CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.
There is something seriously wrong with you. You have one enormously defective brain. Forget the fact that you're trying to counter my news articles with wikipedia :eusa_doh:

.... you can't even get the facts right because you're such a psychotically deranged con tool. The first judge ruled the couldn't sue on the technical grounds that they filed suit in the wrong jurisdiction...

Since you're too ignorant to understand that, I'll explain it to ya ... the case was not thrown out because they couldn't prove their complaint, as you lied about -- it was thrown out for procedural reasons. Don't you ever get tired of losing?

On appeal, the court affirmed the lower court and dismissed their complaint; again, not due to lack of merit but because of procedural failures on the Wilson's part.

Here again, Plame did not lose the case because she wasn't a covert CIA, she was one until Novak's article was released; nor because she wasn't harmed. You're so dedicated to being a lying con tool, that you desperately try every angle you can make up out of whole cloth just to deny that reality.

How do you sleep at night knowing you hate your own country so much, that you're willing and eager to defend the outing of a covert CIA agent?

Now go back to licking your wounds and stop lying.

As for your claim that I hate my country because I don't think Plame was a covert CIA agent? It's amusing how outing Plame somehow is this terrible crime against US national security (why that is...I have no idea!) but Hillary Clinton using an unsecured personal server to transmit sensitive State Department information is not a problem! Who do you think potentially could cause more damage to US security interests...a low level CIA desk jockey...or a sitting Secretary of State?
When do you stop lying, ya con tool? Ever??

Prove her server was unsecure.... oh, wait... you can't. You already admitted you have no fucking clue about what security was loaded onto it.

And there's no evidence Hillary's server was ever hacked. Valerie Plame was outed as a covert CIA operative when Novak's article was published.

Now stop lying.

Prove that her server was secure...oh, can't! You've already admitted that you have no fucking clue about what security was loaded onto it.

For some strange reason you seem to believe that some low level IT guy working for the Clinton campaign is going to be better at cyber security than the people who set up our cyber security at the State Department. The fact that this IT guy is taking the 5th to avoid prosecution for committing crimes doesn't raise red flags in your "blinders wearing" little world?
When do you stop lying, ya con tool? Ever??

Rshermr totally pegged you with that label, huh? It couldn't fit better.

And why would I prove her email was secure when I never claimed it was? This would just be you lying again.

Stop lying.

Rshermr? You mean the George Costanza of the US Message Board? That fraud is the biggest joke here! He's the guy the supposedly taught College level economics but didn't know what I was referring to when I asked him what school of economics he was basing his contention on! He's the guy who said the economic formula for determining "Jobs Saved" was A-B=Jobs Saved but declined to reveal what A or B was and then decided that he's only provide the REAL formula if I met a "condition" of his! He's the guy who's excuse for writing like a sixth grader is that his secretary usually proofs his correspondence!

Rshermr? You two make quite the pair, Faun...he lives in his own fantasy wear partisan blinders. Between the two of you I don't think you could find your own asses if someone gave you a one hand head start.
None of which has anything to do with the reality that he has accurately pegged you as a lying con tool.

When do you stop lying? Ever??
What law says anyone has to release their tax records to the public? Correct. There is none.
Isn't it the same "law" that says presidential candidates have to release their college transcripts?
Yes. People who aren't hiding anything will normally reveal their records to the public but there aren't any laws saying they must. Except that Obama has everything sealed and people know he is a living lie.
... and who said it's a law? But as even you admit, people not hiding anything will normally release their records.

... which brings us back to ... what's Trump hiding?
What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.

Not their fault that they have better things to do than go after wingnut-created nothingburgers.
Isn't it the same "law" that says presidential candidates have to release their college transcripts?
Yes. People who aren't hiding anything will normally reveal their records to the public but there aren't any laws saying they must. Except that Obama has everything sealed and people know he is a living lie.
... and who said it's a law? But as even you admit, people not hiding anything will normally release their records.

... which brings us back to ... what's Trump hiding?
What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.

Not their fault that they have better things to do than go after wingnut-created nothingburgers.

The FBI has been treated like mushrooms by the Obama Administration, Erik! (Kept in the dark and fed bullshit...)
Conducting government business in private weakens our democracy. It is harmful to our form of government by further eroding the trust in government officials.

She wasn't conducting government business in private. She was corresponding with Government employees
You are being disingenuous. There are thousands of emails from her server on wiki leaks website that refute your assertion. I especially like those marked "strictly internal".

Do you suppose that something marked "strictly internal" may be later classified when reviewed for public release but not be classified while still internal?
The FACT!!!!! that there are thousands of Hillary's emails on the internet PROVES!!!!!! someone was able to hack into her secret private server.
I bet the Russians and the Chinese and the Israelis were having a laugh at what an incompetent idiot Hillary was/is.
I wonder how many US Intelligence secrets these and a few dozen other countries have?
Lol, Hillary's emails are on the internet because a US court ordered them to be released under the Freedom of Information Act as part of an ongoing lawsuit. Get a grip.
Total bullshit lie!
Hundreds of Hillary's hacked email have been on the internet MONTHS before the court ordered some of them to be realised.
Show what sensitive information was leaked and what harm was done

You want her in jail, shouldn't she have actually harmed someone?

The Russians and Chinese and ISIS have her emails. Do you understand how blackmail works?

ISIS? :laugh:
They live in an alternate universe where reality to them is whatever they say it is. :cuckoo:

no, that would be you libtards who think the gun shot those 100 people on its own and that the shooter did not do it in the name of islam, and who think our enemies don't have hillarys emails ready to use as blackmail
Ahh... the ever popular, I know you are but what am I, rightard retort.

Well I point out how you wingnuts live in your own world where ya just make up shit and you mindlessly parrot that back. So let's put this to a test....

Prove ISIS is in possession of her email which has not already been posted on the Internet....

if a dork in Romania can get them then so can ISIS, Russia and china
The Russians and Chinese and ISIS have her emails. Do you understand how blackmail works?

ISIS? :laugh:
They live in an alternate universe where reality to them is whatever they say it is. :cuckoo:

no, that would be you libtards who think the gun shot those 100 people on its own and that the shooter did not do it in the name of islam, and who think our enemies don't have hillarys emails ready to use as blackmail
Ahh... the ever popular, I know you are but what am I, rightard retort.

Well I point out how you wingnuts live in your own world where ya just make up shit and you mindlessly parrot that back. So let's put this to a test....

Prove ISIS is in possession of her email which has not already been posted on the Internet....

if a dork in Romania can get them then so can ISIS, Russia and china
The first country to hack into the unsecure illegal private server was..................ISRAEL!
The Israelis were months ahead of Guccifer.
The Israelis know every time Obama takes a leak.
Hacking into Hillary's private server was literally the work of first year MOSSAD recruits as a simple covert computer hacking exercise.
She wasn't conducting government business in private. She was corresponding with Government employees
You are being disingenuous. There are thousands of emails from her server on wiki leaks website that refute your assertion. I especially like those marked "strictly internal".

Do you suppose that something marked "strictly internal" may be later classified when reviewed for public release but not be classified while still internal?
The FACT!!!!! that there are thousands of Hillary's emails on the internet PROVES!!!!!! someone was able to hack into her secret private server.
I bet the Russians and the Chinese and the Israelis were having a laugh at what an incompetent idiot Hillary was/is.
I wonder how many US Intelligence secrets these and a few dozen other countries have?
Lol, Hillary's emails are on the internet because a US court ordered them to be released under the Freedom of Information Act as part of an ongoing lawsuit. Get a grip.
Total bullshit lie!
Hundreds of Hillary's hacked email have been on the internet MONTHS before the court ordered some of them to be realised.
Which emails sir? The ones that I am aware of were hacked off Sydney Blumenthal's server, not Hillary's.
Yes. People who aren't hiding anything will normally reveal their records to the public but there aren't any laws saying they must. Except that Obama has everything sealed and people know he is a living lie.
... and who said it's a law? But as even you admit, people not hiding anything will normally release their records.

... which brings us back to ... what's Trump hiding?
What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
The Russians and Chinese and ISIS have her emails. Do you understand how blackmail works?

ISIS? :laugh:
They live in an alternate universe where reality to them is whatever they say it is. :cuckoo:

no, that would be you libtards who think the gun shot those 100 people on its own and that the shooter did not do it in the name of islam, and who think our enemies don't have hillarys emails ready to use as blackmail
Ahh... the ever popular, I know you are but what am I, rightard retort.

Well I point out how you wingnuts live in your own world where ya just make up shit and you mindlessly parrot that back. So let's put this to a test....

Prove ISIS is in possession of her email which has not already been posted on the Internet....

if a dork in Romania can get them then so can ISIS, Russia and china
Aside from everything else that's wrong with your post, that you say, "IF" is all that is needed to see that, once again, you are so full of shit, your eyes are brown.

You are being disingenuous. There are thousands of emails from her server on wiki leaks website that refute your assertion. I especially like those marked "strictly internal".

Do you suppose that something marked "strictly internal" may be later classified when reviewed for public release but not be classified while still internal?
The FACT!!!!! that there are thousands of Hillary's emails on the internet PROVES!!!!!! someone was able to hack into her secret private server.
I bet the Russians and the Chinese and the Israelis were having a laugh at what an incompetent idiot Hillary was/is.
I wonder how many US Intelligence secrets these and a few dozen other countries have?
Lol, Hillary's emails are on the internet because a US court ordered them to be released under the Freedom of Information Act as part of an ongoing lawsuit. Get a grip.
Total bullshit lie!
Hundreds of Hillary's hacked email have been on the internet MONTHS before the court ordered some of them to be realised.
Which emails sir? The ones that I am aware of were hacked off Sydney Blumenthal's server, not Hillary's.
Don't expect a lucid answer from that one. Just sayin'.
... and who said it's a law? But as even you admit, people not hiding anything will normally release their records.

... which brings us back to ... what's Trump hiding?
What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.
How's that?


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Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.
Home / Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

What was Obama hiding, we know he bullshited about being a college scholar. We know he claimed to be from a foreign country to get into school. So what else has he lied about his college years.
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


Eligibility Requirements
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Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
Actually, just the fact that he had a Fulbright Scholarship shows that he was a foreigner.

How's that?


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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
As I stated earlier, all those clips were removed and are no longer available.

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