CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Nah, you're dreaming. The two cases are very different. Edwards waa able to use the defense that the alleged campaign donations were "gifts" from friends. No such defense will be available to a man directing his personal lawyer to use existing campaign funds for hush payments.

I don't think he used campaign funds.

Unbelievably stupid if he did. Talking about Trump here, this guy says he's worth billions, and he uses campaign funds to pay off a lawyer who pays off a couple of women to keep their traps shut? How could he not know that was illegal? I get the feeling that Trump has the same belief that nothing can touch him that the Clintons and other super rich and powerful people have. Of course, that's all speculation and he may not be guilty of doing anything illegal, but this is starting smell bad. Like the Benghazi thing, and the IRS thing, and the Fast and Furious thing, and the Clinton email thing, and, well, all the stuff that's been going on.
I predict the popular spin will be "Trump did not know he was violating finance laws, so you can't prove intent that he committed a crime -- plus Obama is a Kenyan, Uranium One -Hillary..Al Sharpton owes taxes"

An unamed (Trump) candidate told him to take care of Stormy's mouth. He took out loan and paid her to shut her hole.

He should have reported that as campaign contribution (per the charges) and he plead guilty to that lack of reporting campaign contributions.

Campaign manager
Personal lawyer
National Security Adviser

Have all been convicted of FELONIES. :laugh:

Yet Trump will have all standing room only rally in Virginia tonight unfazed.
Almost all Coal miners got nothing from the 2017 Tax Fraud scam.
The Great Douche has 36 timse more conviction of Great Douche employees than Obama.
Obama had none btw. Will someone there toss coal at the Douche POS Grifter.

MAGA? Many Are Guilty Already.
And its not on Team HRC.

btw: raygoon had the most convictions of employees for a Brain DEAD Potus.
We are only in the 18th month of the Great Douche Criminal enterprise.
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Talking about Trump here, this guy says he's worth billions, and he uses campaign funds to pay off a lawyer who pays off a couple of women to keep their traps shut?
Good observation. Clearly he is not worth anywhere near that and is mortgaged to the eyeballs.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.

BULLSHIT! He was brought in to investigate the Russian interference with the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.

Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.

Today, both Manafort and Cohen have very compelling reasons to consider cooperating with Mueller going foreward.
Did the Whore being Fucked alter the election.........

The Douche committed a crime in 2016.
So what if he was raw dogging pornstars & strippers.
That is the new GOP/DOPers family values standard to be elected.
Adult sex is not illegal. Were you saying the same thang
for Bubba's Oval office Blow Job?
What does Cohen know about Trump laundering money for the Russians?

Did Trump claim the income?

They had all his records and he plead out. it does not matter.

Agreed. That's the real story here. There is no next part of the Cohen story.


Does Cohen want to see the inside of a jail cell?
He ratted out Crooked Donnie......will the pussy Republicans in Congress investigate?
He can rat out Douche Jr..
If HRC had paid male Gigolos and Pornstars for sex.
And used election funds. To cover it up.
Would not the GOP/DOPers be wanting to lock HRC up for this?
They did chase a legal Blow Job forever. But not the great Douche lies.
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Nah, you're dreaming. The two cases are very different. Edwards waa able to use the defense that the alleged campaign donations were "gifts" from friends. No such defense will be available to a man directing his personal lawyer to use existing campaign funds for hush payments.

I don't think he used campaign funds.
The witness said the candidate paid Cohen back. The money was never reported.

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