CNN news anchor sounds off on his own kind – i.e., liberals and the complicit media.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Gay, black, liberal CNN news anchor, Don Lemon, speaks candidly on his CNN radio program. Basically, he is blaming the left for their over-zealousness with political correctness and for its brazen intolerance of the opinions of those they do not agree with. Too bad, too many in this nation (left and right, but mostly left) do not see how this nation, this society, this culture is imploding into a narcissistic, godless free for all. I very much appreciate this Don Lemon speaking out against those matters he sees so wrong, even if it is those in his own party.


Surprise! CNN anchor says left too dangerously P.C.

Black, openly 'gay' host slams progressives, liberals as 'least tolerant'

A black news anchor with CNN has sidestepped the cable outlet’s normally leftist leanings to criticize some in his own camp for over-the-top political correctness, saying the anti-First Amendment atmosphere has grown to the point of damaging society.

CNN “Tonight” host Don Lemon said in a radio commentary for Black America Web the P.C. atmosphere has become “dangerous,” and that his 25 years in the media profession has shown him progressives are among the “least tolerant” in America, Mediaite reported.

Lemon’s comments came in context of discussing comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s recent rants about the difficulty of performing on college campuses due to the rampant politically correct culture.

The openly “gay” Lemon said: “Do you allow room in your space for those who disagree with you? Do you ever call coworkers or the person you hear on the radio or see on TV stupid because you disagree with them or because they don’t hold your same opinion about an issue? If so, then you might be too politically correct for your own good, for society’s good.”

He then wrote Americans “have to stop looking for reasons to be offended” and instead give “people leeway to make mistakes in conversations without calling them racist, bigots, stupid, dumb, sell-outs and on and on.”

Lemon warned “not everyone” will find agreement on all issues, but said: “That’s how we learn,” Mediaite reported.

And he issued some scathing criticisms of those on the left.

“After almost 25 years in the news business, you know who is the most easily offended and the least tolerant: Liberals and progressives, because many of them don’t really want to hear anyone else’s opinion but their own,” Lemon wrote. “Here’s a tip. if you only agree with people who hold your same political affiliation or who are of your particular race, gender or ethnicity, you are part of the political correctness run amuck problem. You are actually thwarting progress instead of advancing.”
He will pay for that insolence.

Not as much as those who trash God or ignore God may pay.

And so what if he pays with his CNN career? I suppose you value money and prestige more than character?

Insolence?... that's funny, too.
This is a shocking albeit pleasant surprise coming from Don Lemon. I didn't know he was Gay and don't care. He has been annoying on Black Race issues IMO but I give him all the credit in the world for calling it like it is on the intolerance of Progressives and the PC movement.
Not as much as those who trash God or ignore God may pay.

And so what if he pays with his CNN career? I suppose you value money and prestige more than character?

Insolence?... that's funny, too.

I don't value a CNN career at all. I won't be suprized if he's demonized, shunned and even fired.

Liberals can not tolerate people with character, especially black people who demonstrate independent thinking.
Not as much as those who trash God or ignore God may pay.

And so what if he pays with his CNN career? I suppose you value money and prestige more than character?

Insolence?... that's funny, too.

I don't value a CNN career at all. I won't be suprized if he's demonized, shunned and even fired.

Liberals can not tolerate people with character, especially black people who demonstrate independent thinking.
My apologies. I did not catch your sarcasm in your first post. We agree.
No where is intolerance shown more then here on this message board. Too often a valid point is shouted down by someone simply by calling you an idiot, racist or whatever without any argumentative rebuttal, just simple name calling and general put downs without anything substantive being added to the conversation. Two of the worst offenders are Moonglow and Statiskhengst. Never once has either one ever tried to argue mine or their point of view based on the merit of either argument. Too often I feel that great threads are killed by their's and other's brutish behavior. I often do not bother posting on threads that they participate in because it is pointless. But that's just my opinion I could be wrong!


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No where is intolerance shown more then here on this message board. Too often a valid point is shouted down by someone simply by calling you an idiot, racist or whatever without any argumentative rebuttal, just simple name calling and general put downs without anything substantive being added to the conversation. Two of the worst offenders are Moonglow and Statiskhengst. Never once has either one ever tried to argue mine or their point of view based on the merit of either argument. Too often I feel that great threads are killed by their's and other's brutish behavior. I often do not bother posting on threads that they participate in because it is pointless. But that's just my opinion I could be wrong!
Only the thin-skinned would take umbrage to being challenged. Your points were fair, imo.
Gay, black, liberal CNN news anchor, Don Lemon, speaks candidly on his CNN radio program. Basically, he is blaming the left for their over-zealousness with political correctness and for its brazen intolerance of the opinions of those they do not agree with. Too bad, too many in this nation (left and right, but mostly left) do not see how this nation, this society, this culture is imploding into a narcissistic, godless free for all. I very much appreciate this Don Lemon speaking out against those matters he sees so wrong, even if it is those in his own party.


Surprise! CNN anchor says left too dangerously P.C.

Black, openly 'gay' host slams progressives, liberals as 'least tolerant'

A black news anchor with CNN has sidestepped the cable outlet’s normally leftist leanings to criticize some in his own camp for over-the-top political correctness, saying the anti-First Amendment atmosphere has grown to the point of damaging society.

CNN “Tonight” host Don Lemon said in a radio commentary for Black America Web the P.C. atmosphere has become “dangerous,” and that his 25 years in the media profession has shown him progressives are among the “least tolerant” in America, Mediaite reported.

Lemon’s comments came in context of discussing comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s recent rants about the difficulty of performing on college campuses due to the rampant politically correct culture.

The openly “gay” Lemon said: “Do you allow room in your space for those who disagree with you? Do you ever call coworkers or the person you hear on the radio or see on TV stupid because you disagree with them or because they don’t hold your same opinion about an issue? If so, then you might be too politically correct for your own good, for society’s good.”

He then wrote Americans “have to stop looking for reasons to be offended” and instead give “people leeway to make mistakes in conversations without calling them racist, bigots, stupid, dumb, sell-outs and on and on.”

Lemon warned “not everyone” will find agreement on all issues, but said: “That’s how we learn,” Mediaite reported.

And he issued some scathing criticisms of those on the left.

“After almost 25 years in the news business, you know who is the most easily offended and the least tolerant: Liberals and progressives, because many of them don’t really want to hear anyone else’s opinion but their own,” Lemon wrote. “Here’s a tip. if you only agree with people who hold your same political affiliation or who are of your particular race, gender or ethnicity, you are part of the political correctness run amuck problem. You are actually thwarting progress instead of advancing.”
Well I'll be damned! An island of sanity in that ideology known as liberalism?
This is a shocking albeit pleasant surprise coming from Don Lemon. I didn't know he was Gay and don't care. He has been annoying on Black Race issues IMO but I give him all the credit in the world for calling it like it is on the intolerance of Progressives and the PC movement.
With liberal comedians and leftist professors starting to complain, I think we're seeing the tide turning against these PC whack jobs.

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