CNN (scientific) post-debate poll: Most believe Clinton won debate (57%) over Trump (34%)

The truth about this debate, Trump did better but he lost the main talking points:
  • He handled the video very badly (and that was as big as the debate itself)
  • He said he would put his political opponent in Jail (even Kellyanne tried to said that was a joke)
  • He bickered with the Moderators
  • He constantly interrupted
  • His demeanor and the pacing looked bad
  • And again he really struggled with the truth
The key to polls is don't ever believe just one poll. Especially a poll conducted by THE most biased US cable news network. You all ought to know that by now.
Lefty Times and CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and the rest are as relevant to reality as channel 9 in Korea is.
Having to account for her actions or lack thereof, without the benefit of mud slinging, and she was a smiling wet noodle.

Typical Trump tard thinks the drudge online poll actually means anything
CNN is showing she won on every single issue without exception. Trump=epic fail
Second best line of the night ,Hildebeast, you're NO Abe Lincoln!

She lies every time her lips move!
CNN is showing she won on every single issue without exception. Trump=epic fail

Be fair. It's reasonable to doubt a poll completed so quickly after the debate. In the next day or two there will be plenty of scientific polls that will plainly show the winner.
you could tell that Hillary was holding back a huge taco bell fart, no wonder she couldnt answer any questions
How could Hillary have won if she couldnt give a direct answer to any questions pertaining to her screw ups of the last 8 years.

She really doesn't like talking about her emails or ISIS. When the subject is on her and Obama creating ISIS, she blames Trump for ISIS!!!

Trump created ISIS? She is so full of shit. She probably lies to her therapist.

She definitely lies about being heterosexual.

As Bill told Gennifer Flowers, "Hillary eats more pussy than I do."
By a lopsided margin, debate watchers gave Hillary Clinton the victory over Donald Trump in tonight's Presidential debate, as reported by Nate Cohn of the New York Times: Nate Cohn on Twitter

A "scientific poll" released minutes after the debate?


Scientific = nonscientific internet poll designated to Clinton News Network's Hillary drones.

This sort of thing is exactly the reason to vote for Trump.
Hillary blows two debates so far. Made a complete jackass of herself both times. It's time for her to drop out, and let the fly take her place. Then it will be ,,,Trump/Pence VS "The Fly/Kaine",
Hillary blows two debates so far. Made a complete jackass of herself both times. It's time for her to drop out, and let the fly take her place. Then it will be ,,,Trump/Pence VS "The Fly/Kaine",

I get what you are trying to do. It's like when Tinkerbell drank the poison and the audience clapped so hard so she wouldn't die. Trump figuratively drank the poison, but no amount of clapping from you will bring him back.

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