CNN: Trump Justice Department Seized Reporter's Email And Phone Records


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

The first amendment protects the press from having to reveal their sources, nothing except the 4th amendment stops the government from trying to figure out who the leaker was and punish the leaker via the person leaked to, and the DoJ appears to have followed the proper procedure for doing just that.
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

Not hard news

We already figured that out.
Liars and agitators get their shit confiscated. CNN and WaPo are two of the worst. They deserved much harsher treatment for trying to overthrow our President.

Maybe you ought to change your nom de plume to Ditto Head; you actually believe the recently departed King of Big Lies convinced the biddable that major news sources are nothing but fake news. Sad, but the truth is a free press has been stricken by this hate and fear damn lie.
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

Not hard news

We already figured that out.

Yes I have spent most of my life working with, spending time with, partying with and photographing the greatest musicians of my lifetime. And get paid a lot of money to do it.

I also spent close to a decade working with, spending time with, photographing and partying with some of the greatest actors, actresses, directors, writers and producers in the movie industry. And got paid a lot of money to do it.

My work has been published in every major publication on the planet. Including The NY Times.

My work is on CDs, DVDs, LPs, in movies, TV and documentaries.

My work and equipment will be on permanent loan to 3 museums after I die. So it will be shared with the public long after I'm gone.

None of my awards will go to any museum. They will stay within my family.

Eat your heart out.
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

Not hard news

We already figured that out.

Yes I have spent most of my life working with, spending time with, partying with and photographing the greatest musicians of my lifetime. And get paid a lot of money to do it.

I also spent close to a decade working with, spending time with, photographing and partying with some of the greatest actors, actresses, directors, writers and producers in the movie industry. And got paid a lot of money to do it.

My work has been published in every major publication on the planet. Including The NY Times.

My work is on CDs, DVDs, LPs, in movies, TV and documentaries.

My work and equipment will be on permanent loan to 3 museums after I die. So it will be shared with the public long after I'm gone.

None of my awards will go to any museum. They will stay within my family.

Eat your heart out.
No one believes a dumbass like you is going to have their equipment in a museum. I mean, fuck. Get real :lol:
Liars and agitators get their shit confiscated. CNN and WaPo are two of the worst. They deserved much harsher treatment for trying to overthrow our President.

Maybe you ought to change your nom de plume to Ditto Head; you actually believe the recently departed King of Big Lies convinced the biddable that major news sources are nothing but fake news. Sad, but the truth is a free press has been stricken by this hate and fear damn lie.
4 years pushing the Russia collusion lies pretty much cemented CNN as fake news.
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

Obama did this for years, and you didn't care. Fuck off with this hypocrisy.
The first amendment protects the press from having to reveal their sources, nothing except the 4th amendment stops the government from trying to figure out who the leaker was and punish the leaker via the person leaked to, and the DoJ appears to have followed the proper procedure for doing just that.
Hey, as long as you're cool with the precedent being set. I'm sure you'd be just fine with the Biden admin going after "leakers" in the same manner, right? You'd be down with them getting phone and email records of, say, Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson?
CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

Not hard news

We already figured that out.

Yes I have spent most of my life working with, spending time with, partying with and photographing the greatest musicians of my lifetime. And get paid a lot of money to do it.

I also spent close to a decade working with, spending time with, photographing and partying with some of the greatest actors, actresses, directors, writers and producers in the movie industry. And got paid a lot of money to do it.

My work has been published in every major publication on the planet. Including The NY Times.

My work is on CDs, DVDs, LPs, in movies, TV and documentaries.

My work and equipment will be on permanent loan to 3 museums after I die. So it will be shared with the public long after I'm gone.

None of my awards will go to any museum. They will stay within my family.

Eat your heart out.
No one believes a dumbass like you is going to have their equipment in a museum. I mean, fuck. Get real :lol:

I don't care if you do or not.

You don't matter to me or anyone.

I know what I posted is true. So do the three museums. I had to have 2 wills created. One for my regular assets and one for my work assets. When my lawyer and I were taking with one of the museums, the director asked about the equipment. I thought it was weird. She wanted it. I asked why. She said "What is the value of a camera that was used to photograph Sir Paul McCartney?" I couldn't answer. My lawyer did. He said "priceless." I then understood why she wanted my equipment.

Here's a shot I took of 5 of my digital cameras. Nikon D2h, D3, D3s, D4s and D5. I have one more digital but it's an underwater camera and not used for work. I have 4 film cameras that aren't in the photo. Those film cameras are packed up and in a fireproof safe.


Have fun with your delusions.

CNN isn't the only news outlet trump targeted. trump seized the records of three Washington Post journalists in the early months of trump's administration.

Full disclosure, I'm a member of the press. Not hard news.

As such I find this extremely disturbing. We went through hell with the bush boy administration. We had a hard time with the Obama administration but not as bad as the bush boy. Now, trump is going farther than the bush boy and Obama.

This isn't right. The first amendment has not been repealed. The government has no constitutional right to impede on our free press.

And Obama didn't? They almost arrested James Rosen and the FBI hacked Sharyl Atkinson's computer because she was investigating Fast and Furious. Pot meet kettle. A non story unless you lock Obama up.
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