CNN Projections

CNN Projection: Alabama for McCain.

102-43 Obama.
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CNN Projection

Obama: RI (woot), Wis, Michigan, Minn, NY

McCain: Wyoming, ND.

Total: 174-49 Obama.

NO Projection for Arizona. Ruh Roh.
Kay Hagan wins!!!!!!!!! I love it And that means Obama will carry NC

This is gonna get ugly:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Wanna keep it to the CNN projections thread, rather than posting a new thread every time something trips your trigger?

Moving this.
CNN Projection

Obama: RI (woot), Wis, Michigan, Minn, NY

McCain: Wyoming, ND.

Total: 174-49 Obama.

NO Projection for Arizona. Ruh Roh.

I'm surprised they called MI already. McCain's leading, even in some urban areas. Not that I think he can or will win, I'm just surprised CNN called it already.
I'm surprised they called MI already. McCain's leading, even in some urban areas. Not that I think he can or will win, I'm just surprised CNN called it already.

I was sorta surprised myself. Not good news for McCain.

And this is before states like California weigh in.
CNN Projection:

Democrats Tom Udall for NM and Jeanne Shaheen in NH win.

Senate 2+ for Democrats.
I'm surprised they called MI already. McCain's leading, even in some urban areas. Not that I think he can or will win, I'm just surprised CNN called it already.

Granted, valid point. Then again, the media has made clear that bias is not something they are looking at.

Obama seems destined, I hope he finds some humility to go with destiny, though I'm skeptical on that.
Fox didnt call Ohio, they had the wrong stat eboxed and wyoming stays with repub senators blocks flilbuster
Obama seems destined, I hope he finds some humility to go with destiny, though I'm skeptical on that.

Precisely. I also hope his wife swallows a humble pie, too. I really can't stand four years of her, more than anything.

But also, Obama's run a campaign of a 1,000 promises. He better be ready to deliver, or he'll be out in 2012.
Precisely. I also hope his wife swallows a humble pie, too. I really can't stand four years of her, more than anything.

But also, Obama's run a campaign of a 1,000 promises. He better be ready to deliver, or he'll be out in 2012.

I say give him a chance first and see what he can get done.
Obama's up in Ohio, but most of the areas reporting are urban areas. A lot of rural areas are yet to report.

What is more shocking to me thus far is CNN has not declared Arizona for McCain yet.

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