CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Since Republicans in congress had no trouble wasting huge amounts of money, maybe they'll find enough out of the future budget to beef up security in embassies around the world and quit acting like hypocrites on the subject.
Maybe they should shut down the govt. to show their displeasure with themselves?
Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Then you should know we should've gotten out in 1959
Do you know why we didn't?

Same reason we have ~800 military bases and installations scattered across the globe ah reckon.
Ooooo noooo candycorn found us...........I'm out! here comes true wit.

You claimed, explicitly, that Hillary had prior knowledge that an attack was "imminent". That's your wording, not mine.

Mea culpa!

But wait! What does this tell you? I'd like to hear your analysis on this one:

JW: Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Did they know in advance? Or did they conclude this after the fact?

The wording of that memo suggests that they concluded that after the fact - but it's entirely irrelevant, since the Benghazi attack was not carried out by "BCOAR" at all, and that memo from Sept. 12th was based on faulty intelligence.
The charges if any were always coming from the email and Clinton foundation scandals and still might. Benghazi was always about her honesty and incompetence and the report points to that 100% so I don't know what you're all so gleeful over. The bitch was exposed as an uncaring power mad women that was so incompetent that she sat and watched our brave men die and did not know what the hell to do about it and neither did Obama. Then she lied to us over and over again and so has he.
Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Then you should know we should've gotten out in 1959
Do you know why we didn't?

Because the U.S. has a long sordid history of occupying countries, setting up military bases, and draining the resources under the name of capitalism. Any other questions?
The charges if any were always coming from the email and Clinton foundation scandals and still might. Benghazi was always about her honesty and incompetence and the report points to that 100% so I don't know what you're so gleeful over. The bitch was exposed as an uncaring power mad women that was so incompetent that she sat and watched our brave men die and did not know what the hell to do about it and neither did Obama. Then she lied to us over and over again.

The email was an accident, it was almost three years before the committee found out about email at all thanks to the FBI and Judicial Watch. The Committee was clueless.
The email was an accident, it was almost three years before the committee found out about email at all thanks to the FBI and Judicial Watch. The Committee was clueless
If you have a computer in your home which you must or you have a library card than you have to be smart enough to know what you just posted is ridiculous.
The email was an accident, it was almost three years before the committee found out about email at all thanks to the FBI and Judicial Watch. The Committee was clueless
If you have a computer in your home which you must or you have a library card than you have to be smart enough to know what you just posted is ridiculous.

I'm sorry, the Benghazi committee was clueless about email. Buncha dumfuks doncha know?
You claimed, explicitly, that Hillary had prior knowledge that an attack was "imminent". That's your wording, not mine.

Mea culpa!

But wait! What does this tell you? I'd like to hear your analysis on this one:

JW: Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened

Did they know in advance? Or did they conclude this after the fact?
Thomas J. "Tom" Fitton is an American activist. He is the President of Judicial Watch, a conservative educational foundation. He has worked for America's Voice and National Empowerment Television, the International Policy Forum, the Leadership Institute, and Accuracy in Media. He also used to be a talk radio and television host. Judicial Watch, a conservative educational foundation
National Empowerment Television
TV Network
National Empowerment Television, also known as America's Voice, was a cable TV network designed to rapidly mobilize conservative followers for grassroots lobbying. It was created by Paul Weyrich, a key strategist for the paleoconservative movement. At its peak, it claimed to reach more than 11 million homes.
got any thing less biased and more credible?
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

You sorryass lazy socialist. It is not the president's nor the government's responsibility to organize your circle jerks for you.
I got your Socialist hanging, Peckerhead.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

what other choice do they have then to lie
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Then you should know we should've gotten out in 1959
Do you know why we didn't?

Because the U.S. has a long sordid history of occupying countries, setting up military bases, and draining the resources under the name of capitalism. Any other questions?
One question: Why don't chickens piss?

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