CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Watching it on CNN now ....

CNN's Breaking News ... LOL :D

Trump has had a number of bad weeks. The week he gave away the ranch at Singapore, receiving nothing in return. The week he committed treason at Helsinki, sucking up to his benefactor, communist dictator Vladimir Putin. But this week may have topped them all.

He found out that White House lawyer, Don McGahn, spent hours of interrogation with the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller. McGahn's 30 hours of conversations with Mueller's team unnerved Trump, who didn't know the full extent of McGahn's discussions. Also, Trump has no idea what McGahn told Mueller, but he does know McGahn is privy to inner White House discussions, including the circumstances regarding the firing of James Comey, former FBI director.

Then he learned that his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was convicted on eight counts and will spend the rest of his life in prison. All Trump could say was that Manafort's trial had nothing to do with his campaign's collaboration with Russia.

That is true. Manafort's trial concerning collaboration with Russia is coming up in September.

Then he learned that his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is going to jail for three to five years. Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court to eight felony counts of tax fraud, bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Cohen admitted to paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016, "at the direction of the candidate." Trump wasn't identified by name in Cohen's statement, but he was the only candidate who Cohen was working for at the time.

Cohen also admitted to conspiring with a media company, perceived as the publisher of The National Enquirer, to silence another woman, former Playboy model Karen McDougal, during the 2016 presidential election.

Cui bono, who benefits? Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, took pains to underscore that his client did not benefit by has actions, but Trump did. "Today, [Cohen] stood up and testified under oath that Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime by making payments to two women for the principal purpose of influencing an election," Davis said in a statement. "If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn't they be a crime for Donald Trump?"

It certainly is possible that Trump could be called an unindicted co-conspirator for one very simple reason. That is exactly what he is.

It will be interesting to see if the Republican Congress will investigate this matter and what steps they may take. Or, will they sweep this under the rug just as they have done in the past. However, they should consider this. The President is complicit in a federal crime. Doing nothing might become a political liability in the November elections. Losing one or both houses of Congress would be catastrophic to the Republican Party.

Campaign manager
Personal lawyer
National Security Adviser

Have all been convicted of FELONIES. :laugh:

Kushner and Lil Donnie are next
Five Trump criminals with broomsticks going to jail. Definitely no witch hunt.

Heard that on Hardball, did you?
btw. One is in jail now. Do you know who?

TRMS should be good!
Manafort is all I can think of off the top of my head right now? The Russian Lawyer Alex Vander Der Zwann has already served his sentence.
Did the Whore being Fucked alter the election.........

You mad bro?
I think we need to tell them

WD40 takes off bumper Stinky Stickers in no time.


At this point there were only two Candidates he could give money to.

HRC was not the one that got money.

So to help the DOPers. It was the Great Douche clowns.
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Did the Whore being Fucked alter the election.........

You mad bro?
Nope............Just saying what you guys have...........A whore................That is now what you are left with that had nothing to do with altering the election or Russia...........

So.......I ask again.........did the whore fucking Trump alter the election

Irrelevant argument! Rules are rules, and laws are laws. Do some candidates get to cheat by being legally libel, while that same side calls for their opponent to be locked up, for charges no one can even invent to charge? Is that your idea of a fair election? If your answer is yes, you are a liar.
Did the Whore being Fucked alter the election.........
You mad bro?
Nope............Just saying what you guys have...........A whore................That is now what you are left with that had nothing to do with altering the election or Russia...........

So.......I ask again.........did the whore fucking Trump alter the election

Irrelevant argument! Rules are rules, and laws are laws. Do some candidates get to cheat by being legally libel, while that same side calls for their opponent to be locked up, for charges no one can even invent? Is that your idea of a fair election? If your answer is yes, you are a liar.
That was not the scope of the investigation.......It was about Russia........not a bimbo doing Trump maybe at a Golf course...........

But you don't care that it had nothing to do with the same crap you have been screaming for 2 years...........

You don't care about the corruption of those investigating that were dropping like flies for it..

You now try to take him down because of a whore...........and that's it..........

Perhaps we should do to you as you do to others.........and play by the same rules as you.......Would be poetic.
Cohen pleads to 5 years in jail. To what Mueller could prove could get him 60 years.
Cohen spewing on the great Douche.
So his top advisor, His Campaign Chairman, and now his attorney have all plead/been found guilty of felonies.

Would it be any shock to find that Trump is guilty of felonies as well?
Did the Whore being Fucked alter the election.........
You mad bro?
Nope............Just saying what you guys have...........A whore................That is now what you are left with that had nothing to do with altering the election or Russia...........

So.......I ask again.........did the whore fucking Trump alter the election

Irrelevant argument! Rules are rules, and laws are laws. Do some candidates get to cheat by being legally libel, while that same side calls for their opponent to be locked up, for charges no one can even invent? Is that your idea of a fair election? If your answer is yes, you are a liar.
That was not the scope of the investigation.......It was about Russia........not a bimbo doing Trump maybe at a Golf course...........

But you don't care that it had nothing to do with the same crap you have been screaming for 2 years...........

You don't care about the corruption of those investigating that were dropping like flies for it..

You now try to take him down because of a whore...........and that's it..........

Perhaps we should do to you as you do to others.........and play by the same rules as you.......Would be poetic.

It isn't banging a whore that gets Trump in trouble, it's the lies and the cover up.
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So Cohen did not fill out his credit card applications correctly which make charge 6 HUGE
HUGE because that brazen act greenlighted the Russians to make Hillary lose and Trump knew about it!!!!!!

If we get any more stupid with this we will not remember how to breathe.
If HRC had paid male Gigolos and Pornstars for sex.
And used election funds. To cover it up..

No election funds were used. She was paid to keep quiet and that silence was deemed a contribution of value to the campaign and should have been reported as a contribution. It was not and Cohen plead to not reporting in accordance with Campaign finance law.
But you don't care that it had nothing to do with the same crap you have been screaming for 2 years....
And you didn't care when clinton was i peached for lying about a bj. So cry some more, ya crybaby...
They got him in a perjury trap and after repeated accusations from women on his deeds.........

What was his mistake........He should of said ...........yeah I did her and the whole thing would went away.......It's not against the law to get a blow job...........consenting adults.......He's been cheating on Hilllary his whole life.


I'd say Trump has done the same.............So.............hmmm..........Clinton and Trump like to do it...............are they the same type of people........LOL

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