CNN to release tape of Trump saying the N word 2 days before inauguration

US press corps fights back with open letter to Trump: You won’t set the rules for us
'When you shout down or ignore a reporter at a press conference who has said something you don’t like, you’re going to face a unified front.”

Won't be too long before Trump only takes questions from Breitbart
....resulting in Trump's popularity dropping even lower if that were to actually happen. As it is, Trump or not, I believe there are enough good people in the Trump administration to prevent such a silly action.
I believe there are enough good people in the Trump administration to prevent such a silly action.
There are not enough good people in the entire GOP to stop any silly action by Trump
You hope! Keep praying for a failure of the Trump administration so you can feel better about Hillary's loss and spend four years screaming "I told you so!!!"
So, that PLEASES him???

I don't know, but I'm guessing his ego. I'm also guessing he never figured on winning the nomination, much less the WH, so this who thing is unexpected by him. It's a "huuuuuuge" responsibility and, if he fucks it up, his name/reputation will go down in history as golden turd. Do you really think that would "PLEASE" him?
The question isn't whether he is motivated.

The question is whether he has the tools to lead America in a positive direction.

And, I just don't see that. His picks for cabinet are right out of the groups he spent months of accusing Clinton of listening to - and she wasn't.

His personality is one of bullying and disparagement of the personal character of those who even HINT opposition. And, that may work in his business, but it is how one goes about dividing America.

He's spending his time tweeting stuff his staff spends their time retracting. No president with the objective of moving America forward has the time for that when there is no consistent policy direction.
Nobody gives a shit....CNN is just pathetic
chump is pathetic as are his butt kissers
whoa, internet whitty guy turns internet commando. LOL

The closest most of these internet tough guys get to being a commando is not wearing any underwear!
When the objective is negotiation and compromise oriented to building the best possible direction for America (as our congress was designed by our founders to do) being a commando is the promise of dedication to failure.
Buzzfeed shot that wad already. Some may want them to lie, do whatever it takes, say or do whatever it takes if it will get Trump out of office. It won't work. Trump will be inaugurated.

President Trump GOD bless him.
sure he will and then he gets twice the shit flung at him as you hurled at obama ,,,no more turn the other cheek
You lost the 2016 election playing that game - trying to out-Con the Cons...

It cost you the White House...

It cost you the Senate...

It cost you the House...

It cost you the Supreme Court - and that, for the next generation or more...

It cost you large numbers of governorships and state legislatures...

You idiots never learn from your mistakes, do you... you just keep making more of them...

In this instance, that will ensure that you remain out-of-power now for quite some time to come...

Keep it up...

The longer you LibTards are out of power, the stronger the country becomes...

Now... back to the peanut gallery, for the next several years...

You won't be missed...

Enjoy your well-deserved and thoroughly profound and self-inflicted exile from political power...
Man how stupid can a group of liberals be? Too stupid to know they are DONE!!! Keep it up and you will see the end!!! CNN can release all of the shit they want. Any word is just a word, ("N" forum censorship) it is in the dictionary, and only stupid liberals think anything about it. Funny they use labels to attack millions of people who are far and away their betters, But they squall like children when someone else uses a word That most people only use to describe a particular TYPE of person, not a COLOR of person anymore Because that is what the word MEANS, a type of person, not a color of person, race of people or anything but a type of person. There are a lot of those around, and quite a few in Washington D.C.!
So, that PLEASES him???

I don't know, but I'm guessing his ego. I'm also guessing he never figured on winning the nomination, much less the WH, so this who thing is unexpected by him. It's a "huuuuuuge" responsibility and, if he fucks it up, his name/reputation will go down in history as golden turd. Do you really think that would "PLEASE" him?
The question isn't whether he is motivated.

The question is whether he has the tools to lead America in a positive direction.

And, I just don't see that. His picks for cabinet are right out of the groups he spent months of accusing Clinton of listening to - and she wasn't.

His personality is one of bullying and disparagement of the personal character of those who even HINT opposition. And, that may work in his business, but it is how one goes about dividing America.

He's spending his time tweeting stuff his staff spends their time retracting. No president with the objective of moving America forward has the time for that when there is no consistent policy direction.
Time will tell. My guess is there will be a lot of disappointed Alt-Left and Alt-Right assholes a year from now; Trump won't do enough to please the Alt-Right and he'll get enough positive stuff done to piss off the Alt-Left who hope he fails.
So, that PLEASES him???

I don't know, but I'm guessing his ego. I'm also guessing he never figured on winning the nomination, much less the WH, so this who thing is unexpected by him. It's a "huuuuuuge" responsibility and, if he fucks it up, his name/reputation will go down in history as golden turd. Do you really think that would "PLEASE" him?
The question isn't whether he is motivated.

The question is whether he has the tools to lead America in a positive direction.

And, I just don't see that. His picks for cabinet are right out of the groups he spent months of accusing Clinton of listening to - and she wasn't.

His personality is one of bullying and disparagement of the personal character of those who even HINT opposition. And, that may work in his business, but it is how one goes about dividing America.

He's spending his time tweeting stuff his staff spends their time retracting. No president with the objective of moving America forward has the time for that when there is no consistent policy direction.
Time will tell. My guess is there will be a lot of disappointed Alt-Left and Alt-Right assholes a year from now; Trump won't do enough to please the Alt-Right and he'll get enough positive stuff done to piss off the Alt-Left who hope he fails.
The only people I've ever heard state that they want to make the president of the USA fail are McConnell and Boehner, speaking for the Republican party.

So far, I haven't heard any proposal to do anything positive except to cover 100% of Americans with health care.

And, his own folks were quick to deny that.
So, that PLEASES him???

I don't know, but I'm guessing his ego. I'm also guessing he never figured on winning the nomination, much less the WH, so this who thing is unexpected by him. It's a "huuuuuuge" responsibility and, if he fucks it up, his name/reputation will go down in history as golden turd. Do you really think that would "PLEASE" him?
The question isn't whether he is motivated.

The question is whether he has the tools to lead America in a positive direction.

And, I just don't see that. His picks for cabinet are right out of the groups he spent months of accusing Clinton of listening to - and she wasn't.

His personality is one of bullying and disparagement of the personal character of those who even HINT opposition. And, that may work in his business, but it is how one goes about dividing America.

He's spending his time tweeting stuff his staff spends their time retracting. No president with the objective of moving America forward has the time for that when there is no consistent policy direction.
Time will tell. My guess is there will be a lot of disappointed Alt-Left and Alt-Right assholes a year from now; Trump won't do enough to please the Alt-Right and he'll get enough positive stuff done to piss off the Alt-Left who hope he fails.
The only people I've ever heard state that they want to make the president of the USA fail are McConnell and Boehner, speaking for the Republican party.

So far, I haven't heard any proposal to do anything positive except to cover 100% of Americans with health care.

And, his own folks were quick to deny that.
How many have you heard claim Trump isn't a legitimate President? That he isn't qualified? That Hillary really won the election? That the Trump Presidency is a failure (despite the fact he hasn't been sworn in yet!)?

Rather than produce the tape CNN said they had, the media enterprise mulled assassination. They were hoping no one noticed there was no tape.

Democrats always hang on so prepare. There will be democrats not only insisting that there is a tape, but that they saw it.

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