Tom Petty's family issues a cease and desist order to Trump campaign

Right, the estate does. And the family controls the estate.

Go ahead, repeat after me.

It's interesting that you omitted second part of my post that tells you what family, or estate, can do with the song.

Go ahead, repeat after me. They can benefit from revenue that song earns, and that's pretty much it.
Looks like your little bitch cult leader is stuck with Kanye music until november. Im sure that will go over well with the MAWA crowd...i.e., the trump cult.

Yes, because people relate to not only pretentious musicians, but the people living off dead ones.
Tom Petty's family unfortunately is sorely misinformed. Democrats are the ones rioting, looting and killing, not Trump's people. Music is supposed to be the universal language. Only fascists like Tom Petty's family would limit the people that can play his music.
And without reading the article, let me guess, they did this making sure it would become a news story.
It's virtue signaling at it's best.

"Look at me ! I'm white, but I'm woke, I am down for the struggle, I will work to end systematic racism!!"

TRANSLATION: "Please don't hurt me!!"
Hah? Are you saying that during a wedding or party a DJ has to get permission every he / she plays a song?! Seriously. Now if someone was profiting from the resale of said song or any copy right material, then yes.
Not permission. Fees must be paid. But whoever owns the copyright can stop anybody from using it.
Can you cite the actual law that forbids anybody holding a party or event publicly and using music that is already in the public arena, or is this yet another Leftie engaging in fantasy fascistic wishful thinking?
That music is not in the public arena, It is still copyrighted.
"such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works." non of these are violated when a song is replayed in a party, event, or rally. This is just another Leftie entertainer having a hissyfit over Trump choosing his song.
That music is not in the public arena, It is still copyrighted.
Tom Petty's song has been in the public arena for decades. I can pull it up in two seconds on YouTube, as I can tens of millions of songs and replay it at an event, or send it to friends, or post it on this site. Duh!
Artist's family did not write the song, and they do not own the song. They can benefit from revenue that song earns, and that's pretty much it.
Exactly, these kind of objections have so far historically failed. At best, the artist's wish is granted as a courtesy, and the song is not used any longer, and this is what will happen here as well.
Exactly, these kind of objections have so far historically failed. At best, the artist's wish is granted as a courtesy, and the song is not used any longer, and this is what will happen here as well.
Generally what happens is people like me, who actually give a shit about artists, end up doing what I just did.
I bought his entire catalog.
You see, kids, when you buy music, what you are buying is a license to listen to it.
When you copy it and give a copy away-ILLEGAL
When you DJ a wedding and play copyrighted music without paying for it- ILLEGAL.
If you are in a cover band and the venue doesn't ask you for a list of songs you are playing to pay ASCAP, the venue can be shut down or pay a hefty fine.
It would help if you people actually advanced a policy position rather than just announcing that you blame some group and want to take away their rights. Blame, blame, blame. Blacks, browns, women, LGBTs, immigrants, Muslims. Who's next? This is "hate," and you haven't got anything of substance to say. It's just whining, when you folks actually have it pretty easy. I just saw some bitch in Montana interviewed, and she said that "genuine Americans" lived there. What is this about? There probably are more "genuine Americans" in Brooklyn than in the entire state of Montana. Plus, Montana has filth like this Snowden, screaming in people's faces and cursing up a storm. Is all of Montana shameful?

Your post is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

We on the Right do not actually do what you say we do. We do not just "blame" some group and advocate for taking away their rights.

What actually happens is we make a point about some issue, to support a policy position and you libs ignore everything we say and call us "Wacists".

Your race baiting is what divides us. It pisses us off quite a bit and terrorizes the foolish people on your side, who believe the stupid hateful shit that comes out of your pie holes.
Generally what happens is people like me, who actually give a shit about artists, end up doing what I just did.
I bought his entire catalog.
You see, kids, when you buy music, what you are buying is a license to listen to it.
When you copy it and give a copy away-ILLEGAL
When you DJ a wedding and play copyrighted music without paying for it- ILLEGAL.
If you are in a cover band and the venue doesn't ask you for a list of songs you are playing to pay ASCAP, the venue can be shut down or pay a hefty fine.
A DJ playing music at a wedding, or if you are a band playing your own version of a famous song, or anything similar to these activities is not illegal. What would make it illegal is if the song or album (or version of) is distributed and / or sold without permission or compensation to the artist.
A DJ playing music at a wedding, or if you are a band playing your own version of a famous song, or anything similar to these activities is not illegal. What would make it illegal is if the song or album (or version of) is distributed and / or sold without permission or compensation to the artist.
I’ll just leave you alone with your ignorance.
Funny story about Petty.
He was a tiny man with a big temper. He smashed his hand so hard against a wall he shattered his whole hand...LOLOLOLOL....................Never played his shitty guitar the same.LOLOLOL........J/K

I don't take drug addicts seriously.
What about "allegedly" former drug addicts??

What about "allegedly" former drug addicts??

View attachment 353542
If you were that ugly, wouldn't you do drugs?? I would not want to live if I looked like that.

I'm sure he did. Give me 5 examples of 5 hard rockers drug free. Bowie died at 69..........Eddie Money I Believe was 69...few others too. Petty died of a massive ticker explosion. Guess how old?
He smashed his hand to a pulp. Drugged I'm sure.

You see any logic in this?

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