CNN sends Trump campaign cease-and-desist letter for misleading ad

What is funny is that by publishing this article more people will watch the video and berg/BWK just gave Trump more publicity.
Publicity for deceit. Oh.........wait...........that's how you Trumpleheads roll.
This has been done by campaigns forever, most intelligence citizens know this. The fact is, if it was said on their network, regardless of how it is used, they didn't alter his voice it was stated as it was
OMG! They omitted part of what Blitzer said to create a false impression for the viewer. How can you possibly defen......................wait......................I forgot......................Dear Leader is infallible. Got it.
What is funny is that by publishing this article more people will watch the video and berg/BWK just gave Trump more publicity.
Publicity for deceit. Oh.........wait...........that's how you Trumpleheads roll.
What did you say, BWK? Publicity. You are a Chinese Troll. Period. End of Story. You're also BWK and you have been exposed. All your idiotic posts just push more people to vote for Trump. We all know you're from China.
Trump is the man! He has made liberals lose what little bit of mind they have. problem with the deceptive ad? Or...........perhaps you enjoy a good brainwashing?

This has been done by campaigns forever, most intelligence citizens know this. The fact is, if it was said on their network, regardless of how it is used, they didn't alter his voice it was stated as it was

By the way, if we want to talk about the future of A.I and how it will be used to in fact change words and visions to fool you, we can talk about that. At that point, we will have a real legal problem (and greater danger of fooling entire populations and trouble knowing what is true or not), until that time, it's just clip that was aired, regardless of the context his campaign applies. After all, it's all subjective, right?
He forgets how NBC edited the Zimmerman 911 call. To make him look like a racist.
Oh you mean they don’t like it when someone twists words, which they themselves do every day?
The campaign deceptively edited a tape. Why can't you folks just admit it was wrong?
Germany went to war with the world and killed innocent people, that was wrong. The Allies went to war with Germany and killed innocents, was that wrong?

Liberals are always for selective editing when they do it, but if it goes against them, then they act like petulant little girls....
This has been done by campaigns forever, most intelligence citizens know this. The fact is, if it was said on their network, regardless of how it is used, they didn't alter his voice it was stated as it was
OMG! They omitted part of what Blitzer said to create a false impression for the viewer. How can you possibly defen......................wait......................I forgot......................Dear Leader is infallible. Got it.

I'm just pointing out that sides do it, I often get a good laugh out of the political ads from all sides because they are all deceptive.
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.
You should write comedy for SNL.
Trump lies about anything and everything anytime he wants. His tea bagger (ball suckers) trumpoholic cult will defend him (Trump Defense Syndrome, TDS aka, Delusion Syndrome, Denial Syndrome) always and forever.
Germany went to war with the world and killed innocent people, that was wrong. The Allies went to war with Germany and killed innocents, was that wrong?

Liberals are always for selective editing when they do it, but if it goes against them, then they act like petulant little girls....
I have to say reading through the Trumplehead replies is a lesson in the lengths you folks will go to excuse everything.......including propaganda........that your Orange Messiah is associated with.

This stuff is wrong if the left does it and if the right does it. But you folks can't admit to the latter. I wish I could say I'm shocked, but I'm not.
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.

It will just be ignored and/or dragged through the courts until after his re-election.
And...if he's not re-elected?
Trump lies about anything and everything anytime he wants. His tea bagger (ball suckers) trumpoholic cult will defend him (Trump Defense Syndrome, TDS aka, Delusion Syndrome, Denial Syndrome) always and forever.
New York (CNN Business)A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.
WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."
In response to a request for comment from CNN Business, the campaign claimed that the ad is accurate and attacked the network's editorial decisions.
Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."
Given how much emphasis Team Trump has put on the ineffectual travel restriction it's little wonder why they need to issue blatant propaganda in support of the idea. Trumpleheads refer to the restriction every time they try to defend Don's bungled response. That's pathetic.

It will just be ignored and/or dragged through the courts until after his re-election.
And...if he's not re-elected?
Then we will have a dinosaur as POTUS.

Trump lies about anything and everything anytime he wants. His tea bagger (ball suckers) trumpoholic cult will defend him (Trump Defense Syndrome, TDS aka, Delusion Syndrome, Denial Syndrome) always and forever.
It's disturbing to see the visceral reaction they exhibit to credible charges of wrongdoing. With no consideration for the facts. Just blind obedience and acquiescence. Like good little fascists.
Trump lies about anything and everything anytime he wants. His tea bagger (ball suckers) trumpoholic cult will defend him (Trump Defense Syndrome, TDS aka, Delusion Syndrome, Denial Syndrome) always and forever.
take 2 aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

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