CNN sends Trump campaign cease-and-desist letter for misleading ad

New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
Such is the reprehensible right.
Germany went to war with the world and killed innocent people, that was wrong. The Allies went to war with Germany and killed innocents, was that wrong?

Liberals are always for selective editing when they do it, but if it goes against them, then they act like petulant little girls....
I have to say reading through the Trumplehead replies is a lesson in the lengths you folks will go to excuse everything.......including propaganda........that your Orange Messiah is associated with.

This stuff is wrong if the left does it and if the right does it. But you folks can't admit to the latter. I wish I could say I'm shocked, but I'm not.
Of course it is, the left killed millions of people, isnt that wrong?
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
CNN telling the President that he's misleading? That's hilarious.
Has CNN told 18,000 provable falsehoods in the last few years the way Liar in Chief Trump has?
Yes, CNN has been nothing but a lying machine for the Demoncrap party. I am still waiting for the Russian Collusion, Stormy Daniels, Brett Kavanaugh and Ukraine to bring this president down. Wont happen because you can trust a liberal as much as you can trust a rag head, camel jockey Muslim..

New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.

How does it feel ?

TDS thread 1,511
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
CNN telling the President that he's misleading? That's hilarious.
Has CNN told 18,000 provable falsehoods in the last few years the way Liar in Chief Trump has?
Yes. More, even.
You are delusional and like the moron you are, provide one allegation from a guy threatening a lawsuit, which by the way, was never instigated. That is your comparison to 18,000 Trump falsehoods. Even you must admit you are being moronic.
You asked for an example, not 18,000 examples, moron. Obviously, you're going to have an excuse for every lie I post, and there are hundreds of them. The claim of 18,000 Trump lies is itself a lie.
Trump lied when he claimed and still claims Obama left him broken virus test kits. How stupid are you people? How srupid does liar in chief think you are? Do you believe Trump when he tells you Obama left him broken test kits?
Yep, I believe it. Do you any evidence contrary to the President's claim?
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
CNN telling the President that he's misleading? That's hilarious.
Has CNN told 18,000 provable falsehoods in the last few years the way Liar in Chief Trump has?
Wow, he is catching up with Biden. Come on man!
Lamer than your ordinary lame. You can't even begin to backup your tea bagger trumpoholicism claim.
Let's start when his career did. Claiming to graduate top of his law class. Well he was actually at the bottom of the class.
You tea baggers are all alike. You deflect and change the subject whenever you get caught bullshitting.
Biden said he graduated at the top of his class. He graduated like 74 out of 86. You asked for a lie, I gave you one.
I asked for 18,000 falsehoods from CNN for comparisons of 18.000 lies from Trump. You gave one alleged falsehood from Biden. Definition of lame. Lame is being kind.
CNN has 20,000 lies.
Prove it. Google 18,000 Trump falsehoods and you get results, many results. CNN, ?.
That's not proof. There's a ton of stuff on the internet, doesn't mean it's all true. Moron.
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
CNN telling the President that he's misleading? That's hilarious.
Has CNN told 18,000 provable falsehoods in the last few years the way Liar in Chief Trump has?
Wow, he is catching up with Biden. Come on man!
Lamer than your ordinary lame. You can't even begin to backup your tea bagger trumpoholicism claim.
Let's start when his career did. Claiming to graduate top of his law class. Well he was actually at the bottom of the class.
You tea baggers are all alike. You deflect and change the subject whenever you get caught bullshitting.
Biden said he graduated at the top of his class. He graduated like 74 out of 86. You asked for a lie, I gave you one.
I asked for 18,000 falsehoods from CNN for comparisons of 18.000 lies from Trump. You gave one alleged falsehood from Biden. Definition of lame. Lame is being kind.
CNN has 20,000 lies.
Prove it. Google 18,000 Trump falsehoods and you get results, many results. CNN, ?.
That's not proof. There's a ton of stuff on the internet, doesn't mean it's all true. Moron.
He asked for a lie Biden told, and I gave him one of the first recorded. He didn't like it.

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