CNN to release tape of Trump saying the N word 2 days before inauguration

much ado about n....othing. obama said the n word multiple times, but not in an "insulting" way.

Report: CNN/Buzzfeed to Release Damaging New Trump Tape 48 Hours Before Inauguration
CNN is

View attachment 107072
The Donald has faced a "unified front" of fake MSM news, Hollywood, academia, establishment politicians for over a year and he kicked their asses. I doubt he is scared! :p
I knew Trump had big personal failings Meh. I voted for him to blow up a corrupt status quo Besides, Hillary had big personal failings too
Buzzfeed shot that wad already. Some may want them to lie, do whatever it takes, say or do whatever it takes if it will get Trump out of office. It won't work. Trump will be inaugurated.

President Trump GOD bless him.
much ado about n....othing. obama said the n word multiple times, but not in an "insulting" way.

Report: CNN/Buzzfeed to Release Damaging New Trump Tape 48 Hours Before Inauguration
CNN death throes. They know they're never getting into another presidential presser.
Hey Moon Bean people are going to boycott the Inaguration by putting the TV on the cartoon channel. Boy the low ratings are going to drive Trump and his deplorable voters very pissed off.
much ado about n....othing. obama said the n word multiple times, but not in an "insulting" way.

Report: CNN/Buzzfeed to Release Damaging New Trump Tape 48 Hours Before Inauguration
CNN death throes. They know they're never getting into another presidential presser.
Hey Moon Bean people are going to boycott the Inaguration by putting the TV on the cartoon channel. Boy the low ratings are going to drive Trump and his deplorable voters very pissed off.

Okie dokey

...AND, I don't see Trump using his vulgarity to cause people to like him.

He uses it as a defense mechanism the way people on this board throw ad hom when they know they don't understand the issue or they have made one more stupid blunder. Or, he uses it as a method of bullying - again, identifying when he's clueless.
Agreed Trump doesn't use his "vulgarity" to cause people to like him, but disagreed that it's simply a "defense mechanism". The guy's a fucking BILLIONAIRE. He's used to doing as he pleases, "vulgarity" or not.

BTW, "vulgarity", like "taste" varies. What is vulgar to some is not to others.
You know that's silly, unrealistic and a bit whacky, don't you? Do you believe the "pussy grabbing" video was fabricated?
Who cares about the pussy comments? I don't know a single man who hasn't said shit amongst the fellas that he would never repeat in public.
We need to stop trying to turn American men into cowering liberal wimps.
I'll have to tell you, I'm quite sure I've never been in a conversation where it would have been appropriate to use those words. And, that includes "amongst the fellas". Plus, this goes to a pattern of his ignorant and abusive response to those who are doing their jobs, to minorities, to women, to the disabled, to anyone who expresses a different idea.

The fact that we will have a president that is so shallow as is Trump is just plain scary.

And, no, it's pretty darn easy to notice that you are the star of a TV show and that the cameras are running. Even Reagan had that figured out - or do you think there are similar outtakes from "Bedtime for Bonzo"?
You sound like an introvert. It's okay, not everyone has to be like you.
No, I'm not an introvert.

Life is not all about being liked.

And, being vulgar is not required for being liked.

AND, I don't see Trump using his vulgarity to cause people to like him.

He uses it as a defense mechanism the way people on this board throw ad hom when they know they don't understand the issue or they have made one more stupid blunder. Or, he uses it as a method of bullying - again, identifying when he's clueless.
Trump has been in the construction industry his entire life. His boisterous personality is perfectly normal based on that alone.
Everyone is not an office rat with no outside influence.

Seriously? You think "outside influence" involves standing in the rain?

And, no, Trump has not been "one of the guys" on a construction project for a long, long time.

It's unbelievable that we have a president who appears to have a hard time carrying on a civil conversation without vulgarities, without ad hom, without racism, without sexism - even without going on and on about how terrific he sees himself as being.
...AND, I don't see Trump using his vulgarity to cause people to like him.

He uses it as a defense mechanism the way people on this board throw ad hom when they know they don't understand the issue or they have made one more stupid blunder. Or, he uses it as a method of bullying - again, identifying when he's clueless.
Agreed Trump doesn't use his "vulgarity" to cause people to like him, but disagreed that it's simply a "defense mechanism". The guy's a fucking BILLIONAIRE. He's used to doing as he pleases, "vulgarity" or not.

BTW, "vulgarity", like "taste" varies. What is vulgar to some is not to others.
So, that PLEASES him???

The Donald has faced a "unified front" of fake MSM news, Hollywood, academia, establishment politicians for over a year and he kicked their asses. I doubt he is scared! :p
Wait a second. Is The Donald whining about fake news? Really?

This is the guy who spent YEARS questioning the legitimacy of Obama's presidency by challenging Obama's birth certificate, right? RIGHT?

This is the guy who said he saw "thousands and thousands" of Muslims cheering on the rooftops of New Jersey on 9/11, right? RIGHT?

We're talking about this guy, right?:

We're talking about this guy, right?:


We're talking about the guy who said we need to take the National Enquirer's story about Ted Cruz's dad being complicit in JFKs' assassination seriously, right? RIGHT?

Trump: We Need to Take National Enquirer Seriously on Ted Cruz–JFK Assassination Link

We're talking about this guy, right?: Trump repeats tale of flights home of 9/11 hijackers' wives, girlfriends, families

We're talking about the guy who said, "“If you’re from Europe and you’re a Muslim, you can come in. But if you are from Europe and you’re a Christian, you can’t come in." Right? RIGHT?

We're talking about the guy who retweeted a Nazi's bogus graphic, right? RIGHT?

Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic

Trump was confronted about the tweet by Bill O’Reilly on Fox News on Nov. 23. Trump confirmed that he retweeted the graphic himself. He said that he did not check the statistics, but that the graphic came “from sources that are very credible.”


So, that PLEASES him???

I don't know, but I'm guessing his ego. I'm also guessing he never figured on winning the nomination, much less the WH, so this who thing is unexpected by him. It's a "huuuuuuge" responsibility and, if he fucks it up, his name/reputation will go down in history as golden turd. Do you really think that would "PLEASE" him?

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