CNN predicts more rioting.

Wow, some disturbed snowflake has an extremely over-active imagination...
What happens when he no longer controls the Justice Department?

Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies

"Documents obtained by ProPublica show stark differences in how Donald Trump’s businesses reported some expenses, profits and occupancy figures for two Manhattan buildings, giving a lender different figures than they provided to New York City tax authorities.

"The discrepancies made the buildings appear more profitable to the lender — and less profitable to the officials who set the buildings’ property tax."
He;ll die someday, probably at the Mar a Lago Federal Penitentiary.
If Biden wins, I won't be surprised if Democrats are reluctant to prosecute Trump to the full extent of the law because of all the money he has put in their pockets over his decades as a gold-plated crony-capitalist.

Trump Donated $6,000 to Kamala Harris' Attorney General Campaign Before Presidential Run
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.
I see a lot of media/entertainment/sports/political faces before Trump's when it comes to this. Endless attacks that were vicious and vile year after year. They are all murderers. And if there is any justice, they will get theirs.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Bullshit. Trump has offered the Democratic mayors and governors all the assistance the federal government can muster...and they refused.

It's 100% a democrat debacle. The 10th Amendment restricts federal response without a request from the states. So, sorry you FUCKING LIAR, that dog will NEVER hunt.

Now go back to the basement with Joe and come up with another false narrative to attempt to bamboozle voters that aren't actually paying's your only hope, you miserable piece of shit.
He;ll die someday, probably at the Mar a Lago Federal Penitentiary.
If Biden wins, I won't be surprised if Democrats are reluctant to prosecute Trump to the full extent of the law because of all the money he has put in their pockets over his decades as a gold-plated crony-capitalist.

Trump Donated $6,000 to Kamala Harris' Attorney General Campaign Before Presidential Run
Democrats would nail Trump to a cross in public if they thought they could get away with it...
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Yeah, well, on Obama's watch, over 6 million people lost their homes
Blacks lost the majority of those homes, held the majority of negative equity,
lost half their wealth, were the last to rebound and took the longest to recover
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014

Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

During Obama’s entire 96 months in office, the median jobless rate was 7.7%...
the highest for any administration since the end of World War II.

For the first 6 years he was in office
, median income was below the level in 2008.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office in 2016, the percentage of Americans
living with income below the official poverty line....

Furthermore, despite the HALF POINT DROP in the poverty RATE

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Home ownership rates fell to the lowest point in more than half a century
during his final year.
In the second quarter of 2016, 62.9% of households owned their own home.
The last time the rate was that low was in the third quarter of 1965.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

By Dec. 2012, there were 16 million more SNAP recipients then when Obama took office in '09
When Obama left office, there were 10.7 million more people on SNAP then when he took office in Jan. '09

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Under Obama, corporation's did FANTASTIC compared to workers(if you were working)
Their profits reached new yearly record a time when people weren't working or spending
Gains in profits that SURGED under Bush, PLUNGED when Obama took office

Profits recovered quickly under Obama, far more quickly than jobs or personal incomes
and reached a new record in 2010, his second year in office.

From there they climbed even higher, setting more new annual records in 2012 and 2014,
when they reached $1.86 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office,
the U.S. government’s debt owed to the public
was more than $14.4 trillion, an increase of more than 128% during his eight years.

Well, that explains....
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

It also explains why, during Joe and Obama's 8 years in office...
Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.

Not ONLY is ALL that^ on HIS watch, but JOE'S as well

Chop Chop...Run along now and find a burning building to play in
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Ok, then Obungo was responsible for Occupy Wall Street, the killing of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Ferguson riots, Baltimore riots, Benghazi, etc, etc. Thanks.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.
I see a lot of media/entertainment/sports/political faces before Trump's when it comes to this. Endless attacks that were vicious and vile year after year. They are all murderers. And if there is any justice, they will get theirs.
There is no doubt plenty of blame to go around. And when the bullshit is coming out of both ends like water through a fire hose, it doesn't really matter which side is "worse".

But Trump has played a role in this, and this is happening on his watch. If he had a (D) after his name, the same rule would apply, and the hardcore left wingers would be denying it too.

Zero accountability: Another example of how our wingers are killing us.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Yeah, well, on Obama's watch, over 6 million people lost their homes
Blacks lost the majority of those homes, held the majority of negative equity,
lost half their wealth, were the last to rebound and took the longest to recover
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014

Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

During Obama’s entire 96 months in office, the median jobless rate was 7.7%...
the highest for any administration since the end of World War II.

For the first 6 years he was in office
, median income was below the level in 2008.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office in 2016, the percentage of Americans
living with income below the official poverty line....

Furthermore, despite the HALF POINT DROP in the poverty RATE

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Home ownership rates fell to the lowest point in more than half a century
during his final year.
In the second quarter of 2016, 62.9% of households owned their own home.
The last time the rate was that low was in the third quarter of 1965.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

By Dec. 2012, there were 16 million more SNAP recipients then when Obama took office in '09
When Obama left office, there were 10.7 million more people on SNAP then when he took office in Jan. '09

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Under Obama, corporation's did FANTASTIC compared to workers(if you were working)
Their profits reached new yearly record a time when people weren't working or spending
Gains in profits that SURGED under Bush, PLUNGED when Obama took office

Profits recovered quickly under Obama, far more quickly than jobs or personal incomes
and reached a new record in 2010, his second year in office.

From there they climbed even higher, setting more new annual records in 2012 and 2014,
when they reached $1.86 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office,
the U.S. government’s debt owed to the public
was more than $14.4 trillion, an increase of more than 128% during his eight years.

Well, that explains....
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

It also explains why, during Joe and Obama's 8 years in office...
Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.

Not ONLY is ALL that^ on HIS watch, but JOE'S as well

Chop Chop...Run along now and find a burning building to play in
Wow, that's a huge amount of effort put into deflection there.

Thank you for not even trying to deny my point.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Political radicalization has been the goal all along, my friend. He's done a bang up job.
More satire... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You guys should get a gig...
Awesome :clap2:
I'll never understand the blind, unconditional adoration you have for this person in the White House, or how anyone can have these feelings for anyone they don't know.

I know the world has seen this before, abject devotion to arrogant, nationalist strongmen, but I'll still never understand it.

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