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CNN's Top Executive Zuckerberg Threatens President Trump & His Administration

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The Presidency of the orange clown is exactly why Jefferson wrote these words so long ago. The first thing any fascist does is restrict the information that the citizens of the nation can receive. And you assholes are cheering for this.
No, we are just asking The DNC, and Hillary to quit hiding their true feelings for Americans, and their intent on decieving us all through Public Policy Positions (LIES) and Private Policy Positions they share with their Elite Insiders and Masters.

Fascism BTW is a Leftist Ideology.

In my never ending effort to inform the ignorant, please review these links with an open mind, if that is possible for you to do.

fascism | politics

liberalism | politics

hmmmm...and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Out of curiosity ROCKS [or anyone else for that matter] which would you choose?
By 'Newspaper' I assume you are talking about a journalistic organization that reports the news - unbiased, factual, etc.

CNN has proven THAT AIN'T THEM.

CNN has proven it is a completely biased, 'All-In' organization - ADMITTEDLY - that sought to promote and further the cause of the Democratic Party, which the video clearly shows.

I am all for true journalism, journalistic integrity, and true news, but I am against Propaganda Medium trying to declare itself to be 'News'. Again, CNN is clearly NOT!

In all honesty, as mentioned, no one is stopping CNN from doing what they do.

In all honesty as well, if CNN collapsed overnight, another organization would take it's place. Zuckerberg clearly LIED about it's ratings and popularity, and if he is worried about their reputation than I suggest he make the change with CNN from Propagandists back to simply reporting the UN-BIASED news, which is how they got their start. 'Stop trying to CHANGE the world and just report what's going on in it.'
A warning from an impotent & unwatched news channel. BFD lol

Idiot-gram ^^^; non substantive and a non sequitur.
I can always tell when I leave you morons at a loss for words. CNN is throwing a temper tantrum and you focus on personal attacks. Predictable

Calling YOU an asshole or a stupid fool - no matter how true they may be - would be a personal attack, pointing out YOUR post is an idiot-gram and non substantive and a non sequitur is simply and observation of a fact. If your feelings were hurt, maybe someone near to you can provide you a tissue.
There's been a tissue shortage since the election
There is also a maxi pad shortage in Libby Land that is projected to occur after the Inauguration.

Hell hath no fury like a pissed off girly man liberal on his menstrual cycle.

The original tree, rooted to one spot, incapable of movement, waiting to be washed away in the comming flood - a true analogy for conservatives.
hmmmm...and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Out of curiosity ROCKS [or anyone else for that matter] which would you choose?
By 'Newspaper' I assume you are talking about a journalistic organization that reports the news - unbiased, factual, etc.

CNN has proven THAT AIN'T THEM.

CNN has proven it is a completely biased, 'All-In' organization - ADMITTEDLY - that sought to promote and further the cause of the Democratic Party, which the video clearly shows.

I am all for true journalism, journalistic integrity, and true news, but I am against Propaganda Medium trying to declare itself to be 'News'. Again, CNN is clearly NOT!

In all honesty, as mentioned, no one is stopping CNN from doing what they do.

In all honesty as well, if CNN collapsed overnight, another organization would take it's place. Zuckerberg clearly LIED about it's ratings and popularity, and if he is worried about their reputation than I suggest he make the change with CNN from Propagandists back to simply reporting the UN-BIASED news, which is how they got their start. 'Stop trying to CHANGE the world and just report what's going on in it.'
wow third time today I am asking this so here goes,... is this for me?
Jeff Zucker Concedes CNN Has Been ‘A Little Too Liberal’

Regarding CNN's 2016 election bias:

"Jeff Zucker admitted that perhaps in the past the network has ostracized some viewers with its coverage. “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal,” Zucker conceded."
-- May 2016

"In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Zucker agreed saying, “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal.”
-- June 2016

CNN's Zucker Admits Network Is 'Too Liberal'
He thinks so? A little? Lol
Jeff Zucker Concedes CNN Has Been ‘A Little Too Liberal’

Regarding CNN's 2016 election bias:

"Jeff Zucker admitted that perhaps in the past the network has ostracized some viewers with its coverage. “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal,” Zucker conceded."
-- May 2016

"In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Zucker agreed saying, “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal.”
-- June 2016

CNN's Zucker Admits Network Is 'Too Liberal'
CNN asks the Democratic National Committee about what questions to ask Mr. Trump in an interview.

The DNC colluded with CNN in devising questions in April to be asked of Mr. Trump in an upcoming Wolf Blitzer interview. A DNC official with the email username [email protected] asked for ideas for an interview by Mr. Blitzer.

Donna Brazile leaks CNN debate questions to Mrs. Clinton.

DNC interim chairwoman Donna Brazile lost her job as a CNN contributor after the controversy broke. While she was working at the network, Mrs. Brazile passed along a question about the death penalty before CNN’s March democratic primary debate. Another leaked email shows, she did it again — this time ahead of a townhall in Flint, Michigan, with the subject line: “One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash.”

CNN said they did a “complete investigation” into the leaking and that “This behavior was completely unacceptable and we are clear, exactly where they came from.”

Yet, CNN didn’t disclose exactly how the leak happened, or what it will do to prevent such a leak in the future. Meanwhile, Mrs. Brazile remains unapologetic.

Media blackout on WikiLeaks.

Major news outlets have dedicated practically no time to the scandals uncovered by WikiLeaks, from Bill Clinton Inc., to high level Justice Department officials giving a “heads up” to Mrs. Clinton’s team on State Department email releases, to the State Department having a “shadow government” within it, whose job it was to slow-walk releasing her emails.

--- Guess who gave Mrs. Clinton a 'Pass' on another one of her scandals?! (Check the video already posted if you need a hint! :p )

Mainstream media maligned: 10 examples of blatant bias
As long as the media does not learn the true reason why their stupid kuuunt lost (they never will) it only means an automatic win for Trump in 2020. If, and I mean if he can survive the committed attempts to impeach Trump. Personally, I can't see him surviving the liars. Then again I did not think he could win it. So take my cynicism for what it's worth.

The point is the press cannot see how their lies cost their kuuunt. How their false news about the kuuuunt pulling away and dominating battle ground states. As a result, the stupid kuuunt did not campaign as agressively as she should have.

The fucking liars finally caught their own fucking tail. Hung on their own petard. Now, in their severe anguish and pure cognitive dissonance, they reach for anything and everything that might stick. Never even considering that it was their fucking fault. Because they are such pathetic fucking losers, they will now attempt to destroy the country they hate and impeach the PRESIDENT with any little fucking thing they can find.

They are such fucking losers.
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awwwwww.... trumpsters hate the news. it lets people know what a twit you voted for.

Trump Supporters don't have a problem with 'the News'...but THIS isn't 'the News':

Now Zuckerberg has just seditiously threatened to undermine the perception of the President of the United States and the country through his world-wide Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party (as proven in the video).

No one - not even Trump - has to say anything. CNN and Zuckerberg continue to demonstrate to the world that they are not a 'NEWS MEDIA'.

No one - not even Trump - is preventing them from continuing to do what it is they do.

Are you a liar, or so brainwashed the biases implanted prevent the intrusion of reality?

Did you, or did you not see and hear trump dress down the CNN reporter during his attorney's press conference?, when trump was allowed by his handlers to speak?
Did you, or did you not see and hear trump dress down the CNN reporter during his attorney's press conference?, when trump was allowed by his handlers to speak?
Yes I did - what's the problem?

Was the CNN employee still able to file a news report based on the Q&A session he attended?
- YES!

Was the CNN employee prevented from doing his job - reporting the story?
- NO!

Was CNN's employee allowed to ask questions like all the REPORTERS got to do?
- NO!

Sorry - obviously when you engage in biased / propagandist activities and declare openly on the air that you are 'ALL-IN' and have been helping one political party / candidate over another then you have just admitted that you are NOT really a 'News' Organization but are instead affiliated with the DNC.
- News organizations do not help 1 Political Party candidate cheat in a debate by handing that candidate the debate questions in advance.
- News organizations do not 'sit on' / 'kill' embarrassing major news stories for 1 political candidate in an effort to help her win.
- News agencies do not openly declare 'We have done all we can do to help 'X' win, even suppress news stories that may hurt them'!

Nothing is stopping CNN from taking video, participating, writing a story, and broadcasting what they want. The Constitution does not MANDATE anyone MUST talk to the 'media' or give them anything.

Perhaps CNN should work on proving they are an actual news organization to earn their right to be treated as an equal member of the press again...instead of seditiously threatening the President of the United States.
As long as the media does not learn the true reason their stupid kuuunt lost (they never will) it only means an automatic win for Trump in 2020. If, and I mean if he can survive the committed attempts to impeach Trump. Personally, I can't see him surviving the liars. Then again I did not think he could win it. So take my cynicism for what it's worth.

The point is the press cannot see how their lies cost their kuuunt. How their false news about the kuuuunt pulling away and dominating battle ground states. As a result, the stupid kuuunt did not campaign as agressively as she should have.

The fucking liars finally caught their own fucking tail. Hung on their own petard. Nkw, in their severe anguish and pure cognitive dissonance, they reach for anything and everything that might stick. Never even considering that it was their fucking fault. Because they are such pathetic fucking losers, they will now attempt to destroy the country they hate and impeach the PRESIDENT with anything little fucking thing they can find.

They are such fucking losers.

Posts such as this one by owl are read by anyone who owns a computer or has access to one, in every country. He, or she, is an embarrassment to all American's. For those reading this thread, be assured he/she is in the minority. We as a people are not angry, ignorant, hateful or self righteous bigots. He and his kind represent the Ugly American and the majority of American's are not only embarrassed by him/her, but we find that kind to be deplorable.
Even though it is a cable channel, CNN still gets its license from the FCC! Want to guess what the F stands for?
Want real news? watch C-Span see what is being said, not edited out of context sound bites. that promote one point of view.
"I think our credibility is higher than ever, and our viewership is higher than ever, and our reporting is as strong as ever."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Ok, let's skip forward....

"One of the things I think this administration hasn’t figured out yet is that there’s only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus — and that’s CNN. The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake.”

Zuckerberg just threatened to undermine the perception of the President of the United States - Threatening to hurt the President and thus the United States - if he does not 'play nice' with CNN, the news outlet (and political Propaganda Arm of the DNC) that openly bragged during the election about having gone 'All-In' for Hillary Clinton, doing everything it could to help her win, even 'giving her a pass' on all of her scandals'.

Fake News CNN Versus President Donald Trump: Network’s Top Executive Threatens Incoming POTUS

cnn not even in the top 25


trump is right fck em

between twitter and facebook trump reaches over 50 million


Most of whom are laughing at his lies and idiocy.

keep telling yourself that

I think it's time for these 24hr 'News' Networks to be required to broadcast warnings about their content. They should warn viewers that what they're presenting is 'opinion information.' The language should also include warning the viewer that what it's seeing isn't intended to be accepted as actual News.

Right now, these 'News' Networks are being allowed to deceive the viewer. They're presenting their opinion propaganda as 'News.' I think the viewer should be informed about what they're actually seeing. What they're seeing is Fake News.
Wow, whatever goes on in your head is strange and mysterious, the threatener in Chief is the President-elect, and the point of the comment by Zuckerberg was a warning, not a threat.

A warning from an impotent & unwatched news channel. BFD lol

Idiot-gram ^^^; non substantive and a non sequitur.
I can always tell when I leave you morons at a loss for words. CNN is throwing a temper tantrum and you focus on personal attacks. Predictable

Calling YOU an asshole or a stupid fool - no matter how true they may be - would be a personal attack, pointing out YOUR post is an idiot-gram and non substantive and a non sequitur is simply and observation of a fact. If your feelings were hurt, maybe someone near to you can provide you a tissue.
There's been a tissue shortage since the election

I'm not surprised. The bullshit posted on this message board alone, along with the tweets by the trump, exhausted all the toilet paper in the land.
Jeff Zucker Concedes CNN Has Been ‘A Little Too Liberal’

Regarding CNN's 2016 election bias:

"Jeff Zucker admitted that perhaps in the past the network has ostracized some viewers with its coverage. “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal,” Zucker conceded."
-- May 2016

"In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Zucker agreed saying, “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal.”
-- June 2016

CNN's Zucker Admits Network Is 'Too Liberal'

That's your evidence? No wonder you are so easily fooled.

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