CNN: Sarah Sanders just made a hugely offensive allegation against the media

I'm really loving this.For you guys, truth is a function of what offends liberals.
As in, you'll believe anything, as long as you think it will offend a liberal.
Wrong bed wetter.
I just so happens truth hurts libturds more than it helps them on any issue. Truth is a tool to pry the political power from the grasp of the sociopaths you support.
·A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. President Trump said this year it didn't even happen. We name Trump’s claim that the Russia interference is a hoax as our Lie of the Year for 2017. Read our story to learn why.

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere…
Here's offensive
There is something profoundly demeaning and destructive to have the White House systematically undermine an officer of the Justice Department. And when I watch these paid hacks on television, to be quite honest, I am sickened by how unpatriotically they undermine the Constitution of the United States on behalf of their client.”

That was Newt Gingrich speaking in 1998 about attacks on Ken Starr.
Speaking of gd morons
Think about this: there was a terror attack in NYC this morning. Trump’s home. And he tweets about Don Lemon before the terror attack. This is not a well man," one person tweeted, while another wrote: "A major explosion in NYC and Trump is griping about the NYT and Don Lemon? What a deplorable human being.... Yes, deplorable."

Us deplorable folks though y’all wanted these terrorist in sanctuary cities, Trump has wanted to remove them, but y’all idiot liberals start bunching up your panties, so y’all got your terrorist so go play with them now.

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I'm really loving this.For you guys, truth is a function of what offends liberals.
As in, you'll believe anything, as long as you think it will offend a liberal.
Wrong bed wetter.
I just so happens truth hurts libturds more than it helps them on any issue. Truth is a tool to pry the political power from the grasp of the sociopaths you support.
·A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. President Trump said this year it didn't even happen. We name Trump’s claim that the Russia interference is a hoax as our Lie of the Year for 2017. Read our story to learn why.

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere…

Shouldn’t Obable been included in this, remember before election ,he said the election couldn’t be tampered with by no one, but that was before Trump won, then the crayons and safe spaces came out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm really loving this.For you guys, truth is a function of what offends liberals.
As in, you'll believe anything, as long as you think it will offend a liberal.
Wrong bed wetter.
I just so happens truth hurts libturds more than it helps them on any issue. Truth is a tool to pry the political power from the grasp of the sociopaths you support.
·A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. President Trump said this year it didn't even happen. We name Trump’s claim that the Russia interference is a hoax as our Lie of the Year for 2017. Read our story to learn why.

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere…

Trump said the claim that his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. So what PolitiFact did is set up a straw man. You have just demonstrated why PolitiFact is correctly labeled "fake news."
I'm really loving this.For you guys, truth is a function of what offends liberals.
As in, you'll believe anything, as long as you think it will offend a liberal.
Wrong bed wetter.
I just so happens truth hurts libturds more than it helps them on any issue. Truth is a tool to pry the political power from the grasp of the sociopaths you support.
·A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. President Trump said this year it didn't even happen. We name Trump’s claim that the Russia interference is a hoax as our Lie of the Year for 2017. Read our story to learn why.

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere…

Trump said the claim that his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. So what PolitiFact did is set up a straw man. You have just demonstrated why PolitiFact is correctly labeled "fake news."
19 members of trumps campaign met with Russians You think they were talking about vodka??

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Falls Apart When Asked Why Trump Won’t Criticize Russian Disinformation

Sarah Huckabee Sanders couldn't answer why Trump attacks US reporters but has nothing to say about Russia spreading disinformation.…
I'm really loving this.For you guys, truth is a function of what offends liberals.
As in, you'll believe anything, as long as you think it will offend a liberal.
Wrong bed wetter.
I just so happens truth hurts libturds more than it helps them on any issue. Truth is a tool to pry the political power from the grasp of the sociopaths you support.
·A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. President Trump said this year it didn't even happen. We name Trump’s claim that the Russia interference is a hoax as our Lie of the Year for 2017. Read our story to learn why.

2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
A mountain of evidence points to a single fact: Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election of 2016. In both classified and public reports, U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered actions to interfere…

Trump said the claim that his campaign colluded with the Russians is a hoax. So what PolitiFact did is set up a straw man. You have just demonstrated why PolitiFact is correctly labeled "fake news."
19 members of trumps campaign met with Russians You think they were talking about vodka??

Of course, your claim is a gross distortion of what occured. Shaking the ambassador's hand in front of 300 people is not a "meeting with the Russians."
How does Sarah attack CNN while she shamelessly defends the daily lies of Trump?

To quote the left all of the 8 years Obama lied and lied: "Meh, all politicians lie".

No politician has ever lied with the proficiency of Trump

Apparently you slept through the last 8 years and the last election.
You mean the last 8 years where the DOW almost tripled ,unemployment in half from almost 10, and 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains?? Those 8 years???
How does Sarah attack CNN while she shamelessly defends the daily lies of Trump?

To quote the left all of the 8 years Obama lied and lied: "Meh, all politicians lie".

No politician has ever lied with the proficiency of Trump

Apparently you slept through the last 8 years and the last election.
You mean the last 8 years where the DOW almost tripled ,unemployment in half from almost 10, and 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains?? Those 8 years???

Yes, the DOW tripled because it was artificially propped up by the 0bama regime who fed billions of taxpayer dollars into it. And unemployment went down because the 0bama regime changed the way they counted it.

Yeah, we mean the eight years when the US’ credit rating was reduced, the number of people on welfare doubled, the GDP was in the trash, and the US payed ransom to Iran.

Those eight years.
How does Sarah attack CNN while she shamelessly defends the daily lies of Trump?

To quote the left all of the 8 years Obama lied and lied: "Meh, all politicians lie".

No politician has ever lied with the proficiency of Trump

Apparently you slept through the last 8 years and the last election.
You mean the last 8 years where the DOW almost tripled ,unemployment in half from almost 10, and 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains?? Those 8 years???

Yes, the DOW tripled because it was artificially propped up by the 0bama regime who fed billions of taxpayer dollars into it. And unemployment went down because the 0bama regime changed the way they counted it.

Yeah, we mean the eight years when the US’ credit rating was reduced, the number of people on welfare doubled, the GDP was in the trash, and the US payed ransom to Iran.

Those eight years.
8 quarters of 3% or better under Obama and ransom ?? giving back their own money? and did you forget we were coming out of our GREAT recession? Seems always happens Dems are never fast enough cleaning up repubs mess
To quote the left all of the 8 years Obama lied and lied: "Meh, all politicians lie".

No politician has ever lied with the proficiency of Trump

Apparently you slept through the last 8 years and the last election.
You mean the last 8 years where the DOW almost tripled ,unemployment in half from almost 10, and 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains?? Those 8 years???

Yes, the DOW tripled because it was artificially propped up by the 0bama regime who fed billions of taxpayer dollars into it. And unemployment went down because the 0bama regime changed the way they counted it.

Yeah, we mean the eight years when the US’ credit rating was reduced, the number of people on welfare doubled, the GDP was in the trash, and the US payed ransom to Iran.

Those eight years.
8 quarters of 3% or better under Obama and ransom ?? giving back their own money? and did you forget we were coming out of our GREAT recession? Seems always happens Dems are never fast enough cleaning up repubs mess

You think 8 quarters of 3% growth is a good record? Really?

Compare Obama's record with a good economic record:

no not good but following our great recession doesn't mean anything to you?? all those unemployed in gwb's last year including more than 700000 in just his last month means nothing? Seems dems always are having to bail republicans out
To quote the left all of the 8 years Obama lied and lied: "Meh, all politicians lie".

No politician has ever lied with the proficiency of Trump

Apparently you slept through the last 8 years and the last election.
You mean the last 8 years where the DOW almost tripled ,unemployment in half from almost 10, and 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains?? Those 8 years???

Yes, the DOW tripled because it was artificially propped up by the 0bama regime who fed billions of taxpayer dollars into it. And unemployment went down because the 0bama regime changed the way they counted it.

Yeah, we mean the eight years when the US’ credit rating was reduced, the number of people on welfare doubled, the GDP was in the trash, and the US payed ransom to Iran.

Those eight years.
8 quarters of 3% or better under Obama and ransom ?? giving back their own money? and did you forget we were coming out of our GREAT recession? Seems always happens Dems are never fast enough cleaning up repubs mess

8 quarters is two years dip shit. Two out of eight. Face it, 0bama was the worst president ever. Yes, ransom. Everyone knows it, even you, liar.
no not good but following our great recession doesn't mean anything to you?? all those unemployed in gwb's last year including more than 700000 in just his last month means nothing? Seems dems always are having to bail republicans out

If Mc Cain or Romney had been elected, it would have immediately turned around. 0bama caused the economy to flounder around for eight years. Trump is setting it right again.

You aren’t too bright are you?
no not good but following our great recession doesn't mean anything to you?? all those unemployed in gwb's last year including more than 700000 in just his last month means nothing? Seems dems always are having to bail republicans out

If Mc Cain or Romney had been elected, it would have immediately turned around. 0bama caused the economy to flounder around for eight years. Trump is setting it right again.

You aren’t too bright are you?
Floundered?? Maybe if republicans gave one fn ounce of help in those 8 years things might have been even better But the AH's representing you wanted Obama to fail Your leader even said so So your dirty racist bastards got what you wished for
no not good but following our great recession doesn't mean anything to you?? all those unemployed in gwb's last year including more than 700000 in just his last month means nothing? Seems dems always are having to bail republicans out

If Mc Cain or Romney had been elected, it would have immediately turned around. 0bama caused the economy to flounder around for eight years. Trump is setting it right again.

You aren’t too bright are you?
Floundered?? Maybe if republicans gave one fn ounce of help in those 8 years things might have been even better But the AH's representing you wanted Obama to fail Your leader even said so So your dirty racist bastards got what you wished for

Yes floundered. It never should have taken 8 years. 0bama stymied our economy. Now he's gone and it's coming back.

Yes, we got what we wished for: the House, the Senate, and the White House.

You lose, thanks for playing.

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