CO2 Experiments posted here

With all the money that is available for AGW propaganda it is odd that a few tens of thousands for a realistic experiment hasmt been spent. The likely reason is that it has been spent buut the outcome was disappointing.
That's your problem. The info is there, so look at it. We're not wasting further time trying to educate those who refuse to be educated.

The world doesn't care about your tantrums or proclamations of victory. Scream, pout, stamp your feet, you're still considered to be kooks. The burden of proof is on you to show why the whole world is wrong and your cult is right. If you can't meet that burden of proof, learn to enjoy the humiliation you'll be experiencing for the rest of your life.

Wrong that's your problem. The challenge that has been in front of you is to provide the evidence to support your claim that 120 PPM of CO2 drives climate. I'm not going to waste my time if you haven't given yours. LOL, here thousand links find it. Sir you remain classless. I can only perceive you are a fraud and have zero evidence. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Of course there is no actual evidence supporting their claims...if there were, it would be splashed across every thread in 15 point red flashing letters every day...You would not be able to escape it as it would be everywhere all the time....such would be their glee at finally having some real evidence to support their claims.

So long as you get bitter insult, ad hominems, and knee deep bullshit when you ask for some actual evidence to support their claims, you can be quite sure than it doesn't exist...ergo the bitter insult, ad hominems and bullshit.

I'm not the one passing myself off as a nuclear weapons Officer

What is it with deniers and their obsessive love of vet-spitting? So many of them are sitting at home drooling in a bucket all day, saving up their spittle so they can drench the vets at the next Memorial Day parade.

No, they're not all doing it, but not a single one of them has ever had the decency to tell their fellow cultists that such behavior is considered totally unacceptable by ethical society. Moral standards are plainly much lower in the denier cult. Because of their "the ends always justify the means for my side" way of thinking, they're able to auto-justify any sleaze tactic that any cult member uses.
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I'm not the one passing myself off as a nuclear weapons Officer

What is it with deniers and their obsessive love of vet-spitting? So many of them are sitting at home drooling in a bucket all day, saving up their spittle so they can drench the vets at the next Memorial Day parade.

No, they're not all doing it, but not a single one of them has ever had the decency to tell their fellow cultists that such behavior is considered totally unacceptable by ethical society. Moral standards are plainly much lower in the denier cult. Because of their "the ends always justify the means for my side" way of thinking, they're able to auto-justify any sleaze tactic that any cult member uses.

Let's be clear: You're the phony vet and member of a Death Worshiping Cult, we're asking you for evidence.
We've got 3 proud vet-spitters here, Westwall, Frank and SSDD. It's not a coincidence that those simpering half-men that I've spanked the hardest are the ones who choose to resort to vet-spitting. Perhaps I shouldn't have humiliated them so often, as that seems to have driven them over the edge.
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We've got 3 proud vet-spitters here, Westwall, Frank and SSDD. It's not a coincidence that those simpering half-men that I've spanked the hardest are the ones who choose to resort to vet-spitting. Perhaps I shouldn't have humiliated them so often, as that seems to have driven them over the edge.

Who are you talking to? Sir, the right out failure to provide the evidence is clear to me that you and yours have conceded. Have a nice day!
We've got 3 proud vet-spitters here, Westwall, Frank and SSDD. It's not a coincidence that those simpering half-men that I've spanked the hardest are the ones who choose to resort to vet-spitting. Perhaps I shouldn't have humiliated them so often, as that seems to have driven them over the edge.

Vet spitter? The only vet spitter is you who claimed to be one when you clearly are not. You are a insult to the honorable men and women who have served this country and you should be ashamed of your dishonesty and unethical behavior.

And, regardless of the amount of off topic crap you post to try and derail the thread (since you have had your ass handed to you so completely) the fact remains that every CO2 experiment you have posted is a wonderful Ideal Gas Law demonstration but has NOTHING to do with a supposed warming induced by a 120ppm increase in the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere.
With all the money that is available for AGW propaganda it is odd that a few tens of thousands for a realistic experiment hasmt been spent. The likely reason is that it has been spent buut the outcome was disappointing.

Of course...probably done in more than one permutation but as with everything else in climate science...if the observation and the data don't support the failed hypothesis, it is promptly disposed of. Hell, they have tried to dispose of the entire Roman and Medieval periods of history.
I'm not the one passing myself off as a nuclear weapons Officer

What is it with deniers and their obsessive love of vet-spitting? So many of them are sitting at home drooling in a bucket all day, saving up their spittle so they can drench the vets at the next Memorial Day parade.

No, they're not all doing it, but not a single one of them has ever had the decency to tell their fellow cultists that such behavior is considered totally unacceptable by ethical society. Moral standards are plainly much lower in the denier cult. Because of their "the ends always justify the means for my side" way of thinking, they're able to auto-justify any sleaze tactic that any cult member uses.

If you are a vet, you are a disgrace to whatever unfortunate service you belonged to.
We've got 3 proud vet-spitters here, Westwall, Frank and SSDD. It's not a coincidence that those simpering half-men that I've spanked the hardest are the ones who choose to resort to vet-spitting. Perhaps I shouldn't have humiliated them so often, as that seems to have driven them over the edge.

Fuck you and the plywood that never got thru
Being a vet myself, and the husband of a vet, and the son and grandson of vets and the father of two vets, the idea of someone like mammoth in the service makes my stomach clench a bit. There have been plenty of disgraces in the service and I suppose mammoth could be one....the idea that she/he was in the service diminishes my pride in having served somewhat.
We've got 3 proud vet-spitters here, Westwall, Frank and SSDD. It's not a coincidence that those simpering half-men that I've spanked the hardest are the ones who choose to resort to vet-spitting. Perhaps I shouldn't have humiliated them so often, as that seems to have driven them over the edge.

Fuck you and the plywood that never got thru
Being a vet myself, and the husband of a vet, and the son and grandson of vets and the father of two vets, the idea of someone like mammoth in the service makes my stomach clench a bit. There have been plenty of disgraces in the service and I suppose mammoth could be one....the idea that she/he was in the service diminishes my pride in having served somewhat.

It's a Progressive thing; they pretend to be Veterans and Republicans
Vet spitter?

It fits in well with your sociopathic personalities. I guess you and Frank and SSDD have to go with what you're good at, so vet-spitting is your thing.

And, regardless of the amount of off topic crap you post to try and derail the thread

When you locate your balls, you can address what you've been trying so hard to deflect from. I'll start posting it again to help you out.

This is the equation for temperature change of a gas being compressed:


k for air is 1.4

Call T1 300K.

(P2/P1), for adding 120 ppm CO2 -- essentially compressing the air -- will be 1.00012

Running the numbers ... T2 is ... 300.01 K.

That is, a 0.01 degree temperature increase. Briefly, until that bit of heat conducts out. That's for the CO2 case. For the adding 1800 ppb methane case, it was more like .00015 degree. Yet the experiment showed a sustained temperature increases of around 1 degree. Can you explain why the temperature rise in the experiment was vastly greater than what would result from heat of compression?
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Vet spitter?

It fits in well with your sociopathic personalities. I guess you and Frank and SSDD have to go with what you're good at, so vet-spitting is your thing.

And, regardless of the amount of off topic crap you post to try and derail the thread

When you locate your balls, you can address what you've been trying so hard to deflect from. I'll start posting it again to help you out.

This is the equation for temperature change of a gas being compressed:


k for air is 1.4

Call T1 300K.

(P2/P1), for adding 120 ppm CO2 -- essentially compressing the air -- will be 1.00012

Running the numbers ... T2 is ... 300.01 K.

That is, a 0.01 degree temperature increase. Briefly, until that bit of heat conducts out. That's for the CO2 case. For the adding 1800 ppb methane case, it was more like .00015 degree. Yet the experiment showed a sustained temperature increases of around 1 degree. Can you explain why the temperature rise in the experiment was vastly greater than what would result from heat of compression?

What experiment showed a 1 degree increase??????????????????????????????????
What experiment showed a 1 degree increase??????????????????????????????????

The Mythbusters experiment.

Really? They never said what they were testing! I don't know how much CO2 was in each tank. I even called the guy they hired to conduct the test to ask him and he never returned my call or email

Show us on the video where they say there's a 120PPM difference between the 2 tanks
Really? They never said what they were testing! I don't know how much CO2 was in each tank. I even called the guy they hired to conduct the test to ask him and he never returned my call or email

Show us on the video where they say there's a 120PPM difference between the 2 tanks

A valid point, they don't give the concentrations. The video is really only a major problem for greenhouse effect deniers like SSDD and Westwall. Well, I think Westwall, but hard to tell, as he never wants to clearly state any position. Lukewarmers who say the greenhouse effect exists but isn't as strong as advertised shouldn't be bothered by the video.
Really? They never said what they were testing! I don't know how much CO2 was in each tank. I even called the guy they hired to conduct the test to ask him and he never returned my call or email

Show us on the video where they say there's a 120PPM difference between the 2 tanks

A valid point, they don't give the concentrations. The video is really only a major problem for greenhouse effect deniers like SSDD and Westwall. Well, I think Westwall, but hard to tell, as he never wants to clearly state any position. Lukewarmers who say the greenhouse effect exists but isn't as strong as advertised shouldn't be bothered by the video.

Do you find it odd that you can't locate a single experiment that tests for a 120PPM Increase in CO2?
Really? They never said what they were testing! I don't know how much CO2 was in each tank. I even called the guy they hired to conduct the test to ask him and he never returned my call or email

Show us on the video where they say there's a 120PPM difference between the 2 tanks

A valid point, they don't give the concentrations. The video is really only a major problem for greenhouse effect deniers like SSDD and Westwall. Well, I think Westwall, but hard to tell, as he never wants to clearly state any position. Lukewarmers who say the greenhouse effect exists but isn't as strong as advertised shouldn't be bothered by the video.

Lying is so your style. I have never denied the greenhouse effect. What I have stated is no climatologist can explain how it effects OUR atmosphere. They can only point to nearly 200 year old experiments and scream "see greenhouse gas!" I don't dispute that.

I do dispute the simplistic explanation of how the greenhouse effect operates on this planet. So far we get stupid Ideal Gas Law demonstrations that show a vessel filled with CO2 will absolutelypositivelyfuckinglootely generate a higher temperature than a similar vessel filled with O2. Wow...what a breakthrough:cuckoo:

Your problem...admiral, is you are a simpleton who knows nothing about science that you can't cut and paste from Wikipedia.... and that is a shame.
I have never denied the greenhouse effect.

You just cheerlead SSDD when he denies it.

What I have stated is no climatologist can explain how it effects OUR atmosphere.

A reality-denying claim, but when have you ever been connected to reality?

So far we get stupid Ideal Gas Law demonstrations that show a vessel filled with CO2 will absolutelypositivelyfuckinglootely generate a higher temperature than a similar vessel filled with O2. Wow...what a breakthrough.

So you're still implying a compressed gas constantly generates heat. Crazy statements about science just keep falling out of your mouth.

A bright sixth grader does better science than you, because that bright sixth grader at least understands his/her limitations. You don't. You stink at the science, and hilariously fail to realize it.

I think deniers got too many participation trophies as kids, and were told too often that they were precious little snowflakes. It shocks them so badly when people point out that their cult's crazy opinions are actually not every bit as valid as actual science.
I have never denied the greenhouse effect.

You just cheerlead SSDD when he denies it.

What I have stated is no climatologist can explain how it effects OUR atmosphere.

A reality-denying claim, but when have you ever been connected to reality?

So far we get stupid Ideal Gas Law demonstrations that show a vessel filled with CO2 will absolutelypositivelyfuckinglootely generate a higher temperature than a similar vessel filled with O2. Wow...what a breakthrough.

So you're still implying a compressed gas constantly generates heat. Crazy statements about science just keep falling out of your mouth.

A bright sixth grader does better science than you, because that bright sixth grader at least understands his/her limitations. You don't. You stink at the science, and hilariously fail to realize it.

I think deniers got too many participation trophies as kids, and were told too often that they were precious little snowflakes. It shocks them so badly when people point out that their cult's crazy opinions are actually not every bit as valid as actual science.

Just give it up admiral. When you use wiki for your scientific education it just makes you look stupid.

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