Libby was convicted of giving false statements to a Federal officer investigating the Plame affair.

To this day NOBODY has ever been charged or convicted of outing Valerie Plame...BECAUSE NOBODY DID OUT HER EXCEPT FOR HERSELF AND HER HUBBY!!!

Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.

As I said before, Libby was never charged nor convicted of "outing" Valerie Plame! Nobody has been. Why? Because nobody except Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame "outed" Valerie Plame...that's why!

No, because Libby lied to protect DICK, the puppet master. I am sure DICK remunerated Scooter well for his allegiance.
Libby fell on the knife for DICK. Everyone knows that.

Libby got railroaded because they couldn't get DICK! Anyone with a clue knows that!
Libby was charged with perjury because he lied while giving sworn testimony. He was charged with obstruction of justice because he obstructed the investigation.

As I said before, Libby was never charged nor convicted of "outing" Valerie Plame! Nobody has been.
More nonsense. So what if you said he was not charged with outing her? No one said he was. :rolleyes:

What he was guilty of was perjury and obstruction of justice.

Why? Because nobody except Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame "outed" Valerie Plame...that's why!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever???

I already quoted lead investigator, Patrick Fizgerald, stating she was a covert agent up until Novak's article was published and her role in the CIA "was not widely known outside the intelligence community."
If she was a covert agent then why wasn't anyone charged with "outing" her...which would have been a serious Federal crime? The reason nobody was charged is that it never happened!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? Ever?? You're literally lying in every post you're making.

You've already asked this and I've already answered. So for you to ask again as though you no longer know the answer is a lie. A key element to that law required intent and Fitzgerald could not prove Armitage "knowingly" outed her.

Still Armitage revealed the identity of a covert CIA operative, who by the way, was reported to have been working in the field of nuclear counter-proliferation. You traiterous rightwinges did everything you could to defend the actions of those involved. Proving once and for all that the right couldn't give a shit about national security.

Now stop lying.

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