CO2 Experiments posted here


Do you believe SSDD's interpretations of the ideal gas law and radiative heat transfer to be correct or incorrect? Several of your fellow deniers have already spoken. What's your opinion?
I have never denied the greenhouse effect.

You just cheerlead SSDD when he denies it.

What I have stated is no climatologist can explain how it effects OUR atmosphere.

A reality-denying claim, but when have you ever been connected to reality?

So far we get stupid Ideal Gas Law demonstrations that show a vessel filled with CO2 will absolutelypositivelyfuckinglootely generate a higher temperature than a similar vessel filled with O2. Wow...what a breakthrough.

So you're still implying a compressed gas constantly generates heat. Crazy statements about science just keep falling out of your mouth.

A bright sixth grader does better science than you, because that bright sixth grader at least understands his/her limitations. You don't. You stink at the science, and hilariously fail to realize it.

I think deniers got too many participation trophies as kids, and were told too often that they were precious little snowflakes. It shocks them so badly when people point out that their cult's crazy opinions are actually not every bit as valid as actual science.

Actually what we've asked for and never received is the evidence that 120PPM of CO2 causes a temperature change. For me, that failure means you don't have one and therefore no evidence to prove your claim. So that makes us WINNING!!!!
No one has posted a link to an actual experiment that shows how the temp is effected by rising CO2 nor one that shows the specific rise in CO2 we know has occurred. What we have is a lie put out by people bent on keeping the lie going.

I repeat LINK to the SPECIFIC experiment that proves the point. Or admit you don't have one and are a bald faced liar.
I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.
I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.

I missed the experiment that controlled for a 120PPM increase in CO2

Kindly repost it
I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.

Also missed the link with the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..
I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.

We've already accepted your concession. Actually what we've asked for and never received is the evidence that 120PPM of CO2 causes a temperature change. For me, that failure means you don't have one and therefore no evidence to prove your claim. So that makes us WINNING!!!!
We skeptics acknowledged that experiments were posted...we also pointed out that none actually demonstrated what you claimed that they, now that we have exposed yet another lie on your part, again, which one of those bits of side show slight of hand do you claim demonstrates that 100 or even 200 ppm of additional CO2 can have a measurable effect on the climate.

The video from Mythbusters very explicitly recreates actual atmospheric CO2 levels. And several deniers denied that any experiments had ever been posted.

It's rather fuzzy on what they tested. They never actually show you the amounts of CO2 and they use really sensitive measuring instruments and really crude thermometers.

blalblahblah blah CO2 blahblahblah Methane blahlblahblah

I went as far as to call the scientist who conducted the experiment to ask him but he never got back to me

In any event we've been asking you to demonstrate the effect a 120PPM increase in CO2 has on temperature and pH and my guess is None

Hello Dr. Scientist, Joe Crackpot here. Just wanted to impose my negligible scientific understanding upon your experiment...
I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.

Also missed the link with the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..

Here, for the FIFTH time, you incredibly stupid, lying piece of flaming dog shit:

Climate Datasets

GCM Source Code
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I keep giving the references. Deniers keep ignoring them. Why should I give them again? After all, you'd all just ignore them again. It's what you do, deny, and it's what defines you.

On the one hand, I am filled with a desire to spread the light of knowledge and rationality. On the other, I'm not going to waste time on those actively hostile to learning, the ones who spit on my gifts. But if someone apologizes on behalf of the deniers for their past behavior, I will reconsider and graciously try to educate you all again.

Also missed the link with the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..

Here, for the FIFTH time, you lying piece of dog shit:

And you keep posting that lie?

Neither one proves that CO2 drives climate.

AS I have pointed out only one person controls that information and he will not release his information. It is the entire foundation of your religion.

Since I know the AGW cult can not post that information I know anything they post is a lie..
One person? My god, your stupidity reaches levels never before seen.

If you are going to assume that everything we say is a lie, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to ever speak to you again.
CO2 Experiments posted here

Ok ... wait ... wait ...ok, I just exhaled about a liter of CO2.

So, when is the IRS going to call me about quarterly CO2 tax filings?

The video from Mythbusters very explicitly recreates actual atmospheric CO2 levels. And several deniers denied that any experiments had ever been posted.

It's rather fuzzy on what they tested. They never actually show you the amounts of CO2 and they use really sensitive measuring instruments and really crude thermometers.

blalblahblah blah CO2 blahblahblah Methane blahlblahblah

I went as far as to call the scientist who conducted the experiment to ask him but he never got back to me

In any event we've been asking you to demonstrate the effect a 120PPM increase in CO2 has on temperature and pH and my guess is None

Hello Dr. Scientist, Joe Crackpot here. Just wanted to impose my negligible scientific understanding upon your experiment...

Yeah. That's exactly how it went

Are you afraid of talking to people?
It's rather fuzzy on what they tested. They never actually show you the amounts of CO2 and they use really sensitive measuring instruments and really crude thermometers.

blalblahblah blah CO2 blahblahblah Methane blahlblahblah

I went as far as to call the scientist who conducted the experiment to ask him but he never got back to me

In any event we've been asking you to demonstrate the effect a 120PPM increase in CO2 has on temperature and pH and my guess is None

Hello Dr. Scientist, Joe Crackpot here. Just wanted to impose my negligible scientific understanding upon your experiment...

Yeah. That's exactly how it went

Are you afraid of talking to people?

No, lay it on me brother. What do you have to say?
Gosh, the last time I heard that one I laughed so hard I kicked a slat out of my crib.

For christ's sake grow up people. Find us some peer reviewed studies that support your rejection of the greenhouse effect. Without that, you just haven't got a leg to stand on. Period.

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