CNN’s Carl Bernstein: Trump Is On The Verge Of Igniting a ‘Civil War’ In America

Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.
I live in CA. No sign of a Civil War here. A bit overcast today.
Propaganda lies and nonsense. Trump's July 4th gimmick was not well received. Mocked and criticized as a taxpayer-funded campaign event, he hijacked the normally huge turnout for July 4th and claimed credit for the crowd for himself. The so-called surge in his approval ratings still leaves him with a majority disapproving. A five-point increase which leaves him a majority of Americans disapproving his job in the office is declared a victory and "surge". His supporters are desperate to believe whatever they are told.
Trump ‘s 4th of July speech was well received by everyone except Democrats and liberal media tools.
Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.
After Watergate, Carl wandered the streets at night looking for lost glory. After Trump said he would restore America's lost glory, Carl thought he had it and has dogged him ever since. Glory, Glory Hallelujah.
Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.
I live in CA. No sign of a Civil War here. A bit overcast today.
I’m sorry you have not been able to escape Taxifornia
Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.
We can avoid this "civil war" by agreeing to break up this fake union and let all states go their separate ways.

California wants it.

Texas wants it.

Let's have an amicable split.


The Clinton email scandal and cover-up are relevant because, without that, we wouldn’t have had the #Russiagate Hoax. The Obama group was desperate to protect Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy and what better way to do that than to cover up the email issue and freeze the Trump admin from doing anything about it once they won by making fake allegations against Trump/Russia

There was nothing 'fake' about the Trump/Russia connection, and there was nothing 'fake' about the Russians interfering in the 2016 election.
and your proof?!!!!?
Nothing excites the Rabid Right more than talk of a Civil War, or open season on Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities.
Yeah ... another US civil war (revolution) seems to serve the Democrat Socialist Party divide & conquer agenda.

So how do you propose we solve the problem of "Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities?"
I guess we're pretending that someone else is making us behave this way, like helpless little tribal bunnies.
Nothing excites the Rabid Right more than talk of a Civil War, or open season on Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities.
Yeah ... another US civil war (revolution) seems to serve the Democrat Socialist Party divide & conquer agenda.

So how do you propose we solve the problem of "Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities?"

Head shots.
Nothing excites the Rabid Right more than talk of a Civil War, or open season on Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities.
Yeah ... another US civil war (revolution) seems to serve the Democrat Socialist Party divide & conquer agenda.

So how do you propose we solve the problem of "Liberal Zombies, mindlessly stumbling along the crowded sidewalks in all major cities?"
Put up blinking Christmas lights-it will stun them.
The Clinton email scandal and cover-up are relevant because, without that, we wouldn’t have had the #Russiagate Hoax. The Obama group was desperate to protect Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy and what better way to do that than to cover up the email issue and freeze the Trump admin from doing anything about it once they won by making fake allegations against Trump/Russia

There was nothing 'fake' about the Trump/Russia connection, and there was nothing 'fake' about the Russians interfering in the 2016 election.

It's true there was collusion
It was entirely between foreign government representatives and the Clinton campaign.
Carl Bernstein. AYFKM? That guy hasn't been relevant since Watergate. He craves the spotlight too much. In the meantime, all these deranged never Trumpers like washed up Bernstein are missing the biggest scandal this country has ever experienced, The weaponization of the DOJ by the Democratic party to fix an election and later to overthrow a sitting president. Can't wait for the IGs and Barr's investigation reports. No doubt Bernstein and his liberal weenie friends are praying those investigations are never made public.
The weaponization of the DOJ by the Democratic party to fix an election and later to overthrow a sitting president.

Worst fix in history.

Pretty lame overthrow too. Coup by herd of Sloths would be quicker.
Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.
After Watergate, Carl wandered the streets at night looking for lost glory. After Trump said he would restore America's lost glory, Carl thought he had it and has dogged him ever since. Glory, Glory Hallelujah.

Bernstein is fly larvae looking to continue infesting his host, CNN, in order to continue to milk this income stream.
The Clinton email scandal and cover-up are relevant because, without that, we wouldn’t have had the #Russiagate Hoax. The Obama group was desperate to protect Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy and what better way to do that than to cover up the email issue and freeze the Trump admin from doing anything about it once they won by making fake allegations against Trump/Russia

There was nothing 'fake' about the Trump/Russia connection, and there was nothing 'fake' about the Russians interfering in the 2016 election.

Mueller found no Trump/Russia collusion and made the assumption that Trump was guilty until proven innocent. Read your own link to the Mueller report.
With the news of the Epstein arrest, and the additional danger to the Trump Presidency that it brings, especially if Epstein turns state's evidence, has all the Russian trolls working overtime today to deflect guilt onto Obama and Hillary.

You know, those two corrupt administrations that Republicans have spent years investigating, without coming up with a single illegal act that either one of them committed. Obama's in the first administration in memory to have no arrests or firings for corruption. The Clinton's had one Administration member fired, and tried for corruption. Compared to more than 30 for Nixon and over 100 Reagan officials who were charged with various corruption charges in the Iran/Contra mess.

Republicans TALK about Democrats being corrupt, but the evidence and the charges suggest it's Republicans who are the ones who think they're above the law. It's like how they Republicans say Democrats have no morals, and yet the Speaker of the House who was jailed for sexually abusing young boys - a Republican. Newt Gingerich was decrying Bill Clinton for being a slime, while Newt told his wife he want a divorce while she lay dying of cancer. I think it's basically, any rich, powerful guy out there thinks he can get away with sexually abusing others for their own fun and enjoyment.

Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Newt Gingerich, Elliott Spitzer, Anthony Weiner.

But here is where Bill Clinton, doesn't fit in with these guys: There is absolutely no credibly evidence that Bill Clinton forced anyone to do anything. Or that he had sex with anyone against her will.

For more than 20 years, Anita Broaddrick denied that Bill Clinton raped her. She worked on several of his campaigns, did fundraising on his behalf. I can't think of a single woman who would do anything but spit on the man who violently raped her as is claimed by Republicans. Anita even gave her sworn affidavit in the Paula Jones case stating unequivocably that Bill Clinton did not rape her. She only claimed Clinton raped her AFTER Ken Starr threatened to charge her with perjury and throw her in jail if she refused to recant that Affidavit. I choose to believe her actions and sworn testimony over a 20 year period. I can fully believe a woman who is married and cheating on both her husband and her lover, would tell a lie, like "I was raped" to cover up her cheating on both of them.

Anita Broaddrick has amply demonstrated that she is not a reliable witness, have told various versions of events to fit whatever circumstances she was facing at the time. But her continued support of and work for Bill Clinton - candidate, tells me she wasn't raped. Why would you ever want to see a guy who beat and raped you succeed in public office? The short answer is you wouldn't. Nor would you be willing to work on his campaigns, and risk putting yourself in another situation where he could attack you again. If she were actually raped, she would not have wanted to have anything further to do with Clinton.

By the time she gave her affidavit in the Jones trial, Broaddrick had long since divorced her first husband, and married the man she'd been having the affair with. She had nothing to lose and no reason to lie. And she swore that what had happened in that room that night, was not rape. And then she asked for privacy and not to be troubled again with this question. In response, Ken Starr attacked and threatened her with jail time. He had jailed Kathleen MacDougall for over a year, and Broaddrick took the threat seriously. Starr could corroberate the rape story, and hence the perjury charge using the testimony of her ex-husband and friends she had told at the time. Starr offered immunity from prosecution to the perjury charge if she recanted. She did as she was told.

Wrong "stein"

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