CO2 Levels Are Now Comparable to What They Were 4 Million Years Ago, Says NOAA

They are already hotter than ever. Change the damn channel. Watch any nature program. Super duper of BIG money propaganda...

It has been COOLING for nearly 7 years now, this a composite of all the standard temperature databases:


Consensus arguments are made by people who can't deliver the science research.

You didn't address my statement at all, want to try again?
"Which is normal for about 30% of the world."
the GOP is the only political party in the world that denies warming, ignoramus. The evidence is everywhere except for your big oil big money propaganda channel....
the GOP is the only political party in the world that denies warming, ignoramus. The evidence is everywhere except for your big oil big money propaganda channel....

Still nothing of science from you and you failed yet again to address my statement that angers you so much:

"Which is normal for about 30% of the world."

No one here denies the warming trend since 1979, since the 1850 and since 1690's but it has been COOLING since 2015.

I am a free-Thinking Independent.
It has been COOLING for nearly 7 years now, this a composite of all the standard temperature databases:

View attachment 656013


that's why every year is the hottest year on record, I don't know where you got that crap lol.

I posted the link that fully supports the chart.

You haven't addressed it at all thus it remains unchallenged.

No it hasn't been the hottest year on record for the last 7 years you moron as every year since the 2016 peak it has been cooler every single year since.

LOL the chart I posted linked and supported by the standard temperature databases remains unaddressed.

You are being a total retard now since you avoid all debate.
LOL the chart I posted linked and supported by the standard temperature databases remains unaddressed.

You are being a total retard now since you avoid all debate.
Your info is crap, dupe. Link to respected outlet? NOT A CHANCE....

CO2 Levels Are Now Comparable to What They Were 4 Million Years Ago​

Great! That's back in the early Pliocene when early man first started developing tools! Sounds like it must have been a really good thing for us!

Besides, if it was that high back then w/o man pumping smog in the air, and our having had 6-7 ice ages since then, then obviously, this is nothing new at all to the Earth so how can this be any biggie to the Earth NOW?
I posted the link that fully supports the chart.

You haven't addressed it at all thus it remains unchallenged.

No it hasn't been the hottest year on record for the last 7 years you moron as every year since the 2016 peak it has been cooler every single year since.
woodfor lol
Your ignorance of the website and your total lack of a counterpoint means you are running on nothing.

The Temperature databases used in the chart comes from the following list below.


The software used to generate charts is explained here
Keep doing "research" on pure crap. Absolute RW idiocy....Yes lately most of the temp rise has been in the oceans.....GOOGLE IT or read my link above from NOAA DUH.
Great! That's back in the early Pliocene when early man first started developing tools! Sounds like it must have been a really good thing for us!

Besides, if it was that high back then w/o man pumping smog in the air, and our having had 6-7 ice ages since then, then obviously, this is nothing new at all to the Earth so how can this be any biggie to the Earth NOW?
Listening to you BFMorons is hilarious.
NOAA lost their credibility on everything after they were caught (along with NASA) fabricating data during the Obama Administration.
Keep doing "research" on pure crap. Absolute RW idiocy....Yes lately most of the temp rise has been in the oceans.....GOOGLE IT or read my link above from NOAA DUH.

My chart remains unchallenged and 100% based on the official temperature data which I proved several times now.

Your inability to present a counterpoint is fast becoming a legend.

No it is warming faster on land and slower in the Oceans as per the Satellite data,


The linear warming trend since January, 1979 still stands at +0.13 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18 C/decade over global-averaged land).



You need to slow down.
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