CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

That should have all been in place before anyone was ever depolyed. The wrong doing is america's, but we're not adults, so we get this shit instead of taking ownership as a society.
The wrong doing was America's. Ok, got it.

It was due to a video?

You've taken a big step, congrats.
So it was due to a video?

Has anyone deciphered their double talk yet?

I know you all see them obfuscating.

I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Having a Consulate in a foreign country is not considered annexing the middle east, hon.

What is invasion and occupation of Iraq considered? Combined with a secret war in Pakistan, a war in Afghanistan and Navy ships hovering off Yemen, Hon?
Wrong, wrong, wrong, Chris Stevens was dead within four hours, there was nothing that anyone could do and the fact that you are still holding on to this factoid after being debunked two years ago, merely displays your ignorance of the subject. Read up or go home.
Of course Stevens and another was dead but the response team could have been there toot sweet. And for 20 years I was on emergency response teams with several successful missions so don't even try to educate me on what the fuck the military can or can't do, Peaches.

Look if you have read the book 13 hours or watched the movie, which was written by CIA agents on the ground fighting this battle, it's clear that it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton from any negligence.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure location in Tripoli. He made a choice to go to Benghazi (by himself)--rent an unsecure villa, and against the advice of the CIA on the ground and was killed. He showed up on the 10th of September to do this, then on the 11th of September he was killed. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Benghazi.

As far as getting military support, that was also explained in the book. Help did arrive but it was too late to save 3 other CIA agents.

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over all of this, in their witch hunt efforts, and you should be pissed off at them.

We have had many U.S Embassies that have been attacked over the decades, this is nothing new. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. The only thing that was new, is that it was under Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's watch.

Read it, watched it. The whole thing was because of gross negligence and criminal incompetence caused by Political Correctness.
If there was criminal negligence and incompetence as you claim Fli Boy, when and where were the indictments filed and against whom?

BTW shit for brains, in 1983 the Marines in Beirut were quartered in barracks not the US embassy, which was bombed in April with 63 lost and the Marine barracks were bombed in October with 241 lost. Proof you can't keep shit straight!
I know what happened in Beirut and it was not the same situation as Benghazi. Get your ass back to Stormfront.
Obviously you don't know what happened in Beirut given you claimed the Marines, et al, in 1983 were bombed while quartered in the US Embassy six months after the Embassy was destroyed. Another item you got WRONG due to your ignorance was the 220 Marines, 18 Sailors and 3 Soldiers, were killed in barracks at the Beirut airport. And hey, YOU were the one who brought up the Beirut bombing Fli Boy, so eat shit and DIE!
We've been there a long time pard, toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran back in the day. Had trouble with 'em ever since. It's been a bipartisan effort all along
We were making progress...the people of Iraq were voting for the first time ever in an honest election. Women were voting...the attacks were slowing down. The wrong people took charge there and had religious problems to work out. Slow progress I will admit but when Obama removed our troops all hell broke loose. Issl found a home and oil and now they are bombing airports in Turkey.

We need to leave the middle east to the middle east.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.
Of course Stevens and another was dead but the response team could have been there toot sweet. And for 20 years I was on emergency response teams with several successful missions so don't even try to educate me on what the fuck the military can or can't do, Peaches.

Look if you have read the book 13 hours or watched the movie, which was written by CIA agents on the ground fighting this battle, it's clear that it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton from any negligence.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure location in Tripoli. He made a choice to go to Benghazi (by himself)--rent an unsecure villa, and against the advice of the CIA on the ground and was killed. He showed up on the 10th of September to do this, then on the 11th of September he was killed. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Benghazi.

As far as getting military support, that was also explained in the book. Help did arrive but it was too late to save 3 other CIA agents.

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over all of this, in their witch hunt efforts, and you should be pissed off at them.

We have had many U.S Embassies that have been attacked over the decades, this is nothing new. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. The only thing that was new, is that it was under Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's watch.

Read it, watched it. The whole thing was because of gross negligence and criminal incompetence caused by Political Correctness.
If there was criminal negligence and incompetence as you claim Fli Boy, when and where were the indictments filed and against whom?

BTW shit for brains, in 1983 the Marines in Beirut were quartered in barracks not the US embassy, which was bombed in April with 63 lost and the Marine barracks were bombed in October with 241 lost. Proof you can't keep shit straight!
I know what happened in Beirut and it was not the same situation as Benghazi. Get your ass back to Stormfront.
Obviously you don't know what happened in Beirut given you claimed the Marines, et al, in 1983 were bombed while quartered in the US Embassy six months after the Embassy was destroyed. Another item you got WRONG due to your ignorance was the 220 Marines, 18 Sailors and 3 Soldiers, were killed in barracks at the Beirut airport. And hey, YOU were the one who brought up the Beirut bombing Fli Boy, so eat shit and DIE!
You'll have to show me the post where I said anything of the kind.
Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.

I served in the USAF and I know there were several F-16's at Sigonella that could have been over Benghazi in an hour or so. If they had gone supersonic over the site, I suggest the sonic boom would have made the ragheads scatter and run away.
Instead, they did NOTHING!

And so you are saying you know something that Gowdy and company has not uncovered in all this time? Does such incompetence in the GOP worry you? Oh wait....that's why Duh Donald is the nominee.

They did discover that NOTHING was done.

Answer the question. You are claiming knowledge that they don't possess.
Of course Stevens and another was dead but the response team could have been there toot sweet. And for 20 years I was on emergency response teams with several successful missions so don't even try to educate me on what the fuck the military can or can't do, Peaches.

Look if you have read the book 13 hours or watched the movie, which was written by CIA agents on the ground fighting this battle, it's clear that it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton from any negligence.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure location in Tripoli. He made a choice to go to Benghazi (by himself)--rent an unsecure villa, and against the advice of the CIA on the ground and was killed. He showed up on the 10th of September to do this, then on the 11th of September he was killed. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Benghazi.

As far as getting military support, that was also explained in the book. Help did arrive but it was too late to save 3 other CIA agents.

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over all of this, in their witch hunt efforts, and you should be pissed off at them.

We have had many U.S Embassies that have been attacked over the decades, this is nothing new. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. The only thing that was new, is that it was under Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's watch.

Read it, watched it. The whole thing was because of gross negligence and criminal incompetence caused by Political Correctness.
If there was criminal negligence and incompetence as you claim Fli Boy, when and where were the indictments filed and against whom?

BTW shit for brains, in 1983 the Marines in Beirut were quartered in barracks not the US embassy, which was bombed in April with 63 lost and the Marine barracks were bombed in October with 241 lost. Proof you can't keep shit straight!
I know what happened in Beirut and it was not the same situation as Benghazi. Get your ass back to Stormfront.
Obviously you don't know what happened in Beirut given you claimed the Marines, et al, in 1983 were bombed while quartered in the US Embassy six months after the Embassy was destroyed. Another item you got WRONG due to your ignorance was the 220 Marines, 18 Sailors and 3 Soldiers, were killed in barracks at the Beirut airport. And hey, YOU were the one who brought up the Beirut bombing Fli Boy, so eat shit and DIE!

Same shit. Attempt to occupy the planet, shit gonna happen.
We need to leave the middle east to the middle east
What has to happen for you and people like you to realize that the world has always been a better place when America stays involved? Obama thinks just like you and look at the world today. LOOK AT IT! I'm sure you're a nice person but you need to step back and look at the world as it is not as you and Obama would like it to be.
Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

The (we) did not recover any money from the Solyndra bankruptcy. And one of the primary functions of the legislative branch is oversight. You are wrong twice in only two sentences.

We did not recover the money directly from Solyndra, that's true. But the loan program did recoup the money, and is in the black.

And Gowdy's clown show was not about "oversight".

So it looks like I'm actually 2 for 2.

When you subtract all the government subsidies paid to these companies and to taxpayers for using their products, it's a huge net loss for the government.

Shame we don't look at all corporate welfare thataway.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Well we toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran and have had trouble there ever since. Or did you want to go further?
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Then you should know we should've gotten out in 1959
Love to see the right wing loons worked up into such a tizzy.

6 years. Ya got nothing. Malfoy admits it.
8 years after nominating moderate McCain and 4 years after nominating moderate Romney, you nominate another moderate in Trump.
20 days until the RNC in Cleveland. The GOP Convention speakers are still not known

Numbers don't lie.

Your party is dead.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Well we toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran and have had trouble there ever since. Or did you want to go further?
No, I've had enough history lessons from the peanut gallery today.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

You sorryass lazy socialist. It is not the president's nor the government's responsibility to organize your circle jerks for you.
Ooooo noooo candycorn found us...........I'm out! here comes true wit.
Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Well we toppled a democratically elected govt in Iran and have had trouble there ever since. Or did you want to go further?
No, I've had enough history lessons from the peanut gallery today.

Yeah, I thought not.
I don't give two shits about a video hon. If we insist upon annexing portions of the middle east, stuff's gonna happen.

Why would you want to post, for all to see, your ignorance of foreign affairs?

This was a royal SNAFU where Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton intentionally misled the voters with an election coming in a matter of weeks.
Everything, and I mean everything under the sun, is done in the Obama administration under the name of Political Correctness. That's because everybody under his thumb is scared shitless to be anything but "yes men."
Scared of a screwball street shyster who knows nothing in the universe other than Community Organizing. Hell, he can't even organize a circle jerk.

Our problems in the middle east go a bit further back than that bub, I mean really now.
My experience with ME turmoil started in Beirut during Operation Bluebat in Aug 1958. Tell me about the Mideast.

Then you should know we should've gotten out in 1959
Do you know why we didn't?
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
Break the job up among 10 people...

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