CNN Reporter Openly Hostile to Tea Party Protestors

I don't trust any of the controlled media but i bet the fox team could kick the CNN teams ass in a fist fight....just sayin...

Are you saying that Beck or O'Reilly could beat up Cooper and John King?

Good luck with that. Cooper and King would mop the floor with Beck and O'Reilly.

FAUX noise has a lot of old people who are fat and lazy. Only thing they've got is big mouths and no shame.

Kinda like to see a Celebrity Deatchmatch on MTV between those 4 though........

fox would dirty fight...throw sand in their eyes ...groin kicks..I just think the killer instinct
and cunning of fox would be the advantage...
I have mixed feelings about this, when does the time come when stupid is called stupid. What the man was saying was like he was a recording of simpleminded slogans. He is allowed those slogans but others can counter. Where was he these past eight plus years? And they both argued, no where is it written that an interviewer in a public forum has to listen to loud BS without comment.

what part of bad journalism don't you get?

reporters report, if they were supposed to interact, they'd call them interactors.

Interactors or the talking heads we see on T.V. that are suppose to make political comments--(that's what they're paid for). A reporter is a reporter. They are "supposed" to show no bias what-so-ever--& only ask the questions.

But let's face, the left wing media in the country meaning ABC, CBS, NBC & MSN PMS-- & all those "tingly feelings", have been very instrumental in getting Barack Obama elected. The positive comments about him during their reporting as to McCain were so out-weighted it was laughable.

NOTICE--how we hear no more bad news on Iraq from Charlie Gibson. In fact the last report he did on Iraq--made Bagdad look more like a vacation resort. When Bush was in office just 2-1/2 short months ago--all we heard about was the BAD NEWS coming out of Iraq.

These media stations are totally in the box--they have no way out--so the next solution is to hammer away at the Americans who are opposed to our wreckless--out-of-control big spending government. Why? Because the man they played a major role in getting elected is sitting in the oval office. It's nothing more than that--& it is to be expected in today's left wing journalism.:clap2:
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The MSM. CNN should take heed.

The irony of this is enormous, links at site:

Journalist, Heal Thyself - Kevin D. Williamson - The Media Blog on National Review Online

Journalist, Heal Thyself [Kevin D. Williamson]
From the Philadelphia Inquirer's March 19 editorial:

... corporate executives who run their companies into the ground should pay dearly for their greed, ineptness and incompetence.​

From the Philadelphia Inquirer's creditors, in bankruptcy proceedings:

“Since the debtors’ acquisition in June 2006, the debtors have not produced a financial forecast that it has attained, much less exceeded.Specifically, despite revising its business plan twice during 2008, the debtors were not able to closely project 2008 annual results. Indeed, the forecasts produced in late December 2007 and March 2008 were so badly missed that they exceeded a negative variance of 40 percent. After the 2008 forecast completions were missed, the EBITDA for the immediate months following were also missed, demonstrating that management was incapable of projecting their businesses in the very short term.”​

I don't know about greed, but I do think the Inquirer should pay for its ineptness, and should pay dearly indeed for incubating the career of that Marley & Me guy.
no matter how much the left wing haters hate fox the truth remains constant. Fox has more viewers than CNN MSNBC combined and that's on the re-runs.. :lol:
no matter how much the left wing haters hate fox the truth remains constant. Fox has more viewers than CNN MSNBC combined and that's on the re-runs.. :lol:

and keep coming out ahead on being most unbiased:

A Measure of Media Bias

Tim Groseclose
Department of Political Science, UCLA, and
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

Jeff Milyo
Harris School of Public Policy
University of Chicago

September 2003

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist
By Meg Sullivan | 12/14/2005 5:36:31 PM
While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly....


Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.

The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.

"Our estimates for these outlets, we feel, give particular credibility to our efforts, as three of the four moderators for the 2004 presidential and vice-presidential debates came from these three news outlets — Jim Lehrer, Charlie Gibson and Gwen Ifill," Groseclose said. "If these newscasters weren't centrist, staffers for one of the campaign teams would have objected and insisted on other moderators."

The fourth most centrist outlet was "Special Report With Brit Hume" on Fox News, which often is cited by liberals as an egregious example of a right-wing outlet. While this news program proved to be right of center, the study found ABC's "World News Tonight" and NBC's "Nightly News" to be left of center. All three outlets were approximately equidistant from the center, the report found.

"If viewers spent an equal amount of time watching Fox's 'Special Report' as ABC's 'World News' and NBC's 'Nightly News,' then they would receive a nearly perfectly balanced version of the news," said Milyo, an associate professor of economics and public affairs at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Five news outlets — "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer," ABC's "Good Morning America," CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown," Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and the Drudge Report — were in a statistical dead heat in the race for the most centrist news outlet. Of the print media, USA Today was the most centrist.....
I don't trust any of the controlled media but i bet the fox team could kick the CNN teams ass in a fist fight....just sayin...

Are you saying that Beck or O'Reilly could beat up Cooper and John King?

Good luck with that. Cooper and King would mop the floor with Beck and O'Reilly.

FAUX noise has a lot of old people who are fat and lazy. Only thing they've got is big mouths and no shame.

Kinda like to see a Celebrity Deatchmatch on MTV between those 4 though........

fox would dirty fight...throw sand in their eyes ...groin kicks..I just think the killer instinct
and cunning of fox would be the advantage...

I might believe that were it not for the fact that O'Reilly and Beck are too fucking scared to go out on assignment.

Cooper and John King do it regularly, and not nice places either........both covered Katrina and Iraq in person.

Nope.......still gonna go with Cooper and King on this one.
Cooper is a homosexual.

Not that there is anything wrong with that, but something to consider if you wish to discuss the abilty to throw down...
I like the following site for exposing bias in the media.

Accuracy In Media - For Fairness, Accuracy and Balance in News Reporting.

Riiiiight.........a neo con website.


You know how you hurt yourself, intellectly you are handicapped. Because I listen to

The Mark Levin Show » Audio

As well as listening to Rush Limbaugh I am informed, any topic I choose to post in you can do nothing more than flame me and attempt to discredit me by applying labels.

I am at a bit of a disadvantage, I am traveling for work so I do not have my vast library at my disposal. So go ahead, show everyone on the boards how you can best krotchdog, take any of my posts and debate.

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That's the section CNN pulled and keeps pulling from Youtube... This woman echoed mine, and probably a lot of other American's sentiments about this government out of control.
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I don't trust any of the controlled media but i bet the fox team could kick the CNN teams ass in a fist fight....just sayin...

Are you saying that Beck or O'Reilly could beat up Cooper and John King?

Good luck with that. Cooper and King would mop the floor with Beck and O'Reilly.

FAUX noise has a lot of old people who are fat and lazy. Only thing they've got is big mouths and no shame.

Kinda like to see a Celebrity Deatchmatch on MTV between those 4 though........

fox would dirty fight...throw sand in their eyes ...groin kicks..I just think the killer instinct
and cunning of fox would be the advantage...

Isn't O'Reilly like 6'-7" or something? Beck looks like a wrestler. It might be fun to watch. Celebrity tag team wrestling. The real fight in wrestling always happens as the performers say what they will do to their opponents, so this may not be a real stretch for the wrestling genre.
no matter how much the left wing haters hate fox the truth remains constant. Fox has more viewers than CNN MSNBC combined and that's on the re-runs.. :lol:

They also probably have a more diverse audience. I used to watch both CNN and MSNBC,but can't tolerate them any longer. They were especially bad during the primaries and got worse during the general. The hatred they spewed toward Hillary,Palin and McCain did them in for me,they don't even try to be objective any longer.

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