CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

Yes, the IC issued 300 intel reports between Feb 1st, 2012 and September 10th.

Nothing in today's report states that any of those intel reports contained precise intelligence regarding any specific impending attacks.

"In the months before the attacks on September 11, 2012, the IC provided strategic warning through numerous intelligence reports that the security situation in eastern Libya was deteriorating and that U.S. facilities and personnel were at risk in Benghazi."

Intelligence Committee Releases Bipartisan Report on Benghazi Attacks - Press Releases - News Room - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein

I'm sure Hillary would have been made privy to that intelligence as well. Come on, Doc, at least make this a challenge for me.


Warnings Before the Attacks and Failures to Provide Security

In the months before the attacks on September 11, 2012, the IC provided ample strategic warning that a security situation in eastern Libya was deteriorating and that U.S. facilities and personnel were at risk in Benghazi

The IC produced hundreds of analytic reports in the months preceding the September 11-12, 2012 attacks, providing strategic warning that militias and terrorist and affiliated groups had the capability and intent to strike U.S. and Western facilities and personnel in Libya.

- On June 12, 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) produced a report entitled, "Libya Terrorists Now Targeting U.S. and Western Interests." The report noted recent attacks against the U.S. Mission compound in Benghazi, the growing ties between al-Qa'ida (AQ) regional nodes and Libya-based terrorists, and stated: "We expect more anti-U.S.terrorist attacks in eastern Libya [redacted], due to the the terrorists' greater presence there....This will include terrorists conducting more ambush and IED [improvised explosive device] attacks as well as more threats against [redacted]."

- On June 18, 2012, the Pentagon's Joint Staff produced a slide in its daily intelligence report entitled "(U) Terrorism: Conditions Ripe for More Attacks, Terrorist Safe Haven in Libya." In the slide, the Joint Staff assessed "[redacted] support will increase Libyan terrorist in the permissive post-revolution security environment. Attacks will also increase in number and lethality as terrorists connect with AQ associates in Libya. Areas of eastern Libya will likely become a safe haven by the end of 2012 [redacted]."

- On July 2, 2012, DIA produced a report that discussed the founding of Ansar al-Sharia (AAS) entitled [redacted]. The report stated: [redacted]

- On July 6, 2012, CIA produced a report entitled, "Libya: Al-Qa'ida Establishing Sanctuary." In the report, CIA state: "Al Qa'ida affiliated groups and associates are exploiting their capabilities and expand their operational reach. This year, Muhammad Jamal's Egypt-based network, al Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and al-Qa'ida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have conducted training, build communication networks, and facilitated extremist travel across North Africa from their safe haven in parts of eastern Libya

- On August 19, 2012, the Pentagon's Joint Staff produced a slide in its daily intelligence report entitled "(U) Libya: Terrorists to Increase Strength During Next Six Months." In this slide, the Joint Staff stated: "There are no near term prospects for a reversal in the trend towards a terrorist safe haven in Libya, and areas of eastern Libya will likely become a broader safe haven by the end of 2012. The conditions in Libya will allow terrorists to increase attacks against Western and Libyan interests in the country, as well as attempt attacks in the region and possibly Europe in the nexts six months."

- On September 5, 2012, AFRICOM produced a Theater Analysis Report entitled (U) Libya: Extremism in Libya Past, Present, and Future." The report contained a map showing how "[redacted] are actively exploiting the open operating environment in Libya." (The map is located in Appendix IV of this report). The report also noted: "Disarray in Libya's security services, and a likely focus by authorities on persuit of Qadhafi loyalists is likely allowing jihadists in Libya freedom to recruit, train, and facilitated the movement of fighters and weapons. The threat to Western and U.S. interests and individuals remains , particularly in northeast-Libya."

- On September 7, 2012, DIA produced a report entitled: "[redacted]" that stated "[redacted]...."

--, pp. 9-11

Yes, numerous reports were made saying that the situation was deteriorating.

None of those reports said anything about an "imminent attack", or contained any specific information regarding a forthcoming attack.

I said nothing about an "imminent attack" or "forthcoming attack" Doc, nor did I suggest that. I am simply stating that if she had acted on the intelligence she already had (what I just posted), assets in the region could have been re-positioned to prevent an attack of this nature. The attack was preventable, and everyone had the necessary intelligence to act accordingly. Nobody did.

I remember hearing the same sort of thing on September 12, 2001
The Benghazi Committee has concluded its investigation, there are no charges, no referrals, no nothing. It is over they have all gone home. Bye now

And with that, the Benghazi deadenders reach the highest level of RW lunacy, sometimes referred to by its nickname

The Birther Level.
Pffffffffffffffffffft, sorry, I don't see an end to our attempting to run the middle east. Not yet. And it matters not the party.
Attempting to run the Middle East? Like the Arab Spring and killing Qaddafi? Obama helped to create Issl the very group claiming responsibility for today's attack in Turkey you uncaring POS...
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
So have you read the report? Does it find wrongdoing by Clinton?

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

How did it "recoup" the money from this loan?
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

So have you read the report? Does it find wrongdoing by Clinton?

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

How did it "recoup" the money from this loan?

By making a profit on other energy loans.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.
The Benghazi Committee has concluded its investigation, there are no charges, no referrals, no nothing. It is over they have all gone home. Bye now

And with that, the Benghazi deadenders reach the highest level of RW lunacy, sometimes referred to by its nickname

The Birther Level.

Can't say they didn't try. Hell if they were true wing nuts they could have made stuff up and made Hillary and her sycophants defend her until election. But Democrats were too smart for Trey Gowdy and the group, they didn't stand a chance.
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

OK, which is it?

"The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra."

"We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true."
So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.

I served in the USAF and I know there were several F-16's at Sigonella that could have been over Benghazi in an hour or so. If they had gone supersonic over the site, I suggest the sonic boom would have made the ragheads scatter and run away.
Instead, they did NOTHING!

There was a little matter of refueling and losing a pilot over hostile territory. Other than that, I doubt that armed terrorists are going to be scared of a sonic boom.

I can hardly quit laughing when you are concerned about losing a pilot over hostile territory. Attack aircraft are made to fly over hostile territory.
Pffffffffffffffffffft, sorry, I don't see an end to our attempting to run the middle east. Not yet. And it matters not the party.
Attempting to run the Middle East? Like the Arab Spring and killing Qaddafi? Obama helped to create Issl the very group claiming responsibility for today's attack in Turkey you uncaring POS...

We've been there a long time pard, toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran back in the day. Had trouble with 'em ever since. It's been a bipartisan effort all along.
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
So have you read the report? Does it find wrongdoing by Clinton?

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

Oh bravo. Awkward deflection. Amateur.
Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

OK, which is it?

"The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra."

"We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true."

Those two statements are not contradictory.

The Energy Loan program recouped it's losses in Solyndra from other, profitable loans.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.
Yet he's already number 18 on the presidential ranking list ahead of 26 other presidents and due to drop down even further. Go figure.
Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

OK, which is it?

"The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra."

"We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true."
Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.

I served in the USAF and I know there were several F-16's at Sigonella that could have been over Benghazi in an hour or so. If they had gone supersonic over the site, I suggest the sonic boom would have made the ragheads scatter and run away.
Instead, they did NOTHING!

There was a little matter of refueling and losing a pilot over hostile territory. Other than that, I doubt that armed terrorists are going to be scared of a sonic boom.

I can hardly quit laughing when you are concerned about losing a pilot over hostile territory. Attack aircraft are made to fly over hostile territory.

(sigh). Keyboard Kowboys.....
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

OK, which is it?

"The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra."

"We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true."'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.

I served in the USAF and I know there were several F-16's at Sigonella that could have been over Benghazi in an hour or so. If they had gone supersonic over the site, I suggest the sonic boom would have made the ragheads scatter and run away.
Instead, they did NOTHING!

There was a little matter of refueling and losing a pilot over hostile territory. Other than that, I doubt that armed terrorists are going to be scared of a sonic boom.

I can hardly quit laughing when you are concerned about losing a pilot over hostile territory. Attack aircraft are made to fly over hostile territory.

(sigh). Keyboard Kowboys.....

Always brave when it is someone else's life they are talking about.
OK, which is it?

"The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra."

"We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true."

Y'know, if you give just a wee bit of thought, you'll find those two sentences aren't mutually exclusive.

Or maybe you know this and are just being a dick...?
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

When you subtract all the government subsidies paid to these companies and to taxpayers for using their products, it's a huge net loss for the government.
We've been there a long time pard, toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran back in the day. Had trouble with 'em ever since. It's been a bipartisan effort all along
We were making progress...the people of Iraq were voting for the first time ever in an honest election. Women were voting...the attacks were slowing down. The wrong people took charge there and had religious problems to work out. Slow progress I will admit but when Obama removed our troops all hell broke loose. Issl found a home and oil and now they are bombing airports in Turkey.

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