CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

How's that?


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Home / Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Sponsor: Fulbright Foundation
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Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
As I stated earlier, all those clips were removed and are no longer available.
What a shame you can't prove your hallucinations. By the way, you can always try the wayback machine. Even scrubbed pages can be found there.
Home / Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Sponsor: Fulbright Foundation
Submission Deadline


Field(s) of Study

Award Amount

Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
As I stated earlier, all those clips were removed and are no longer available.
What a shame you can't prove your hallucinations. By the way, you can always try the wayback machine. Even scrubbed pages can be found there.
It was on the news and those pages were removed.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
As I stated earlier, all those clips were removed and are no longer available.
What a shame you can't prove your hallucinations. By the way, you can always try the wayback machine. Even scrubbed pages can be found there.
It was on the news and those pages were removed.
Like I said... try the wayback machine. They store billions of pages.
:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.
You're so predictable.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
You have a link to his mailman saying that?
As I stated earlier, all those clips were removed and are no longer available.
What a shame you can't prove your hallucinations. By the way, you can always try the wayback machine. Even scrubbed pages can be found there.
It was on the news and those pages were removed.
By the illuminati?
Home / Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Fulbright Scholarships For Non-US Citizens
Sponsor: Fulbright Foundation
Submission Deadline


Field(s) of Study

Award Amount

Fulbright awards are designed to promote international education and provides funding for US students abroad and international students in the US.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.
You're so predictable.

What's "predictable", Synth is that investigations by the Obama Justice Department into liberal scandals never seem to go anywhere. When TV news crews were standing in the burnt out rubble of our consulate in Benghazi reporting on what took place the Obama Justice Department was telling us that it was too dangerous for the FBI to be on the ground conducting an investigation. The FBI didn't show up in Benghazi until weeks had passed. To say that discovering the truth about what took place in Libya wasn't a priority of the Obama Justice Department would be an understatement.
Was Obama Born in the USA?

Barack Obama Was a Foreign College Student?

Claim: Recently released records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a "foreign student from Indonesia."

Reality means nothing to these conservatives. They live in a closed world where their only "truths" manifest from the echo chamber. Just look at Hossfly as a perfect example. Despite being shown the Fulbright story was in fact an April Fool's joke and despite his inability to find any verifiable truth behind the story.... he still believes it is true.
Which has nothing to do with Obama since he didn't get a Fulbright Scholarship. Not that such reality will prevent you from continuing to post this tripe despite being shown this.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.
:desk: I have a question :desk:

has Hillary been arrested yet ?

Is the Obama Justice Department still handling the criminal investigation? Silly question, Siete. It's like asking if the Obama Justice Department has gotten to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi or with the IRS scandal.
You're so predictable.

What's "predictable", Synth is that investigations by the Obama Justice Department into liberal scandals never seem to go anywhere. When TV news crews were standing in the burnt out rubble of our consulate in Benghazi reporting on what took place the Obama Justice Department was telling us that it was too dangerous for the FBI to be on the ground conducting an investigation. The FBI didn't show up in Benghazi until weeks had passed. To say that discovering the truth about what took place in Libya wasn't a priority of the Obama Justice Department would be an understatement.
You do know that 7 GOP-led investigations have concluded the Obama administration had committed no wrong-doing, right?


You must delude yourself into believing the GOP is in the tank for Obama too?
Still no answer? What security was installed on Hillary's email server?

I can tell you what security WASN'T installed on her two servers! The kind that the State Department has for IT'S official communications! The kind that isn't easy to hack!
Translation: you have no fucking clue what security she had.

Conclusion: you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Her "security" was set up by an IT guy who worked for her campaign. Would you now like to claim that gentleman was an expert on cyber security? The State Department has people who's only job is to make sure their servers are secure.

Once you've provided proof that Hillary's IT guy was an expert on cyber security...maybe you'd like to take a crack at why he's taking the 5th and refusing to testify to the FBI? Yeah, no problem THERE!!!!
I have no idea what the level of knowledge was of the person who setup her server. Even worse for you -- neither do you. That's why you keep avoiding the question I'm actually asking.... what security was installed on her server?

Why don't you try telling the truth for once in your life and simply admit what everyone here already knows -- you have no fucking clue.

I have no clue and neither do you because Hillary Clinton has been stonewalling the investigation for years now and the guy who did set up her two servers that she utilized to avoid Congressional scrutiny has now taken the 5th and refused to testify. Why don't YOU admit what anyone with half a brain has known for months now...that Hillary Clinton deliberately broke the law...endangered US personnel by using unsecure personal servers and lied to the Congress about what she had done.
Guess what? NO ONE wants to testify before your manic witch hunters and become a gop propaganda machine target. It's a disgrace like the gop.
Nobody will ever know unless they waterboard the pussy, since everything about him is sealed, including his 57 IQ. His mailman said Barry received mail from Fullbright all the time. Why would he lie? Oh yes, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
Since you admit you don't know, is it fair to say you'll never again claim that he did? Especially considering the source for the claim he did came from a prank website, posing as a fake AP article, on April Fool's Day.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.
I believe the mailman. He is just one of a myriad of people who have made statements to TV reporters only to come out later and make a retraction. From his grandmother to a Secret Service agent to the mailman, ad nauseam. Obama is a prank site and an April Fools joke.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.
Which means.... you don't know who was included in the sample; which means... when you said it favored Democrats, you just made that up out if whole cloth.

But then, that's what you do.
Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.
Which means.... you don't know who was included in the sample; which means... when you said it favored Democrats, you just made that up out if whole cloth.

But then, that's what you do.

I gave you two choices as to why any poll would put obozo in a favorable light, You can choose which one applies, the sample data is available if you want to dig it out. I don't really care because the only poll that matters will take place in November and Hillary will get her fat ass kicked in that one.
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.
Which means.... you don't know who was included in the sample; which means... when you said it favored Democrats, you just made that up out if whole cloth.

But then, that's what you do.

I gave you two choices as to why any poll would put obozo in a favorable light, You can choose which one applies, the sample data is available if you want to dig it out. I don't really care because the only poll that matters will take place in November and Hillary will get her fat ass kicked in that one.
Not jus fat, but 'UUUUUUGGGE!

And he'll go down in history books as being a top two-term president.

An honor held by less than two dozen people in the entire world, in all of history.

Meanwhile, you'll be relegated to the basement with your cheeto's crapping in your Depends, and not a soul outside of the inbreeds you chew 'baccy with will ever remember you.

Obama = worst president in history, no one else even comes close
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.
More like, thanks Texas textbooks and whacky RW PTAers. Don't badmouth stupid, ignorant voters, without them the GOP would never win. see sig.
Yeah... that must explain why his job approval rating is higher than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup and about double that of Bush's at this point.

But thanks for providing yet another prime example of how divorced from reality you right wingnuts are.

that proves one of two things

1. the poll oversampled democrats
2. there are a large number of ignorant people being polled.
What a shame you can't prove either those.

the data on the sample is available, but I am not interested enough to bother digging it out, if you would like to, go right ahead.

the ignorance of the American public is on display nightly in man-on-the-street interviews, etc. Most americans know more about the Kardashians than about the founders of this nation---------------thanks, teachers union.
Which means.... you don't know who was included in the sample; which means... when you said it favored Democrats, you just made that up out if whole cloth.

But then, that's what you do.

I gave you two choices as to why any poll would put obozo in a favorable light, You can choose which one applies, the sample data is available if you want to dig it out. I don't really care because the only poll that matters will take place in November and Hillary will get her fat ass kicked in that one.
Good one, dupe. lol. That'll be a CONSPIRACEE!!! too...

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